Jep Bartholomew Francisqué de Minguo El Inigo Montoya Padré the Third
Posts: 10,237
In french we call those "Femmes à battre."
I have a few friends like that who only like idiots who'll do crazy **** like beat them, steal from them, etc. and then piss and moan about it. NoESC, its a shame what you are going through, but in the long run I think we can all agree that you deserve someone much better than that. You never seemed like a jerk to me, so I'm sure you'll be able to get a better wife. I don't doubt that you still love her, thats the toughest to get over. I was lucky enough that my love turned to hate when Jess cheated on me. I guess that saved me some pain.
Or we can band together and start the Massassian GirlH8 Club.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless