Originally posted by Isuwen:
It's satire. Not very good satire, but, still. Satire.
Though I don't understand who so many people think the rich should pay a higher percentage of their money in taxes. I'm all for a flat tax rate. Of course, we'd need a government that spends less first. As it stands now, the only things out government can do effectively are collect taxes and spend tax revenue. They used to be good at fighting wars, but we haven't fought any in a while so that's up in the air.
Though I don't understand who so many people think the rich should pay a higher percentage of their money in taxes. I'm all for a flat tax rate. Of course, we'd need a government that spends less first. As it stands now, the only things out government can do effectively are collect taxes and spend tax revenue. They used to be good at fighting wars, but we haven't fought any in a while so that's up in the air.
What do you think of the idea of a national sales tax? I like it because it directly rewards people for saving money. Those who have more money and spend more obviously pay more taxes.
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Where have you been living? There are way more southern blacks that will vote for him just because he's black. Though you can't really blame them given their education opportunities down there. 

Why did this post cause such a stir. He never said ignorant people vote democrat or black. He's saying that because of what he believes is a lack of educational opportunity people are more likely to vote based on superficial reasons. There is nothing racist in that post.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16