XP pro
intel pentium 4
2.8 ghz
512mb RAM
37.1 GB of space
there is a second comp with the same.
not exactly a mach-machine, but it works. the cool part is i get both for free for work, and while im at work i use it to play all sorts of games and talk to people like you. but i will NOT be caught dead using vista for at least another year or two, even if i did own my own comp. i work technical support and i get so many calls from people who are absolutely fed up with vista, and i dont blame them. i dont care how much you pump this thing up, if it hasn't been out for a couple of years and the programmers havn't hide time to fix all the bugs u are taking a huge risk. the thing (from what i have seen, but then that is mostly the people who hate it) spends so much time glitching and messing up that u spend all ur time just trying to understand why the damn thing hates u then u actually do surfing the web or working or whatever. but god damnit i want my own computer. i want one so ****ing bad but i cant afford it. they screwed me over on my tax return. i was supposed to get like 1200 dollars from this one place i worked but when i got my w2 it sayed i only earned $72 in 8 months of working. 8 ****ing months! i have tried multiple times to contact the company but they are blowin me off, and the will do nothing to help me so im basically beein ****ed up the *** by both of them and in the end im not getting my ****ing computer! god i ****ing hate it when this **** happens!!! and i always ****in does u know? everytime i think im getting ahead in life somebody comes and kicks me off my godamn pedastal and im back on the ground griping and *****ing about how much life sucks. and why? so i can slimb my *** back up to someplace i like and get knocked the **** off again. and i still dont have a ****ing computer! except for this damn thing which i get from work, its lame as hell cus i have to go through a damn vpn so the proxy server on the other end can block all the cool **** and what little games i own that work on it cant be installed they moniter the damn thing. i mean sure after work i can just disable the vpn and download all kinda **** that would piss them off but still, maybe i wanna play diablo 2? maybe i wanna play rollercoater tycoon? or maybe, just maybe, i might wanna own a ****ing comp that was worth half a damn so i could play me some Guild Wars, or Wow, or command and conquer! but does god give a ****? hell no. and so i think to myself "hey, why dont i just save the money and buy a comp that way? hell, why not? i actually have a job i like now. i make ok money now. sure i could!" and u know what i find out this morning? the ****ing client sank! i aint gonna BE no tech support anymore! no im gonna get laid off i dont move to there NEW client and sell ****in CELLPHONES! i dont wanna sell cellphones, i wanna get a god damn comp that i didn't have to be EMBARISSED of everytime i go online. i want a god damn revenue service that actually cares about people who try to file there taxes correctly and get the hard earned cash they deserve. i was working 16 hours a day building up that money (and no, im NOT kidding) and now they wanna rip it off cus i dont know the ****ing ADDRESS of the company i worked for. no, rather i dont know the address of the company that owned the company i worked for before they changed hands about 12 hours before i quit.
but i think ive gotten off topic. i could easily ramble on and on about this for some time, but i dont think anybody well even read this as far as here. its probobly not interesting to anybody but me, but it shure did feal nice to let off some steam. its alot better than putting a brick through my bosses window which is what i wanted to do. but try as i might i cannot convince my girlfreind to drive getaway, and i dont own a car. or rather i do, but i cant drive it, cus i dont have a license plate. o man i cant believe the hassle i have to go through to get a license plate. first i need the title and i dont have that cus the damn courts wont give it back to me, cus i dont have insurance, but nobody will sell me insurance cus i dont have a license, and i cant get a damn license cus i dont have my birth certificate and i cant get THAT cus the damn city of buffalo doesn't believe im who i say i am. like id pretend to be me! i dont even own a ****ing computer that can play sim city, and theres birdseed stuck in the damn keyboard so it frickin rattles when i type.
though who the **** am i kidding? i am not exactly tech support man of the year here. i dont even know the technical term for the "space" on my computer. u wannaknow the truth about tech support? most of us are just there to help morons who cant tell when theyve left the caps lock key on and wanna know why there letters are so damn big. i once had a 20 minute conversation with an old woman trying to explain how to MAXIMIZE a god damned window! ya, its that ****in lame! if it wasn't for the fact that most of my customers were so ****ing stupid that they couldn't poor water out of a boot if there were instructions on the bottom of the heal then i would not be able to do this. but i dont care, i dont need to be a genious or somekind of computer whiz to be happy. i just need to be able to relax after work with a beer and some kind of game that i can blow all my aggression into by killing elves. and after i spend a YEAR, a god damn YEAR of going only 6 more months, only 3 more months, only one more month, it finally comes to tax return time and they ****ing screw me over AGAIN! and AGAIN i am sittin around *****in about how **** goes wrong all the time to people i dont even know.
now i know i said i was going to stop a long time ago, but i didn't and im sorry if that annoys any of u. but i start typing and i just cant seem to stop myself when i have more i want to say. but this time im serious, im done and im going to stop myself before i let this rant go on any longer.
i doubt any of u actually finished this but if u did, thank u for listening to my bull**** and i hope lifes going more smoothly for u than it is for me.
The bunny sees all,
the bunny knows all,
the bunny is always watching.