Yah, that's annoying, because you are then fully awake, with your heart pounding, and it takes another half-hour to get to sleep.
Anyways, the only nightmare I can remember went something like this:
I woke up in the morning, on the day of an exam. I was already late, so I jumped out of bed and walked quickly for the door to go have a shower. Just before I reached the door, I "woke up" again, laying in my bed like I did the first time. This time, I figured that I was actually awake, because I had "woken up" from that weird dream. However, this was not the case. I got out of my bed, and I noticed that I was moving slower. I didn't think much of it, but when I got about halfway across my room, I "woke up" again. This time, I could hardly move at all, and it took all my strength to just get out of the bed, at which time I "woke up" yet again. By now, I was quite frightened, because I thought I was being paralyzed or something. Anyways, this time, all I could do was move my one arm a little bit so I pushed myself out of the bed and fell on the floor. But guess what? Just before I hit the floor, I "woke up" AGAIN. This time, I couldn't move at all. I lay there, petrified (haha, I made a pun), for a while, and could not move no matter how hard I tried.
Anyways, then I woke up for real, forgot about the dream, and went and wrote my exam (and aced it). I told my dad about the dream that I had, and he said that sometimes you get dreams like that the night before you have to do something important that you are anxious about.
"May your gravity well be shallow, and your deBroglie wavelength short."