You're young yet, so you haven't had time to analyze to a degree of depth. But thanks to me and my philanthropic values, I'll explain it to you a bit.
Tax cuts do not cost the government money. Well, not in the longer run (and it's important not to be short-sighted, right?). I'll paint the scenario for you.
1. Government gives tax cuts to all (your wealthy only claims are partisan BS, I know for a fact because I myself benefitted from them, while you probably don't even have a full time job).
2. The people get more money.
3. The people spend more money.
4. The companies make more money.
5. The people make more money.
6. The government also gets more money, because they charge a PERCENT of income.
As you can see, economic growth also benfits the government, and in the end, everyone. That makes sense to you doesn't it? The economy does better, and *EVERYONE* makes more money. You may be thinking "but that money has to come from somewhere!!!". Not always, and that is the beauty of actual economic growth.
Meanwhile, taxing people more heavily just sends their money to the government, where it may as well be thrown into a furnace because bureaucracy, as we all know, is disgustingly inefficient as there is no capitalistic incentive to be efficient for the government; it's revenues are stolen, not earned, and therefore its actual ability to be efficient, fast, and agile are irrelevant: everyone still gets paid even for a job crappily done. Of course, that's another topic altogether, and I am digressing.
I also notice your shrill screaming about the wealthy only getting tax cuts. While this is in fact untrue, it will regardless benefit everyone. Please refer back to my steps, and note that if the wealthy spend lots and lots of money on American business, American business makes more money, and pays their employees more, and therefore the middle class and lower class, like me, make more as well.
As for your unemployment rates talk, how about some proof from a reputable source regarding the most recent months of 2004?
I hope this helps explains some of the ideas behind Republican policy.
Ω of 14
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[