I liked JO, but two things that bothered me were a) the story, and a minor one with b) the way the teeth show in cutscenes, it just looked pretty bad. Maybe it was the teeth's color, or the apeish look of how often they flared.
The story, my main problem was with believing that Kyle's force had atrophied to the point of nonexistence, making it difficult for him -who killed six Dark Jedi, one of whom could almost be a Sith considering his training, and redeemed one other- to defeat a psuedo-Sith, angsty Jedi Academy drop-out, Desaan, and a force-sensitive girl he just happened across, and trained- he, never having completed his training himself.
Also, JK resolved the Valley of the Jedi dilemna, I fail to see how Ruusan remained a force conduit in JO, capable of being exploited when the JK storyline denies that at the end.
JA was slightly better, involving a true Sith, and really exposing how weak Tavion, as a dark force user, was compared to a Dark Lord of the Sith, being completely controlled when she attempted to "use" Ragnos. It too had it's plot holes, though, but far less numerous. I didn't like the whole idea of everything becoming a force nexus whenever anything happened there. JK's story, and thestories that were built off it (Star Wars: Jedi vs. Sith, and the back-story of Jerec) were truly great.
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
[This message has been edited by Bounty Hunter 4 hire (edited July 13, 2004).]
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....