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ForumsDiscussion Forum → JO has crappy lvl design
JO has crappy lvl design
2004-07-13, 5:21 AM #1
What more can I say? It does.

Now, to make this thread legitimate, post what you think is the worst thing about JO.

If you can read this you're
2004-07-13, 5:22 AM #2
I didn't think JKO had any real problems... good story... long levels with hard traps to beat... lots of diffrent things you can do.

WTF is the problem?
Is it because you can't beat it yet?

<Outlaw_Torn> you mean your related to that damned sasquatch, Mech?
<MechWarrior> Lets just say the part of the family tree that does fork has bossy the goat in it.

<ubuu> does hitler have a last name?

[This message has been edited by MechWarrior (edited July 13, 2004).]
2004-07-13, 5:38 AM #3
WHAT IS JKO?! jedi knight outcast?! it's jedi knight ii: jedi outcast

either JO, JKII, JK2, JK:JO...?!

never mind me.

ack. [/nitpick]

Saberopus: omfq musical genuis j00 >mozart
Thrawn42689: Mozart = n00b
2004-07-13, 5:47 AM #4
Sometimes the player model looked a bit crappy and half finished when he was getting particuarly intense with the saber....

A model and skin that looks practically identical to the kyle model from JK would be cool, just for the comical value... i'd probablys use it over the default skin too.

Drugs & Stupidity, Tons of it.
2004-07-13, 6:12 AM #5
JO had some crappy levels, yes. But overall, I liked it better than JK.

I bet you think that's funny, don't you.
I bet you think that's funny, don't you.
2004-07-13, 6:21 AM #6
The worst thing I find about JO is that I like JK better

to saberopus:
Add this to your list...
JKA = Jedi Knight Arena
JA = Jedi Academy

a number of times in the past I've seen ppl refer to Jedi Academy as JKA -- this mixup is more confusing than JKO

nytfyre m0d || f33l t3h p0w3r || t3h l0st c0gz || OMF > *
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2004-07-13, 6:22 AM #7
JO has so many awful things.. it's hard just to pick one!

WAITER: Here’s your green salad, sir.
ANAKIN: What? You fool, I told you NO CROUTONS! Aaaaaaargh!
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2004-07-13, 6:40 AM #8
Worst thing about JO? The name. This is what it should have been:

Dark Forces
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight / MotS
Dark Forces III: Jedi Outcast
Dark Forces IV: Jedi Acadamy

Please send me e-mail...
2004-07-13, 6:41 AM #9
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Flexor:
JO has so many awful things.. it's hard just to pick one!


<landfish> FastGamerr > Satan
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2004-07-13, 6:59 AM #10
It's funny how most game magazines and websites game JO a really really good rating, but you guy are so hooked on JK, you are ripping apart JO. JO was awesome, you guys need your heads checked. []

I made a thread, that turned into the debate, so I made a second thread, that turned into a debate, then I made a third thread, that caught on fire, burned down, got flamed, crapped on, bashed, then turned into a debate...but the fourth one, the fourth one stayed on topic!
Think while it's still legal.
2004-07-13, 7:09 AM #11
I'm sorry to say this guys. But I think JO is great, and amazing. I can't really find any real flaws in it. Now JA on the otherhand. SUCKS. Well the single player does. If it wasn't for the mapping aspect, and user made mods. I would give it 2 out of 10.

"Whats your name"
"No, whats your real name"
Proud member of the Co-op
Flipsides crackers are the best crackers to have ever existed
2004-07-13, 7:12 AM #12
So badly restricted SP editing. That legacy unfortunately lives on in JA...

Frozen by ICARUS
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2004-07-13, 7:14 AM #13
JO has it's problems, but it's biggest one is the splosers that just randomly ***** about it because they still get wet dreams over JK.

Kieran: The reason I put a link to it is because she is in underwear and I know the admins are touchy on that.
Yecti: Jaiph will touch himself for hours if he so much as smells a woman's underwear
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-07-13, 7:24 AM #14
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Mystic0:
Worst thing about JO? The name. This is what it should have been:

Dark Forces
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight / MotS
Dark Forces III: Jedi Outcast
Dark Forces IV: Jedi Acadamy

Wise men say that fools rush in where angels fear to tread, so look before you leap, so to speak, because the grass is not always greener on the other side of the hill.
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2004-07-13, 7:44 AM #15
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Kieran Horn:
JO has it's problems, but it's biggest one is the splosers that just randomly ***** about it because they still get wet dreams over JK.


oh puhleeze. JO was the most awful game I've ever played by far, and that's without considering how much it failed as a sequel to JK.

