Of what, we don't want to know.y
Posts: 4,243
Well, yeah we're not struggling for space, but it's sort of a catch 22: if it's busy enough for a roundabout to be necessary, it's already cramped enough to not have room for one, you know? Take Phoenix, for example. How are you going to have a roundabout for a 6 lane road when there's already businesses on every corner of the intersection? Or peoples' houses?
Anyway, roundabouts are pretty cool but I don't think they're the be-all end-all of intersection solutions. They're got their many advantages, but they've got their downfalls, too. Same with any other style of intersection. In most cases around here, I prefer the standard stop sign or yield or light configurations, especially downtown, or in the country. In the in between areas, I see a few places that could do with one, though. I wish there were more of them in that sense.
But then again, I'm an Okie now, and change scares me.