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ForumsDiscussion Forum → So the can says 2 per day max.
So the can says 2 per day max.
2007-01-11, 6:12 PM #41
Originally posted by KnobZ2:
Try Mountain Dew AMP. It's one of the few Energy drinks that I think tastes pretty good.

mmm, watery mountain dew.
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2007-01-11, 6:59 PM #42
Originally posted by JediKirby:
mmm, watery mountain dew.

It tastes like orange. Dew does not.
2007-01-11, 8:37 PM #43
I hate energy drinks/caffeine for all the reasons posted here. Sometimes if i'm in class or something and I'm about to fall asleep because I'm not doing anything but sitting listening to lecture, I will chew some Jolt gum, or have a soda or something, but beyond that rare occurance, I find that going into the reading room in the library between classes and taking a 10-20 minute nap is far more effective. Plus, I am not addicted to anything, nor am I spending tons of money every day on expensive drinks.

Personal preference though. If you like that stuff, power to you. You probably get more work done in a day than I do.
2007-01-11, 9:11 PM #44
Originally posted by MBeggar:
Urgh red bull tastes gross

The most true statement in all the universe.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-01-12, 8:39 AM #45
Red Bull is ACE with jäger. Anyone who disagrees is a liar and should be hung by his testicles from the highest tree branch.

I'm highly addicted to caffeine, but I just drink a crapload of soda a day. We're talking in the upwards of 200-250 ounces a day, at least.
2007-01-12, 2:48 PM #46
I drink Arizona green tea. BEST DRINK EVER.


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