WAITER: Here’s your green salad, sir.
ANAKIN: What? You fool, I told you NO CROUTONS! Aaaaaaargh!
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2004-07-13, 8:33 AM #16
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by SAJN_Master:
It's funny how most game magazines and websites game JO a really really good rating, but you guy are so hooked on JK, you are ripping apart JO. JO was awesome, you guys need your heads checked. []


So you don't accept other tastes?

<landfish> FastGamerr > Satan
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2004-07-13, 8:59 AM #17
No but you guys are way to hung on JK you can't accept that JO was a good game.

I made a thread, that turned into the debate, so I made a second thread, that turned into a debate, then I made a third thread, that caught on fire, burned down, got flamed, crapped on, bashed, then turned into a debate...but the fourth one, the fourth one stayed on topic!
Think while it's still legal.
2004-07-13, 9:02 AM #18
I was going to go into a huge rant about the difference between a bad game and a game that isn't your cup of tea but that isn't your guys problem. Your problem is if anything comes even remotely close to being better than JK you attack it in a nostalgia induced hissy fit disguised as inconsequential nit picking. It IS possible to enjoy both JK and JO. Most people do.

And a bit more on topic, I liked JO level design better than JK level design.

Kieran: The reason I put a link to it is because she is in underwear and I know the admins are touchy on that.
Yecti: Jaiph will touch himself for hours if he so much as smells a woman's underwear

[This message has been edited by Kieran Horn (edited July 13, 2004).]
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-07-13, 9:03 AM #19
JO was good, even though many people say it's levels suck, I liked playing them. The plot was retarded, but I enjoyed playing JO. Not as much as playing MotS, but still. JA on the other hand, sucked. No matter what anyone says.

<landfish> FastGamerr > Satan
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2004-07-13, 9:06 AM #20
JA to me was a mod for JO with a 50 dollar pricetag. :/

I made a thread, that turned into the debate, so I made a second thread, that turned into a debate, then I made a third thread, that caught on fire, burned down, got flamed, crapped on, bashed, then turned into a debate...but the fourth one, the fourth one stayed on topic!
Think while it's still legal.
2004-07-13, 9:07 AM #21
Yeah. I think JA is to JO like MotS was to JK, except MotS was better than JK.

<landfish> FastGamerr > Satan
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2004-07-13, 9:08 AM #22
JA tried to do a linear way. The non flow of the missions was a problem for me.

Kieran: The reason I put a link to it is because she is in underwear and I know the admins are touchy on that.
Yecti: Jaiph will touch himself for hours if he so much as smells a woman's underwear
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2004-07-13, 10:18 AM #23
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jazzkokehead:
JO had some crappy levels, yes. But overall, I liked it better than JK.</font>

Take. That. Back.


2004-07-13, 10:56 AM #24
Jedi Outcast was boring imo.

What once was...
2004-07-13, 10:57 AM #25
So was JK.

<Outlaw_Torn> you mean your related to that damned sasquatch, Mech?
<MechWarrior> Lets just say the part of the family tree that does fork has bossy the goat in it.

<ubuu> does hitler have a last name?
2004-07-13, 11:20 AM #26
Yay. Another thread about JO flaws. I thought we already went over this. :\

The MP is not too good (without mods) and most missions were a bit linear and and did not go into much depth. The engine and type of gameplay actually cound offer a great deal more, but the game does really reach out.

But this thread probably will not cover any new ideas or opinions that were not mentioned before.

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)


The Massassi JO/JA Single Player contest info

[This message has been edited by Echoman (edited July 13, 2004).]
2004-07-13, 11:53 AM #27
Thats the thing I love about JO the most. Multiplayer.

I made a thread, that turned into the debate, so I made a second thread, that turned into a debate, then I made a third thread, that caught on fire, burned down, got flamed, crapped on, bashed, then turned into a debate...but the fourth one, the fourth one stayed on topic!
Think while it's still legal.
2004-07-13, 1:02 PM #28
What I find really tragic is when people disagree about a freakin' game and resort to bashing people who feel differently. Deal, move on.

Worst part of JO? Hmm, I had a real love/hate relationship with that game and could go on about many things I hated and loved...but to be honest the biggest disappointment was the difficulty in making SP levels.

The JO editing community really makes me sad because you've got lots of wildly talented people who just churn out gorgeous duel levels that next to no-one is going to play. The focus on SP editing in this series has gotten less with each game release and it's frankly killing my interest in it.

