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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Do you think this qualifies as "police brutality"?
Do you think this qualifies as "police brutality"?
2006-11-23, 11:02 AM #41
Why, I have very little urban warfare expertice in general.

2006-11-23, 12:01 PM #42
Originally posted by Avenger:
So, because a cop gets shot through a door, they weren't prepared. That's a crappy step in logic. Getting shot at when executing that kind of warrant is part of the business.

If they can be expected to be targets of shooting during missions like that, then they are supposed to try to avoid that by any means available. The only thing I'm trying to say is that if they were prepared to being shot at, and three of them got hit by a 92 years old grandmother, what would have happened to them if it hadn't been one granny but a couple of remorseless drug addicts armed to the teeth.

Well, this argument is getting repetitive and I can admit I'm only defending my somewhat one-sided thoughts and have already written all the points I can, so I'm dropping out of this.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2006-11-23, 12:18 PM #43
Originally posted by Freelancer:
LOL!!!! Someone is trying to argue with Argath? LOL!!! This is rich!! I have some advice for you now JLee. Sit down, boy. Now. Or you'll get served even worse. Argath is *never* ever wrong. Ever.

Werent you the one making fun of someone for saying "u"?

[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2006-11-23, 1:05 PM #44
Originally posted by lassev:
If they can be expected to be targets of shooting during missions like that, then they are supposed to try to avoid that by any means available. The only thing I'm trying to say is that if they were prepared to being shot at, and three of them got hit by a 92 years old grandmother, what would have happened to them if it hadn't been one granny but a couple of remorseless drug addicts armed to the teeth.

Well, this argument is getting repetitive and I can admit I'm only defending my somewhat one-sided thoughts and have already written all the points I can, so I'm dropping out of this.

The hole in your argument is that you're assuming that to police knew it was a 92 year old woman shooting at them as opposed to the door being breached and there being gunfire. As the article describes it, she was shooting as the door was opening, which means there was no time for the officers to see who was hooting at them.
Pissed Off?
2006-11-23, 1:15 PM #45
Well, I said I'm out of this argument, but let me make absolutely clear one thing: I'm not saying the police shouldn't have shot back. I never said anything like that. But I'm saying the police for some reason didn't take the situation seriously even though they were looking for a possible drug user. So, they proceeded carelessly to the house and immediately got severely shot at by a person who hardly would win gold medals in a competition: a bloody old grandmother.

Three trained men were wounded before anything could be done. Were all those three men cramming into the doorway at once or what on earth were they doing? Trying to see who could get inside the building first?
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2006-11-23, 1:20 PM #46
Who knows? We weren't there. Based on the fact that one officer got hit three times, I think it would be safe to assume that he was in the doorway when he was shot. As for the other two, there's no way to tell. They could have been on either side of the door and hit through the wall, hit by richochets or been hit trying to pull the wounded officer out of the house.
Pissed Off?
2006-11-23, 2:29 PM #47
Originally posted by Freelancer:
LOL!!!! Someone is trying to argue with Argath? LOL!!! This is rich!! I have some advice for you now JLee. Sit down, boy. Now. Or you'll get served even worse. Argath is *never* ever wrong. Ever.

Give me a break. By Argath's logic it is right for me to blow a random person's brains out if I believe it is right.

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