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ForumsDiscussion Forum → "Customers do not want online games." True or false?
"Customers do not want online games." True or false?
2004-07-10, 9:14 AM #41
Is Iwata talking about just consoles or about PC's too?

Kieran: The reason I put a link to it is because she is in underwear and I know the admins are touchy on that.
Yecti: Jaiph will touch himself for hours if he so much as smells a woman's underwear

[This message has been edited by Kieran Horn (edited July 10, 2004).]
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-07-10, 9:21 AM #42
I assume he is talking about Console games. He said "Customers don't want online games", so i can only assume he means Nintendo's customers.

"No good can ever come from staying with normal people"
-Outlaw Star
"Some people play tennis. I erode the human soul"
-Tycho, Penny Arcade
"I'm a Cannabal-Vegitarian. I will BBQ an employee if there is no veggie option"
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²[/i]
A Knight's Tail
Exile: A Tale of Light in Dark
The Never Ending Story²
"I consume the life essence itself!... Preferably medium rare" - Mauldis

2004-07-10, 9:54 AM #43
I did some more research, and it seems that the "customers" he's referring to are the Japanese gamers as some of you have mentioned. Concerning that Hot Shot Golf example he gave, I wouldn't exactly validate that as proof. There are other variables such as maybe a lack of improvement, which is why people didn't buy the online sequel version.
For me I favor the single player the most, but I still like to have online as an option.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Brian:Hell, I barely play online PC games</font>

You seriously don't play Jedi Knight's multiplayer online?
2004-07-10, 11:49 AM #44
For me, it really depends on the game. I buy more games for SP value, like Far Cry or Splinter Cell. The gmaes I've played online most in the last year or so have been America's Army and Enemy Territory because they were free. I did get BF:V a few months back and love it though.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-07-11, 2:00 PM #45
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by SG-fan:
I absolutely HATE pc games that are only online games, especially when you have to pay a monthly fee to play them. Seriously, you already bought the game, now you have to pay even more to play it! I also enjoy a good singleplayer campain, which you don't get in an online only game. All game companies should try to get the happy balance between a great singleplayer and a great multiplayer.


exactly, They should design a way to make lots of AI characters that you can meet, not see for weeks of gameplay, meet them again and they will still act the same.

Those silly bullets have minds of their own!
Jon`C:Irony is spelling 'quality' poorly.
Spork:Well I think 'Irony is spelling grammar poorly'
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)--@%
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2004-07-11, 3:59 PM #46
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by SG-fan:
I absolutely HATE pc games that are only online games, especially when you have to pay a monthly fee to play them. Seriously, you already bought the game, now you have to pay even more to play it!</font>

I'm more of a single player game guy myself however I see nothing wrong with paying additional money for online gaming. Especially when the game company is providing extended service. I pay for XBox Live and really don't even use it that much.

Have you forgotten ...
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2004-07-11, 5:39 PM #47
Someone needs to shoot Iwata. Seriously. He's a frickin idiot, and obviously doesn't even stop to consider that there are more gamers in the US alone than on his little islands, and that they MIGHT feel differently about gaming than the Japanese. But, then again, he is a senile old fart, so I'm sure that's beyond his mental capacities.

Sadly, I'm afraid the one thing that'll kill Nintendo is Iwata, not competition from MS or Sony.
2004-07-11, 7:06 PM #48
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by YesSir:
As a g-cuber, I am tired and frustrated with nintendo. They make the dumbest business decisions. Like not making SSB:3, or releasing the first "realistic" Zelda game for GC, not making mario kart online compatible, etc. Also donkey kong. They have bad advisery and people on there staffs. They don't know how to make money. Mario party 6 aint gonna make you no bread. Er body hates mario party. It died out after the 3rd one. STOP MAKING IT. MAKE SSB:3, THATS WHERE THE BREADS AT.



Nintendo doesn't know how to make money? Are you serious?

You guys are forgetting a key aspect Nintendo is pretty high on: Quality. Online gaming doesn't always have the best quality: tons of Xbox Live games lag a lot, whether it be because it's all P2P or crappy gaming coding, but they still lag, and it hinders the game experience. Nintendo would want their games to be perfectly playable over the internet. The slightest bit of lag in Super Smash Bros. would ruin it, and I personally wouldn't play it online if I detected the absolute slightest bit of lag. Just look at how big Nintendo is on multiplayer, if they thought online was viable for them then they'd do it.