Cantina Cloud | BCF | The Massassian 1, 2 & 3 | Gonkmeg
Corrupting the kiddies since '97
2004-07-13, 2:10 PM #29
So why isn't anybody making SP levels for JA or JO? In my opinion, JA has a lot of potential for a good SP level because of the vehicles and creatures.
2004-07-13, 2:19 PM #30
Because it's hard.
2004-07-13, 3:29 PM #31
Making good SP levels for any game is hard.

I bet you think that's funny, don't you.
I bet you think that's funny, don't you.
2004-07-13, 4:00 PM #32
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jaiph:
Worst part of JO? Hmm, I had a real love/hate relationship with that game and could go on about many things I hated and loved...but to be honest the biggest disappointment was the difficulty in making SP levels.

The JO editing community really makes me sad because you've got lots of wildly talented people who just churn out gorgeous duel levels that next to no-one is going to play. The focus on SP editing in this series has gotten less with each game release and it's frankly killing my interest in it.


I think you just perfectly summed up what I've been trying to figure out for ages.

Put me in the hospital for nerves and then they had to commit me,
You told them all I was crazy,
They cut off my legs now I'm an amputee, God damn you.
Frogblast the Vent-Core!
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2004-07-13, 4:11 PM #33
I liked JO, but two things that bothered me were a) the story, and a minor one with b) the way the teeth show in cutscenes, it just looked pretty bad. Maybe it was the teeth's color, or the apeish look of how often they flared.

The story, my main problem was with believing that Kyle's force had atrophied to the point of nonexistence, making it difficult for him -who killed six Dark Jedi, one of whom could almost be a Sith considering his training, and redeemed one other- to defeat a psuedo-Sith, angsty Jedi Academy drop-out, Desaan, and a force-sensitive girl he just happened across, and trained- he, never having completed his training himself.

Also, JK resolved the Valley of the Jedi dilemna, I fail to see how Ruusan remained a force conduit in JO, capable of being exploited when the JK storyline denies that at the end.

JA was slightly better, involving a true Sith, and really exposing how weak Tavion, as a dark force user, was compared to a Dark Lord of the Sith, being completely controlled when she attempted to "use" Ragnos. It too had it's plot holes, though, but far less numerous. I didn't like the whole idea of everything becoming a force nexus whenever anything happened there. JK's story, and thestories that were built off it (Star Wars: Jedi vs. Sith, and the back-story of Jerec) were truly great.

Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....

[This message has been edited by Bounty Hunter 4 hire (edited July 13, 2004).]
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2004-07-13, 4:22 PM #34
i thought JO was a fairly good game... but had nothing to make me want to replay the single player except maybe when i get a new computer and can play it without the painful framerate drops and with everything turned up/on

i mean there wasn't any ability to go dark side was there? the entire reason i keep meaning to replay JK is so i can go dark this time

eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-07-13, 4:31 PM #35
I liked being able to use all dark/lightside powers as opposed to having to choose them.

I bet you think that's funny, don't you.
I bet you think that's funny, don't you.
2004-07-13, 5:29 PM #36
So why don't we make levels in JED and convert them to JO and JA? [] After all, it would bring back some classic MP levels, thus giving one last breath of life to JO.

If you can read this you're
2004-07-13, 5:41 PM #37
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Mystic0:
Worst thing about JO? The name. This is what it should have been:

Dark Forces
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight / MotS
Dark Forces III: Jedi Outcast / Jedi Acadamy


Fix0r3d. :\

Map-Review | My Portfolio | The Matrix: Unplugged

Blown away by the force of the word, woken up by the sound of the siren. It's genocide.
2004-07-13, 6:18 PM #38
JK > all. but ur all PMSey cause u cant edit in JO. HAHAHA! Biotch!

I still think JO is a pretty good game and better than JA.

You have to look at the big picture. We (as a country) spend more tax money dealing with MS blunders than we do on the software itself. And guess who MS's largest customer is? You guessed it, the government! - Brian
My Personal Site | Remnant Temple Part A | A work in progress
I was just petting the bunny, and it went into the soup can, and part of my hand went with it. - Red vs Blue
2004-07-13, 6:35 PM #39
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Thrawn42689:
Fix0r3d. :\


Agreed... []

Please send me e-mail...
2004-07-13, 6:43 PM #40
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Delphian:
Now, to make this thread legitimate, post what you think is the worst thing about JO.</font>

It's not JK.
"When it's time for this planet to die, you'll understand that you know absolutely nothing." — Bugenhagen

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