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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Now who's on the wrong side of the tracks?!
Now who's on the wrong side of the tracks?!
2006-12-11, 8:01 PM #41
I always rode bicycles everywhere in the city in SA.

Bunny hopping over houses was awesome when cops were chasing you.
2006-12-11, 8:40 PM #42
Originally posted by paladinZ:
Flying in SA is easy once you realize there is more too it than pressing left and right. It makes me wonder why the driving controls are so simplified.

Because if driving were as difficult as flying it'd make people get frustrated, stop playing the game, and go on killing sprees?
2006-12-11, 9:21 PM #43
Originally posted by Rob:
I always rode bicycles everywhere in the city in SA.

Bunny hopping over houses was awesome when cops were chasing you.

yeah, bunny hopping with full stats is ridiculous
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-12-11, 11:50 PM #44
[QUOTE=Glyde Bane] - The beginning dungeon in Baldur's Gate 2 isn't hard, it just discourages me from playing the game.[/QUOTE]
Do a Google search for "Dungeon Be Gone". It's a mod that introduces an NPC called Jasper St. Baird into the prison section who warps you straight to the exit. Better yet, he gives you all the gold, experience, and items you could've gotten, and gives you the option of what to do with both Yoshimo and the Dryad's quest.
2006-12-12, 1:06 AM #45
Originally posted by Darkjedibob:
yeah, bunny hopping with full stats is ridiculous

tap fire as you leave the ground (with a machine pistol equipped), and hold it long enough to make CJ bring his arm up, but not long enough to fire any shots.

You'll know if you did it right. It's a quick tap right after you release jump. It's fun even without any stats, but you'll have trouble with the landing sometimes.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-12-12, 11:38 AM #46
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
I just spent my whole friggin' afternoon trying to beat "The Wrong Side of the Tracks" or whatever it's called in San Andreas. I got it down to one person on my FIRST TRY, and then it just when to hell from there. i just got lucky, no jetpack, no cars on the track, just plain out LUCK.

I HATE that mission so much. Awhile ago, I posted a thread on how much trouble I had with it. Like you, I just got lucky, although it helps to get your motorcycle skill up and keep on the edge of the raised pathways when you get out into the countryside.

Other missions that were a problem was the "Jizzy" mission. The first two portions of it weren't that bad, but the third part where you had to chase the guy in the limo was awful. The broadway that you have to use seems to be damage-proof for the duration of the mission, but it's so slow that you can't catch up to the limo if it gets a lead. Even if oyu do catch up, you can't stay there long enough to do a drive-by and still drive. (Plus, there's no one around to recruit to help you out) I eventually used the smash-and-boom cheat to beat that mission.

I'm currently stuck on the second jizzy mission where you have to catch the 4 guys on motorcycles. These guys travel separately and you only have 5 minutes to do it in, which is ridiculous.

The whole GTA: Sa PC port feels unrefined and untested, like the gameplay hasn't been tweaked well enough-- I sometimes feel like I'm playing beta software.
2006-12-12, 11:47 AM #47
Originally posted by stat:
The flying controls (on the PC, I can't attest for other consoles) are much improved in SA over the other ones. They take a while to pick up, but eventually I could even get the miniatures working fine.

Flying might have been my favorite part of the game. I spent a lot of time just flying around looking for other aircraft to shoot down.

I liked the helicopter control in VC much better.

The miniatures have always sucked in all 3 games, particularly the plane.
2006-12-12, 11:50 AM #48
Interestingly a GTA game wouldn't be a GTA game with absolutely stupid and annoying missions. :P
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-12-12, 11:58 AM #49
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Interestingly a GTA game wouldn't be a GTA game with absolutely stupid and annoying missions. :P

You can say that again...I'm still stuck in Liberty City Stories because of the "Trouble With Triads" mission.
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2006-12-12, 7:00 PM #50
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS:
The first two portions of it weren't that bad, but the third part where you had to chase the guy in the limo was awful. The broadway that you have to use seems to be damage-proof for the duration of the mission, but it's so slow that you can't catch up to the limo if it gets a lead. Even if oyu do catch up, you can't stay there long enough to do a drive-by and still drive. (Plus, there's no one around to recruit to help you out) I eventually used the smash-and-boom cheat to beat that mission.

The main problem I have with chase missions is that some of them follow a different physics than every other vehicle, in the sense that half the time you can't PIT them. If you hit any other car on the street, PIT usually works fine, but if it's a mission critical vehicle, forget it.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)

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