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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Crappiest FPS weapon of all time?
Crappiest FPS weapon of all time?
2007-01-31, 7:47 AM #41
Originally posted by Antony:
Most default weapons are worthless, and whats even worse, is your character is usually some sort of professional soldier or government operative, and your boss sends you into a highly militerized area with the lamest weapon in the entire game.

Except in Halo. :)
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
2007-01-31, 7:48 AM #42
Originally posted by djwguitarman:
Except in Halo. :)

And Gears of War
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2007-01-31, 8:32 AM #43
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
no... that pistol may not do as much damage as other guns it's super accurate even when rapid firing

the most useless CS* gun is the UMP same accuracy as the MP5 and the increased damage per round is not enough to cover the lower rate of fire the existance of the MP5 makes the UMP kinda pointless

Yeah, the UMP sucks, but I'd have to say the dualies are worse. Seriously, they've got 30 bullets, but I guarantee you only one of them out of every clip is going to hit the target you're aiming at.
2007-01-31, 8:58 AM #44
I'm pretty decent with dualies and the 5-7 (Especially after they buffed all the pistols save for the deagle) the TMP is also pretty grand.

However, there are some really useless weapons out there. Take for example some low level dagger in Oblivion, or the P20 or whatever in Deus Ex. One shot for something that doesn't even kill in one hit on a headshot? Ugh (At least not for me)

in XIII the normal pistol is pretty pathetic, same with the pistol in DooM (Even the fists are better IMO. Beserk is crazy stuff)
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-01-31, 11:55 AM #45
Originally posted by ragna:
the engineer's pea-shooter in HL:TFC

I dunno. I think the nail-gun is pretty much worse.

But then again, I don't know why an engineer would resort to the rail-gun. Shotgun is fine when there are no SGs around to tend to.
2007-01-31, 12:01 PM #46
Originally posted by Echoman:
I dunno. I think the nail-gun is pretty much worse.

But then again, I don't know why an engineer would resort to the rail-gun. Shotgun is fine when there are no SGs around to tend to.

Yea, but in TFC things are pretty well balanced, like scout spikes aren't meant for kill but to annoy and slow down. I like the railgun cause it is accurate, but it is sooo slow of a projectile.

BTW it is funny when I kill someone with scout spikes
This is retarded, and I mean drooling at the mouth
2007-01-31, 12:08 PM #47
The proper name for the scout spike is caltrop, I believe.

I think they do around six damage. I've seen scouts die by running over their own caltrops, somehow.
2007-01-31, 12:14 PM #48
yea i agree with the Klobb
(JKLE_Cougar) from JK MP Community
2007-01-31, 12:18 PM #49
Originally posted by Warehouse:
Doom 3 - Flashlight

I found it very useful. I actually ran out of ammo before I got to the first teleporter, and I was beating spiders and babies down left and right.

And I lived.

Now the fists... (unless you had a beserk :D )
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2007-01-31, 12:49 PM #50
Beserk in DooM 3 is the greatest thing in crowded LAN parties to hear. Playing in the dark, everyone playing rounds of D3, then hearing the "EEEEEEEEEEEEEARAAAAGGGHH" from across the room. Gold
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-01-31, 12:56 PM #51
Originally posted by Avenger:
I loved that thing. No, the true loser is:

Klobb - Goldeneye

First one got it. I can't recall any other gun a player receives that is in every way worse that the default weapon.

And in multi-player? Picking up the klobb was pretty much like picking up nothing.
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2007-01-31, 1:02 PM #52
I have to agree with the Klobb as well. We called it the 'stinky gun' because it always stunk to end up with it.
2007-01-31, 1:08 PM #53
Originally posted by Freelancer:
In Serious Sam, the revolvers. They are laughably horrid.

They had unlimited ammo and were dead-nuts accurate. Sure, they're unrealistic as hell, but you could see an enemy way off in the distance as a tiny dot, make your targetting reticle go red over it, and unload with the pistols, killing the enemy before it's anything even resembling a threat. They were like tiny, weak sniper rifles.
2007-01-31, 1:58 PM #54
I was trying to think of a weapon from Gears of War that sucked, but I couldn't. The pound hammer, I suppose. It's pretty useless in SP - at least, I never traded my lancer for it. I traded my shotgun a few times, when it ran out, but always picked up the next shotgun I found. But it gets a nice buff in MP that makes it much more powerful. It actually takes people down faster than the lancer, but you waste more when you miss because it's locked into three-round bursts.

