post ahead, but I feel the need to vent, and this is the only place I'm almost certain she won't come across it.
Synopsis: all signs pointed to yes, but she said "no". What was the best weekend of my life turned out to be the worst.
Preface: there's a girl I graduated high school with - we'll call her Jenny. Jenny was always a pretty and smart girl, but I had off-and-on contact with her during the first few years of college. She started going out with my best friend, and, consequently, we hung out more frequently. I developed a little bit of a crush on her, but (and all indications point to that I succeeded) I managed to not let this interfere with our friendship or their relationship.
She had said that she had a crush on someone. I was one of two guys that she said she felt she could talk to - 50/50 chance, at face value, that I was one of the guys she had a crush on.
It should also be noted that I am almost phobic of physical contact with the opposite sex, beyond a friendly hug, for the simple reason that I've always associated such things with more intimately-acquainted people.
Fast Forward to now:
Well, a month ago, Jenny and my best friend broke up. We annually all get together, get drunk, hang out, watch movies, etc., etc., and it occurred to me that, since they had broken up before this scheduled get-together (and, as the best bud was the host, she was no longer invited due simply to the awkwardness that such a thing would present), I may not get to hang out with her at all before I end up wherever it is that I end up working. I invite her and a couple of friends down to Columbia for rounds and more drinking. She and her friend from KC come down.
So, we hang out and do friendly things on Friday. Saturday, we have many drinks (three Fosters, 11 Coors, 2 pale ales, a couple of porters, and two shots of tequila for me). We end up dancing at 3 AM - nothing sexual. My arms are wrapped around her waist, my chin on her shoulder, and I was whispering sweet things into her ear. She gave me no indication that she wanted this to stop.
So, we decide it's time to crash. I pop the South Park movie into the DVD player, and we curl up on the couch, quietly whispering along to the songs as we sink closer to unconsciousness. She's got her head on my chest, her legs curled up in my lap, and my arm wrapped around her. She's holding my right hand, and I'm using my thumb to gently stroke the back of her hand. I rest my head against hers and close my eyes, trying to get to sleep. My back hurts, I can't get to sleep from the awkward position of my back, and I'm losing feeling in my left arm, but I couldn't be happier. I was in bliss.
We woke up about two hours later, and I offered the idea that we move up to my bedroom (nothing planned, but it'd just be more comfortable). If there was ever a chance for her to stop this now, this would be it. All she would have to say is, "I think I'll just sleep here on the couch", I would have gotten the message, and retired a bit saddened, but in a finer state than now.
She says, "Okay", and we both go lie down on my bed, snuggled together with my arm wrapped around her. I drift in and out of consciousness (I'm a little hungover) as I try to sleep, and she can't get to sleep. I give her a back rub (note: touchaphobe); she sleeps for a little bit, but keeps waking back up. My bed is against the wall, and she was on the side that was away from the wall, so there was absolutely nothing stopping her from getting off of the bed.
So, after all this, I'm 99% certain that she wants to go out with me. I decide to make it factual, though, and ask her out this morning. What do I get?
She's actually interested in the other guy. I'm "the best guy she knows" and it "just kills her that she doesn't like me more than a friend", and some additional general "let's just be friends, Mr. Nice Guy" bull****. I think it put me into a state of shock for a couple of hours, because I just said, "Okay." and continued on like nothing happened.
Now, I'm extremely pissed off and crushed. I felt like I've been played for no God damned reason. What the ****, *****? Why, during all that time, did you never say, "I don't want this to go this far" and simply tell me? Why lead me on like that when you're apparently interested in someone else?
I've temporarily (maybe permanently) removed her from my IM list just so that I don't have to talk to her and risk saying something I later regret. I'm fairly certain that this has done some permanent damage to our friendship, assuming that I have any interest in keeping the friendship at all.
On the bright side, her sudden decision to move from St. Louis to KC makes getting a job in St. Louis all the more appealing.

Synopsis: all signs pointed to yes, but she said "no". What was the best weekend of my life turned out to be the worst.
Preface: there's a girl I graduated high school with - we'll call her Jenny. Jenny was always a pretty and smart girl, but I had off-and-on contact with her during the first few years of college. She started going out with my best friend, and, consequently, we hung out more frequently. I developed a little bit of a crush on her, but (and all indications point to that I succeeded) I managed to not let this interfere with our friendship or their relationship.
She had said that she had a crush on someone. I was one of two guys that she said she felt she could talk to - 50/50 chance, at face value, that I was one of the guys she had a crush on.

It should also be noted that I am almost phobic of physical contact with the opposite sex, beyond a friendly hug, for the simple reason that I've always associated such things with more intimately-acquainted people.
Fast Forward to now:
Well, a month ago, Jenny and my best friend broke up. We annually all get together, get drunk, hang out, watch movies, etc., etc., and it occurred to me that, since they had broken up before this scheduled get-together (and, as the best bud was the host, she was no longer invited due simply to the awkwardness that such a thing would present), I may not get to hang out with her at all before I end up wherever it is that I end up working. I invite her and a couple of friends down to Columbia for rounds and more drinking. She and her friend from KC come down.
So, we hang out and do friendly things on Friday. Saturday, we have many drinks (three Fosters, 11 Coors, 2 pale ales, a couple of porters, and two shots of tequila for me). We end up dancing at 3 AM - nothing sexual. My arms are wrapped around her waist, my chin on her shoulder, and I was whispering sweet things into her ear. She gave me no indication that she wanted this to stop.
So, we decide it's time to crash. I pop the South Park movie into the DVD player, and we curl up on the couch, quietly whispering along to the songs as we sink closer to unconsciousness. She's got her head on my chest, her legs curled up in my lap, and my arm wrapped around her. She's holding my right hand, and I'm using my thumb to gently stroke the back of her hand. I rest my head against hers and close my eyes, trying to get to sleep. My back hurts, I can't get to sleep from the awkward position of my back, and I'm losing feeling in my left arm, but I couldn't be happier. I was in bliss.
We woke up about two hours later, and I offered the idea that we move up to my bedroom (nothing planned, but it'd just be more comfortable). If there was ever a chance for her to stop this now, this would be it. All she would have to say is, "I think I'll just sleep here on the couch", I would have gotten the message, and retired a bit saddened, but in a finer state than now.
She says, "Okay", and we both go lie down on my bed, snuggled together with my arm wrapped around her. I drift in and out of consciousness (I'm a little hungover) as I try to sleep, and she can't get to sleep. I give her a back rub (note: touchaphobe); she sleeps for a little bit, but keeps waking back up. My bed is against the wall, and she was on the side that was away from the wall, so there was absolutely nothing stopping her from getting off of the bed.
So, after all this, I'm 99% certain that she wants to go out with me. I decide to make it factual, though, and ask her out this morning. What do I get?
She's actually interested in the other guy. I'm "the best guy she knows" and it "just kills her that she doesn't like me more than a friend", and some additional general "let's just be friends, Mr. Nice Guy" bull****. I think it put me into a state of shock for a couple of hours, because I just said, "Okay." and continued on like nothing happened.
Now, I'm extremely pissed off and crushed. I felt like I've been played for no God damned reason. What the ****, *****? Why, during all that time, did you never say, "I don't want this to go this far" and simply tell me? Why lead me on like that when you're apparently interested in someone else?
I've temporarily (maybe permanently) removed her from my IM list just so that I don't have to talk to her and risk saying something I later regret. I'm fairly certain that this has done some permanent damage to our friendship, assuming that I have any interest in keeping the friendship at all.

On the bright side, her sudden decision to move from St. Louis to KC makes getting a job in St. Louis all the more appealing.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken