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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Post your worst nightmare
Post your worst nightmare
2004-07-16, 11:46 AM #41
has anyone had that sensation where you're laying quietly in bed and you are drifing off to sleep and suddenly feel like you're falling?

I hate that.

What causes that, anyway?

I have found that you can transform your character solely by the power of belief: as you believe yourself to be, so you shall become over time.
2004-07-16, 11:50 AM #42
I get that when I'm sick. Or some one calling me or saying some phrase incessantly over and over. After about a minit my sole desire is to find that guy and rip his throat out.
2004-07-16, 12:08 PM #43
I once had a dream that I was playing UT the entire night. It was so freaking boring. The same thing..over..and over..and over.. I got no sleep that night. It was so boring I kept waking up, then I fell asleep, and I had the same dream over...and over...and OVER!!! By morning I was all hot and had a stomache ache []

Haggis: "For God's sake, snap out of it man! That bottle is empty! It's been empty since the first day we got to this godforsaken place and you drank it all! You're losing touch with reality!"
Otter stares at Haggis, a suspicious expression on his face.
Otter: "You just want my whiskey! I'm on to you!"
Think while it's still legal.
2004-07-16, 12:30 PM #44
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS:
has anyone had that sensation where you're laying quietly in bed and you are drifing off to sleep and suddenly feel like you're falling?

Yah, that's annoying, because you are then fully awake, with your heart pounding, and it takes another half-hour to get to sleep.

Anyways, the only nightmare I can remember went something like this:

I woke up in the morning, on the day of an exam. I was already late, so I jumped out of bed and walked quickly for the door to go have a shower. Just before I reached the door, I "woke up" again, laying in my bed like I did the first time. This time, I figured that I was actually awake, because I had "woken up" from that weird dream. However, this was not the case. I got out of my bed, and I noticed that I was moving slower. I didn't think much of it, but when I got about halfway across my room, I "woke up" again. This time, I could hardly move at all, and it took all my strength to just get out of the bed, at which time I "woke up" yet again. By now, I was quite frightened, because I thought I was being paralyzed or something. Anyways, this time, all I could do was move my one arm a little bit so I pushed myself out of the bed and fell on the floor. But guess what? Just before I hit the floor, I "woke up" AGAIN. This time, I couldn't move at all. I lay there, petrified (haha, I made a pun), for a while, and could not move no matter how hard I tried.

Anyways, then I woke up for real, forgot about the dream, and went and wrote my exam (and aced it). I told my dad about the dream that I had, and he said that sometimes you get dreams like that the night before you have to do something important that you are anxious about.

"May your gravity well be shallow, and your deBroglie wavelength short."
2004-07-16, 1:47 PM #45
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS:
has anyone had that sensation where you're laying quietly in bed and you are drifing off to sleep and suddenly feel like you're falling?

I hate that.

What causes that, anyway?


That is actually a miniature seizure. I know that's what it is, but I can't remember the exact explanation for it right now.
2004-07-16, 1:49 PM #46
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
I hate sleep parylissis. You know your sleeping, but it's like your trapped, bodyless in a black void. You can't feel your body or anything. I just consentrate all my thoughts on opening my eyes. If I didn't I'd be trapped in real time until I woke up hours later. It's realy hard to get rid of. And sometimes the second you go back to sleep your right back in it. Ugh. I often wake up in a sweat after being in one of those.</font>

It sounds like being dead except knowing it.

Sigs are for n00bs.

[1337 FRNDS_Pommy | 3.14 of 14 | ยป And-GTx2]
Half-Life 2 Central - your definitive source for everything HL2!
2004-07-16, 3:27 PM #47
Well, there was this one where I saw a flicker of light out of the corner of my eye, so I got out of bed and turned on the lights. I started looking around, and I kept almost seeing this little blob of light flitting around the room. It started to get really freaky. Then it felt like somebody stabbed me in the back with a knife. Then I woke up. >.>

Map-Review | My Portfolio | The Matrix: Unplugged

Banks and banks of humming machinery! I've never seen so many knobs. We're going to have to do something, Charlie! Try pushing that button there. No? How about that one? No, not that one either. I know! I'll try pushing this one. Hold my hat will you? Good fellow.
2004-07-16, 5:14 PM #48
I've had the "Huge Machine of Doom" dream described by Raoul Duke - my machine seems to consist of at least one humongous cog in an underground cavern. I'll then see the comparison between it and something very small, and get freaked out. Haven't had the dream in a while now...

My worst nightmare is getting sucked inside a jet engine (one of them big thingers on the wings) and being gradually pulled towards the spinning fan or whatever's inside it.

"This next song is called- Where the **** is Jeordie White?" ~Maynard James Keenan
"Well ain't that a merry jelly." - FastGamerr

"You can actually see the waves of me not caring in the air." - fishstickz
2004-07-16, 5:37 PM #49
I remember something that happened about 5 years ago, I think. I remember waking up and having sleep paralysis, and I remember knowing I had just woken up from a nightmare, but I can't recall the nightmare itself at the moment. So I'm really awake now, at least awake enough that I can see and hear and think, or whatever. And suddenly, I notice these things in the room with me, the stereotypical 'ghost', white, translucent, everything, except that these looked like some of my friends. I say I noticed them, because I know they weren't there when I woke up, but I never saw them suddenly pop into existence, it was like, one second they're not there, the next they are, but it seemed so gradual I didn't notice for a bit. Anyway, the weird thing was, they seemed to be having some kind of party in my room. I was wide awake by this point, and I remember being scared ****less so I just kinda slitted my eyes and watched them and next thing I remember, I had drifted back to sleep and I woke up again and it was morning. I know now they were just hallucinations, but they were damn realistic ones. That was fun.
2004-07-16, 7:02 PM #50
I've seen that creature in eternal darkness. Except in ED, they burrough into people's brain's and take over their bodies.