The absolute worst weapon ever? The dinky last resort phaser in elite force. Sure, it has unlimited ammo, but it takes forever to recharge and does almost no damage.
Wikissassi sucks.
2007-01-31, 2:03 PM #55
Originally posted by Isuwen:
The absolute worst weapon ever? The dinky last resort phaser in elite force. Sure, it has unlimited ammo, but it takes forever to recharge and does almost no damage.

Bwahaha so someone else did play that game!
2007-01-31, 2:16 PM #56
The phaser rifle was awesome. It was my preferred weapon through the whole game, except against borg where obviously you are required to use the I-mod. But it's smaller cousin just sucked. And then Raven re-used the melting affect as some sort of 'disrupter' in JO. WTF was that? Since when did people melt in Star Wars? No, in Star Wars, they have big gaping smoking holes. They don't vanish into nothing!
Wikissassi sucks.
2007-01-31, 2:32 PM #57
Many of the weapons in Quake 4 were horrible until you upgraded them, and still most of them were kinda crap. The pistol in Quake 4 has to be the worst pistol of any game ever made.
>>untie shoes
2007-01-31, 3:06 PM #58
Originally posted by Avenger:
Klobb - Goldeneye

$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2007-01-31, 3:43 PM #59
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Well you see, the thing is, you don't use that against organic enemies. They're great for droids.

Actually I tried it on driods and it was no different than on a person. Pretty dumb if you ask me.

I have to say that the Assault Rifle in UTK4 was bad. Bad in a "why not start off weaponless?" kind of way. It's just so laughably bad.

Most of the weapons on Far Cry were really underpowered. It felt like they were all .22s.

The Bryar in JO/JA was really bad, but then, so were most of the other weapons in the game.
2007-01-31, 4:05 PM #60
Um, the bryar in JO/JA was insanely good... as were all the weapons except the Stun Prod, Saber and DEMP.

Evidently you just weren't very good.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2007-01-31, 4:12 PM #61
I loved paired Assault Rifles in UT2004. Don't know why people hate them so much, was my favorite weapon(s). The worst weapon I remember's the axe from the original Quake. I don't remember killing ANYTHING with that.
2007-01-31, 4:20 PM #62
Originally posted by Detty:
Um, the bryar in JO/JA was insanely good... as were all the weapons except the Stun Prod, Saber and DEMP.

Evidently you just weren't very good.

The Bryar is worthless if not charged though, and the shot moves pretty slowly too.

Also, the tripmines were bad, especially on default maps.
2007-01-31, 4:27 PM #63
That's true, I forgot about the charge. It's been awhile sine I've played it.
2007-01-31, 4:46 PM #64
Originally posted by Brian:
I think the crappiest weapon of all time in any FPS is the Unreal slime blob gun thing. That thing just sucks.

That's because you suck at it. It's incredibly powerful when used properly. Perhaps not as effective as the other weapons, but it has its moments.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-01-31, 4:50 PM #65
Originally posted by Detty:
Um, the bryar in JO/JA was insanely good... as were all the weapons except the Stun Prod, Saber and DEMP.

The DEMP was amazing in Nar Shaddaa or other maps with a lot of ledges, but that's about it. I think in JA they removed the shockwave that it created? That made it virtually useless.

The lightsaber was fairly useless in MP, but more useful in SP. I remember it being more useful than it was in JK, because in JK you couldn't deflect blaster bolts well while running forward.

Oh and yeah, the Bryar was amazing. Bryar snipes from across the map were very satisfying and very humiliating to the enemy. :D

Also, TDs in any JK game weren't useless, but not as effective as they should have been. In the SW universe, TDs vaporize just about anything within their blast radius. Personal shields help, I guess, but if you're low or out, one TD should kill you instantly.

I remember the UMP 40 and 45 being very effective for close to medium range in the Rainbow Six games. 45 stopping power in full auto, you don't wanna be on the other side of that.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-01-31, 5:04 PM #66
Remember Morpheus for JK multiplayer? That level modified the thermal dets to do a HELL of a lot of damage, have a huge boom, and a really nice new sound effect. 1 hit kill, I believe. Scariest weapon ever. :D
2007-01-31, 5:36 PM #67
Originally posted by Emon:
The DEMP was amazing in Nar Shaddaa or other maps with a lot of ledges, but that's about it. I think in JA they removed the shockwave that it created? That made it virtually useless.

Maybe its just me but alot of the weapons of JO in JA seemed less deadly and less fun. And the new concussion rifle was crap. Real crap.
2007-01-31, 5:37 PM #68
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Unreal's blob gun indeed, but I have to say the guns in Painkiller aren't as powerful as they should be in such a neat brainless shooter. Or something.

the shotgun is pretty good in that game.

