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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Freedom fries and now this
Freedom fries and now this
2004-07-11, 1:35 PM #41
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Mort-Hog:
You might want to actually come up with a response before you make an idiotic reply like that.


Might want to take some of your own advice there, Mort. Laziness has nothing to do with it and neither does the quality of the product. Companies outsource because it is a whole lot cheaper to make something in South East Asia than it is in the US because you can pay someone $1 a day vs. a union worker $25 an hour. Even facoring in overseas shipping back to the US, it's still a whole lot cheaper than making the same product in the US, which turns a bigger profit. And that, my friend is what it's all about with these companies: PROFIT. Not laziness and you're clevery crafted argument suggests.

And I love your logic. Products aren't manufactured in the US, therefore Amercians are lazy. That's brilliant. I can't believe I missed that one []

Furthermore, you are generalizing about a group of people and their economy, thinking you actually know what you're talking about, when in reality, you don't know squat. So, as Morf said:

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Morfildor:
You may want to do some research before you make an idiotic statement like that.</font>

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.

[This message has been edited by Avenger (edited July 11, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by Avenger (edited July 11, 2004).]
Pissed Off?
2004-07-11, 1:46 PM #42
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Ric_Olie:
Anybody ever read H.G. Well's "The War of the Worlds?" Remember towards the end when the artilleryman is explaining how the world needed the Martian invasion to kill off the weak and feeble? The clerks who scurry about to their jobs and to their homes with little ambition, just automatons in society; how the Martians would fatten these up and then kill them? Well, I think we are past due for something like that, only for the stupid people in the world.

We hear that obesity is becoming the next big epidemic, but I disagree. I think it's stupidity.


That part never made it into jeff waynes musical version (that is closest I have gotten to reading the book)

Those silly bullets have minds of their own!
Jon`C:Irony is spelling 'quality' poorly.
Spork:Well I think 'Irony is spelling grammar poorly'
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)--@%
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2004-07-11, 1:49 PM #43
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">
Might want to take some of your own advice there, Mort. Laziness has nothing to do with it and neither does the quality of the product. Companies outsource because it is a whole lot cheaper to make something in South East Asia than it is in the US because you can pay someone $1 a day vs. a union worker $25 an hour. Even facoring in overseas shipping back to the US, it's still a whole lot cheaper than making the same product in the US, which turns a bigger profit. And that, my friend is what it's all about with these companies: PROFIT. Not laziness and you're clevery crafted argument suggests.

Then Americans shouldn't demand that much money.

If someone else is willing to do the same job for less money then of course a company will employ them.
An American worker doesn't do the job 25 times faster or better than an Asian.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2004-07-11, 1:51 PM #44
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Dormouse:

But WW1/2 were rather notorious for similar things. Most notably the change from 'Frankfurter' to 'hot dog', sometimes going as far as to use 'liberty cabbage' for 'sauerkraut', and 'liberty measles' for 'german' measles', along with similar sorts of replacements.

Actualy, hot dogs were originaly called dauchounds (sp?), but someone who wanted to advertise them couldn't spell it (can you blame him) and just called it a hot dog.

Those silly bullets have minds of their own!
Jon`C:Irony is spelling 'quality' poorly.
Spork:Well I think 'Irony is spelling grammar poorly'
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)--@%
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2004-07-11, 1:53 PM #45
This isn't exclusive the US, you know

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-07-11, 2:02 PM #46
Mort, it's a standard of living. Living in the US is more expensive than living in Southeast Asia even if you are only paying for bare necessities.

Kieran: The reason I put a link to it is because she is in underwear and I know the admins are touchy on that.
Yecti: Jaiph will touch himself for hours if he so much as smells a woman's underwear
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-07-11, 2:07 PM #47
It doesn't matter anyway. Americans invent new jobs, and we meanwhile export our crappy jobs to other countries. Get it?

Many of the jobs we hold in America today didn't exist a decade ago.