Am I the only one who can wake himself up from a bad dream? I do it all the time. The dream starts going sour and I just wake myself up. Hard to explain.

Ω of 14
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[
2004-07-16, 7:28 PM #51
I usually don't remember my dreams more than about 2 minutes after I wake up. I don't think that's just because they're dreams though... I seem to have a short memory problem like that with alot of things. []

Do you have stairs in your house?
Do you have stairs in your house?
2004-07-16, 8:05 PM #52
Well I think I've posted this before at Massassi.. although, under a different nickname... well ok heres the dream:
It's starts, I'm a grown man, I walk into a general store/mini mart, and I have a black suit on with tie and everything, I'm maybe a government agent (I honestly have no clue), I walk around and pick up the items I'm buying... I go up to register and when I'm finished setting it all on the counter this large, strong looking man walks in.. he just looks ugly.. like.. really... ugly.., the kind of ugly on a person where your heart starts beating faster as you gaze upon them..., well, he pushes open the door with all of his might, as the door hits the wall it shatters, and he looks at me... , I look at him... he turns to the cashier and says 'Can I shoot him?' the cashier says 'Yeah, but clean up your mess..' (yes, bizarre, I know), well then he reaches into a leg holster and pulls out a Desert Eagle, he glares at me... pulls the trigger and right when he pulls the trigger everything goes into slow-motion... the cartridge ejects from the chamber... tumbling down and down... and a copper bullet slowly heading towards my head. It makes contact with my temple... blood sprays out... I lift up my hand and touch the wound, it feels warm... my head slowly tips back and everything slowly fades into black, when it's totally black then the black fades into this striking glowing white, and I hear singing angels... *** I wake up ***, when I wake up I'm sweating profusely and my heart is pounding uncontrolably, and I have a sharp pain in the side of my head where I got shot in my dream, I touch it, and it's all sweaty and warm, just like the blood in my dream... that was by far the scariest dream I ever had.. because it seemed so real.. I thought I really died...

Member of the Minnessassian Council

[This message has been edited by -Monoxide- (edited July 16, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by -Monoxide- (edited July 16, 2004).]
2004-07-17, 2:38 AM #53

if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2004-07-17, 4:22 AM #54
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by clan ruthervain:


I like how flat chested comes after evil, but before heartless and mentally disturbed. God bless our evolutionarily prioritised male minds.

Cantina Cloud | BCF | The Massassian 1, 2 & 3 | Gonkmeg
Corrupting the kiddies since '97
2004-07-17, 6:14 AM #55
Dude, I'm tired of people telling about computer nightmares... those are so damn lame. I wanna read about some really cool crap.
My worst nightmare? I don't think you wanna know about that one..

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
2004-07-17, 7:46 AM #56
YES WE DO! I want a glimpse into the disturbed mind of Spiral! NOW!

Member of the Minnessassian Council
2004-07-17, 8:26 AM #57
My worst night mare starts with me at school. Some dumb *** that always harrasses me comes and trys to take my boots of blinding speed ( from morrowind ). I have no idea why i had them in real life but didn't want to give them up. He then comes and says he'll just have to bleed me like a stuck pig then. He steps forward and stabs me right in my chest. The next part of my dream is in third person. I watch myself pull my fist back and punch the dumb *** in the face. my fist goes all the way through his head.

There are several other versions of this dream. it happens once a week. with him stealing different things and me killing him in different ways.

2004-07-17, 8:34 AM #58
I used to have this one repeative dream when I was younger. It was like the Machine of Doom dream. I would always be standing in either some sort of bombed and burned city, or a perfect neighorhood, the kind that's TO perfect, it just is disturbing. I'm standing there, and my heart starts to race. I hear distant rumbles, and giant footsteps like. My heart beats faster as the giant thing approaches, but it's always behind me, and I can't turn around to see it. It gets closer and starts to speak to me, saying weird stuff in a VERY deep voice which I can't understand. I feel him about to crush me with his foot, and I wake up.

It's scary as hell, but I don't have it anymore.

I've also gone to school naked, but that's a different story. []

Titan A.E.

[This message has been edited by Cosmic Castaway (edited July 17, 2004).]
Titan A.E.
2004-07-17, 8:58 PM #59
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Basically, the dream is about some HUGE machine thing and for some reason it has some kind of deep doom associated with it. I see the huge things turning and something goes wrong or something and I have this feeling of such doom like the worst thing has ever happened to me. The weird part is that I wake up VERY confused and scared, and I feel like Im having some kind of fever induced night terror, with motion in my body...its so hard to explain but it scares the **** out of me. One time this happened very badly when i was a kid and I woke up and ran into my parents room with a blanket wrapped around me. I didn't remember much because I was so confused but my mom told me the next morning that I was crying and saying that the blanket was trying to eat me....</font>

Holy crap, I had a dream much like that. I wasn't really in my dream, but it was more like watching a movie. In my dream there was a huge machine, tons of engineers and scientists were constantly working on it, because if they ever stopped, somthing terrible would happen, like the world would end. I don't exactly know. But another wierdo part in my dream is a huge, I mean HUGE blue dome with black bars criscrossing back and forth along the top. There were 2 of those wierdo machine things. I don't know. It was a really dark and scary wierd dream. Freaked the heck outta me, I have had it 2 times in my life. Not exactly the same each time, but similar.

Now, I was really stupid to have read this thread at 3:00 AM. Cause now I gotta go to bed with all these wonderful thoughts o_0 Fun Fun.


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