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ForumsDiscussion Forum → JO has crappy lvl design
JO has crappy lvl design
2004-07-13, 6:57 PM #41
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Master Tonberry:
It's not JK.</font>


I liked some of the JO MP levels (Death Star and Bespin Streets in particular), but I found that SP got old rather fast.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Warlord: Jedi Outcast was boring imo.
MechWarrior: So was jk</font>


nytfyre m0d || f33l t3h p0w3r || t3h l0st c0gz || OMF > *
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2004-07-13, 7:15 PM #42
When I defeated Desaan at the end of JO, I didn't get that same feeling of accomplishment as I did when I defeated Jerec in JK. For me, that was JO's biggest flaw. Other than that, I was pretty happy with it.

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Rock is dead - but I believe in necrophilia.
2004-07-13, 8:22 PM #43
I really hated that one semi-Bestin piratey level...

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"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2004-07-13, 9:21 PM #44
Jo rocked! I like it a lot more than DF/JK/JA. The story was, in my opinion, far superior and more immersive than all the others. I personally got a great deal of satisfaction and accomplishment from defeating Desann, and I thought the last cutscene was great! I would have to say level design was about on par with JK, possibly a little weaker.

However, gameplay mechanics in JO more than make up for this weakness. In JK, using the lightsaber was a chore, and very difficult. JO made using the lightsaber fun!

Have a good one,
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2004-07-14, 5:48 AM #45
Ok, the problems of all 3 jedi games.

Force powers sucked(when compared to them in the other games)
Lightsaber combat sucked(don't deny it)
They screwed up the ST rifle(the DF version was much more useful)

Retarded, pointless puzzles(the Doomgiver code thing, anyone)
All the weapons except the lightsaber sucked(hard to hit anything, sometimes shots would go through enemies)
Weak story
Nar was crap

Most of the weapons, except for the saber and conc, sucked
The whole "choose a mission" thing(a series of non-linear levels that have nothing to do with each other, making the game feel pointless)
Coruscant was crap
The story was retarded
2004-07-14, 6:39 AM #46
JK's saber system wasn't very well. Not to mention that stock saber graphics were TERRIBLE even by JK standards. It is obvious that they could have done better if you've seen any saber modification mods out there.

If you all think JO/JA's guns sucked (and they did) one has to remember that some of the guns have been there since JK (bowcaster, repeater, conc rifle, rocket/missle launcher, etc). They should have kept the rail det in JO/JA. That was a good weapon.

JA's saber system didn't improve much and in fact introduced a horribly unbalanced weapon (staff). Dual wielding was better IMO but I wish they had a better stance.

I'm done. I shall now wait for all the JK fanboys to lambaste me for even remotely thinking about saying something bad about their beloved 7 year old game.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2004-07-14, 6:46 AM #47
JK was absolutely incredible when it came out - no one had ever seen anything like the force powers and lightsaber so well implemented in a game. The story was great, the game looked good, and completing the game was very satisfying.

JO was nowhere near as innovative as JK, and I think that's why it wasn't as good. I thought it was still a fun game to play through, what with the improved saber fights and the smooth force powers.
2004-07-14, 8:44 AM #48
If you think JO had a weak story, take another look at JK's.

I bet you think that's funny, don't you.
I bet you think that's funny, don't you.
2004-07-14, 11:19 AM #49
JK's cutscenes were much better than JO's.
JK was so awesome in it's time, it just seemed like JO was weak attempt - about the same as JK but with better graphics. My weapons gripe is that the JO stormtrooper rifle can't hit anything! It will be nice to play JO on my new computer so I won't have to restart the game every time more than 2 enemies are on the screen at once.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right." -Isaac Asimov
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2004-07-14, 11:50 AM #50
Upsides and downsides about JO. Good graphics, better than JK. Editing, JK wins. Believe me, JK has more 'freedom' when it comes to editing. You can make yourself the biggest, complex, well secured, custom animated, door around, which needs to be opened by you flipping 300 switches that are hidden all over the level (300 = Exagerated Example). I'd like to see someone make the big door in Harry Potter 3 in JO. Conveyer belts, JK wins. I mean, step on one in JO and try to run off. In JO, I think what they're trying to do is this:

It seems like if you are glued to the surface and the code pushes you along the surface. In JK, the surface pulls the player, and you can get off it any old how! Good thing about JO is the fact you can have compressed files, which take less space. Lip movement, plus for JO. Synced? Minus!

Edward's Cognative Hazards
2004-07-14, 4:23 PM #51
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Bobbert006:
JK's cutscenes were much better than JO's.

Oh yeah, the acting was fantastic.


What? []

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2004-07-14, 5:44 PM #52
The worst thing about JO is that no one makes as many cool mods as there are for JK (yes I realize the time difference but still...) My favorite aspect of the series is MOTS. Mots > JK anyday, thx to playeraction!

nil nip nada zip zero naught lip zil
This is retarded, and I mean drooling at the mouth
2004-07-14, 7:40 PM #53
MotS = colored lighting
Colored lighting = good

JK = no colored lighting...


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