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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Star trek vs. Star Wars
Star trek vs. Star Wars
2007-01-31, 2:14 PM #41
Thats true, I don't think that energy uses different frequencies.
Yes it does. However, that doesn't mean you can pass through a shield just by finding the magic number.
Wikissassi sucks.
2007-01-31, 3:00 PM #42
LOL. Of course you know this, even though shields made of pure energy don't exist.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-01-31, 4:33 PM #43
Superb editing.
2007-01-31, 6:46 PM #44
Now, if Star Trek transporter tech can pierce Star Wars shielding

And the meters of armored hull beneath the shield, and that's just the outside edges...
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2007-01-31, 8:43 PM #45
Originally posted by Isuwen:
Star Destroyers, however, are gigantic destroyers and carriers.
You mean battleship/cruiser. Star Destroyers are definitely not designed for ship-to-ship combat from what I've seen in the movies and games. They have limited missile capacity and in order to get into turbolaser range they're putting themselves within firing range too. Their main starfighter complement, as well: TIE Fighters. Whoopdedoo.

Mon Calamari cruisers and Frigates both have more missile batteries than a damn ISD. To make matters worse, they carry better starfighters, all of which can be armed with torpedoes or better. The main plus of an ISD is the fact that it has a lot of flat surface area, so orbital bombardments take a lot less time. :P

In the EU and games, at the very least, the Empire's foremost anti-starship weapons are the Assault Gunboat and the Missile Boat. Both of them can operate independently from a Star Destroyer.

The Empire doesn't build effective. They build big, and they build lots. I don't think it's hard to see why the Imperial Doctrine calls for attacking enemies with a force three times superior.

Also, according to the knuckledraggers on, because there's a "Star Destroyer" there has to also be a "Star Battleship" and a "Star Carrier" and a "Star Frigate". They are so goddamn stupid.

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