Ω of 14
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[
2004-07-11, 3:35 PM #48
Yes, I was basically responding to the 'foreigners are stealing all our jobs' complaint.

But even the services sector is moving into India.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2004-07-11, 5:50 PM #49
For the same reasons as above

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-07-11, 7:48 PM #50
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by alpha1:
Actualy, hot dogs were originaly called dauchounds (sp?), but someone who wanted to advertise them couldn't spell it (can you blame him) and just called it a hot dog.</font>

They were /also/ called 'dachshunds', thuogh as far as i know that changed at the same time as the frankfurters thing.

[Blue Mink Bifocals !] [fsck -Rf /world/usr/] [<!-- kalimonster -->] [Capite Terram]
"That's why we had to beat you with tennis rackets".
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2004-07-11, 7:55 PM #51
"When it's time for this planet to die, you'll understand that you know absolutely nothing." — Bugenhagen
2004-07-11, 8:14 PM #52
As for the topic: Yeah this is stupid. "W Ketchup" ? C'mon guys, you can do better than this.

As for outsourcing: Once American workers stop being so greedy, then companies can hire "native" workers. If you doubt the greed present, I refer you to the grocery worker's strike that lasted three months here in Southern California. Grocery stores wanted union workers to pay an additional..$15 I think it was to their health care. Well they were not paying or barely paying any health care. Grocery stores picked up the tab. Now that Wal-Mart has moved into So. Cal, grocery stores are starting to fail. So stores wanted workers to pitch in some. They had a coniption fit. Moral of the story, they had virtually no support and the union caved as workers said "f*** this. I'm gone."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2004-07-11, 11:38 PM #53
This political talk is quite strange. If some company brings out a new brand of ketchup, they just want to make money. The ketchup market is not a new market but one with hard competition. I think this is nothing but an attempt to steal a share of the selling. It might look like a political issue, but it must be all about money...

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Dormouse:
The /real/ irony here though is that 'French fries' are actually Belgium, not the mention that we are the only language in the world [that i am aware of] which /calls/ them that in the first place, most everywhere else they are merely 'frittes' or 'pommes frittes' or some variation thereof.</font>

Hey, we call them that in Finnish! French potatoes to be exact. I'm wounded you are so totally unaware of our internationally important language! []

Frozen by ICARUS
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2004-07-11, 11:39 PM #54
I kinda wish Kerry had married an heiress of a different company... Such as Sara Lee. I could imagine the response: "That apple pie you buy is UNAMARICAN!"

But seriously, this "W" ketchup is a twisted work of demented minds. Just because the oil industry has the Bush team in it's collective pocket, does that mean liberals/democrats would stop using any petrolium products? Of course not! Even if there was an anti-bush oil company (as impossible as that would be), the vast majority (99%) would be far more concerned about the cost of their gasolene then over which party the company's PAC supported, or the political leaning of their shareholders.

"I know there's got to be some sort of mathematical equation for this sort of thing, but I prefer trial and error. It's one of the advantages of having a socialized health care system."
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...
2004-07-12, 1:54 AM #55
Edit: Oops, Kieran already said it. []

[This message has been edited by Morfildor (edited July 12, 2004).]
2004-07-12, 1:55 AM #56
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Mort-Hog:

But even the services sector is moving into India.

Yup, and the quality keeps going further and further down the whole.
2004-07-12, 2:04 AM #57
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by lassev:

Hey, we call them that in Finnish! French potatoes to be exact. I'm wounded you are so totally unaware of our internationally important language! []


'ranskalaisia' is funnier to translate. []

<landfish> FastGamerr > Satan
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2004-07-12, 5:11 AM #58
this thread make me sot hungry!

we win at pooll! woo

but we break pool sti kc ahahrrhhaha

oh well, they find that our tommorrow

me so hunrgry
2004-07-12, 5:22 AM #59
Yeah I want some French Fries........

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