The stake gun arcs too much to really be aimable unless you have the weapon enhancer on.

the ninja star gun seems kind of pointless-- it's short range but has a fast rate of fire--- you may as well use the minigun that is attached to the rocket launcher since it is long range and shoots fast as well.

I know that its a mindless shooter, but the thing that instinctively bothers me about painkiller is the fact that ammo is randomly scattered everywhere in most of the maps. I mean, who would leave amo siting around like that, especially when none of the enemies use it? At least in other recent games, ammo is placed logically in storerooms or in cabinets, etc.
2007-01-31, 5:39 PM #69
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS:
the shotgun is pretty good in that game.

The stake gun arcs too much to really be aimable unless you have the weapon enhancer on.

the ninja star gun seems kind of pointless-- it's short range but has a fast rate of fire--- you may as well use the minigun that is attached to the rocket launcher since it is long range and shoots fast as well.

I know that its a mindless shooter, but the thing that instinctively bothers me about painkiller is the fact that ammo is randomly scattered everywhere in most of the maps. I mean, who would leave amo siting around like that, especially when none of the enemies use it? At least in other recent games, ammo is placed logically in storerooms or in cabinets, etc.

Yeah at least it was explained in Serious Sam...Ammo from the FUTURE!
2007-01-31, 5:43 PM #70
Originally posted by Isuwen:
And then Raven re-used the melting affect as some sort of 'disrupter' in JO. WTF was that? Since when did people melt in Star Wars? No, in Star Wars, they have big gaping smoking holes. They don't vanish into nothing!

as a sniping weapon, it sucked too.

To get a one-shot kill on an opponent with 100% health, you had to charge the weapon up to almost maximum, which used a lot of ammo and is really slow. A low power burst did nothing except betray your position. Plus, that weapon sucked for tracking moving targets. It was only good for using on peole oblivious to your presence or people who were camping.
2007-01-31, 5:45 PM #71
Originally posted by Brian:
Bwahaha so someone else did play that game!

*raises hand*
I actually thought it was pretty cool. I was never a ST fan, but I went through a phase where I watched Voyager semi-regularly, and really enjoyed that game (except the extreme short-ness, and a couple other little things).
2007-01-31, 6:11 PM #72
You people dissing the JO/JA sabers, you just weren't any good with them.

Then again, I didn't play FFA. I just played duel. Usually with all the force powers disabled except jump and the saber skills. I remember when JA first came out, and all the turds started using doubles and staves. Me and my single stick magic ripped them to shreds.
Wikissassi sucks.
2007-01-31, 6:41 PM #73
The saber system in JA is utter godliness. Most awesome melee fight system I've ever played in a game. Too bad it was the only good part of the game, save for force powers.
2007-01-31, 6:47 PM #74
Force powers in JA made the gameplay slow and quite dull. CTF became a contest of push and pull.
2007-01-31, 6:49 PM #75
I hate the JA saber combat, I much prefer JO.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2007-01-31, 6:57 PM #76
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS:
as a sniping weapon, it sucked too.

To get a one-shot kill on an opponent with 100% health, you had to charge the weapon up to almost maximum, which used a lot of ammo and is really slow. A low power burst did nothing except betray your position. Plus, that weapon sucked for tracking moving targets. It was only good for using on peole oblivious to your presence or people who were camping.

Also wrong.

The disruptor was my favourite weapon in the game, I loved sniping mid-air targets, I also loved sniping mid-air targets whilst I was in mid-air. It's not an easy weapon to master but i'd say it's probably the most effective one in the game.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2007-01-31, 7:00 PM #77
Originally posted by Isuwen:
You people dissing the JO/JA sabers, you just weren't any good with them.

Then again, I didn't play FFA. I just played duel. Usually with all the force powers disabled except jump and the saber skills. I remember when JA first came out, and all the turds started using doubles and staves. Me and my single stick magic ripped them to shreds.

One of the best saberists who played JO played against a gunner in a mod that intentionally crippled gunners and gave saberists an advantage, he still lost quite convincingly. Of course playing duel you'll never have noticed this difference because you only played sabers vs sabers, but as a weapon in a set of about 10 it was easily the one that got me the least kills (other than DEMP and Thermal Detonators which are much more situational weapons).
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2007-01-31, 7:03 PM #78
Guys, I'm talking about single player. Multiplayer in JA and JO are worthless.
2007-01-31, 7:04 PM #79
Although the UMP kinda does suck in CS:S, it is still quite fun to use and to go on rampages with..... it can dominate. They also increased the damage for the dualies recently which made them better.
2007-01-31, 7:54 PM #80
In single player JO, after I got the saber, I don't think I ever used a gun again. In JA, since you start with one... well. The guns might as well not have been there.
Wikissassi sucks.

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