Also, why does everyone hate Nintendo so much for not having online games? The Cube is just as online ready as Xbox and the PS2 right now, companies just aren't releasing online games for it. Why? Who knows. Ikaruga for GC had an internet scoring option where you entered a code on the website and your score would then be on the web...why couldn't Treasure (or more likely, Atari) simply allow the score to be uploaded via the console? Companies are just forgetting about the modems and BB adapters out there for what I would call simple lazyness.

I must be in the small minority when I say I'm not that interested in online console gaming.

To think that once I could not see beyond the veil of reality, to see those who dwell behind. I was once a fool.
2004-07-11, 7:16 PM #49
now that i have the 9800 pro. I can't stand the gfx of consoles it makes me feel like i just downgraded back to a geforce 2

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">whenever any form of government becomes destructive to securing the rights of the governed, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it</font>

---Thomas jefferson, Declaration of Independance.
whenever any form of government becomes destructive to securing the rights of the governed, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it
---Thomas jefferson, Declaration of Independance.
2004-07-12, 7:22 AM #50
I would definitely say that internet gaming on the console has little to no interest for me. This is particularly due to the fact that all online console games have a fee; After I've already dropped $30-60US on a game (if not more), I don't want to have to pay another $15 a month just to play it... The same goes for Xbox Live, on top of the fact that I just simply avoid the Xbox (and once I get my X800XT, I'll be avoiding it even harder).

I don't think anybody can really be honest in saying that they prefer playing against strangers that act like a**-holes online to a few of their best friends. Slapping "online" onto any given game does not make it better; having good gameplay (in any mode) does. The only online games I play are free to play: Diablo, StarCraft/Warcraft, GunBound, and Unreal Tournament (though I don't play them as often as I used to, favoring offline MP games such as SSBM), and moreover, I prefer playing against people I can actually see face-to-face; It's not quite so bad playing online, when the people you're playing with are sitting in the same room.

As for what Nintendo should do, I think they're doing fine. I don't remember where the statistics where, but wasn't the GC the second best seller worldwide, trailing only the PS2? (of course, the Xbox has ludicrously inflated sales in the US) Also, I believe Nintendo is trying to refrain from the sequel craze for the most part; it really kills a series. That's why we didn't see SSB2 for the N64 back in 2000/2001, and had to wait for a whole new console before the sequel arrived. I doubt we'll see another SSB game before the "revolution" project is complete. Of course, in addition to the improvements in graphical quality that would be expected, I can easily think of dozens of new characters, maps, and play styles that I'd have liked to see in Melee. As for Zelda games, I was a little disapointed by Windwaker. However, I can't take points away for its using cell-shading, given that it was one of the first games to try it. However, I'd still say it beats shelling out a monthly fee almost the size of a DSL fee just to play a console game online; I've tried it (thanks to friends), and it doesn't add much.

"I know there's got to be some sort of mathematical equation for this sort of thing, but I prefer trial and error. It's one of the advantages of having a socialized health care system."
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...
2004-07-12, 7:30 AM #51
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by TwistedSoul:
now that i have the 9800 pro. I can't stand the gfx of consoles it makes me feel like i just downgraded back to a geforce 2</font>

What was the last console game you played, and how awful were the artists who made it?
2004-07-12, 10:12 AM #52
Well, I'm not sure if any of the modern consoles would actually look notably worse than the PC, especially when you have the blurring due to the TV.

I found an interesting site that goes well with this thread, somewhat informative (hardware specs), and very humorous:

"I know there's got to be some sort of mathematical equation for this sort of thing, but I prefer trial and error. It's one of the advantages of having a socialized health care system."
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...
2004-07-12, 10:42 AM #53
I feel the same way Jon`C, and I only have a Ti4400. PC games have just long surpassed their console counterparts.

There is no signature
2004-07-12, 11:00 AM #54
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">I don't think anybody can really be honest in saying that they prefer playing against strangers that act like a**-holes online to a few of their best friends.</font>

There's nothing like sitting in front of my monitor, playing JK, butt-naked. While I'm not shy about my body, I find that most people tend to get irritated when I play games naked. As a matter of fact, the guys in my clan get creeped out sometimes, just knowing that when we're playing together online, I'm totally naked.

------------------ (status = down :/)
Napalm Death Squad (status = alpha)
2004-07-12, 2:17 PM #55
......why would you play your games while naked?
2004-07-12, 3:14 PM #56
I mean...not even boxers?

I made a thread, that turned into the debate, so I made a second thread, that turned into a debate, then I made a third thread, that caught on fire, burned down, got flamed, crapped on, bashed, then turned into a debate...but the fourth one, the fourth one stayed on topic!
Think while it's still legal.

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