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ForumsDiscussion Forum → If you could ask a crippled/midget 5 questions...
If you could ask a crippled/midget 5 questions...
2007-04-04, 6:18 PM #41
1. How will you defend yourself if your getting mugged? <besides wrist control>
2. Would you throw yourself down a staircase during a dire situation?
3. Do you shower or take baths? If shower, how do you do it?
4. What do you do to people if they stare at you?
5. Do you wear slip on shoes?

<not as serious>
1. How fast do you type?
2. Do you carry pepper spray?
3. Any plans on doing 360 flips on your chair?
4. Do you ride down hills for fun?
5. Can you play ping pong?
Back again
2007-04-04, 6:21 PM #42
Originally posted by Warlockmish:
1. How will you defend yourself if your getting mugged? <besides wrist control>

Cock punch and ovary punch.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-04-04, 8:17 PM #43
You could have made it easier to reply.

Originally posted by JoKeR SwAy:
Do you ever feel like you can say things to people others could not and get away with it for being a midget?

Very much so. I constantly abuse the fact that people wont hit me. No one can say they don't or wouldn't, though.

do you shy away from intense arguments, for fear that you would not be able to defend yourself if some ******* actually did decide he would fight a midget?

Nope. If someone hit me, they'd be grass in a second. I've always been taught to say whatever I need to say.

For that matter, if you and another midget were arguing and it got out of hand, would you kick his ***?

Sure. Actually, I'm a bit of a pacifist. I don't really enjoy fighting unless I have to.

Do you think that your unique view on life has given you any wisdom that would be usefull to the rest of us?

That life isn't at all as serious as we think it is. That our stupid little worries and problems are miniscule next to the awesome things we can accomplish.

has there ever been a time that you were really glad that you were a midget for some reason or another? do you have psychic powers?

I'm sure there has. It's not like I NOTICE differently. Yes, I have psychic powers. I knew you'd ask that question.

if tommorow morning they somehow came up with a "cure" for being a midget and you could suddenly be taller, would you take it? or has being a midget become a part of who you are?

I'd most certainly take it. Of course it's BECOME a part of me, but it's still not a positive thing.

are there any pets you would be afraid to own being your size?

Dogs. Big dogs. Image if a horse ran at you and wanted to jump on you and lick your face?
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2007-04-04, 8:24 PM #44
1. Why do crippled midgets constantly feel the need to be attention whores? You're crippled; you're a midget. We get it. Let's move on.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-04-04, 8:27 PM #45
Honest question. I know it's a bit silly... but have you ever wanted to have a hot rodded electric wheelchair that'll do about 35-40mph? Get yourself a helmet and all that... cruise down the sidewalk and scare the hell out of everyone.

Maybe it's just me, but if I was in a powerchair... I would want that thing to be seriously customized.
>>untie shoes
2007-04-04, 8:30 PM #46
Does your back/neck ever get all bound up because you're unable to stretch it out/move around?

If you were to become full height for one day, what would you want to do?

What is the worst part of being a midget?
2007-04-04, 8:33 PM #47
Originally posted by Freelancer:
1. Why do crippled midgets constantly feel the need to be attention whores? You're crippled; you're a midget. We get it. Let's move on.

Also, for real. Shut up. Talk about being an attention whore.
>>untie shoes
2007-04-04, 8:35 PM #48
Originally posted by Jep:
06) Will you do a barrel roll for me?

Any day. I think of you every time I yell that at people.

07) I can't stop that feeling. Can you?

I was actually singing your version the other day. It was disturbingly comforting. Hold me.

08) How very wet could a midget get if a midget could get wet?

We retain lots of water. I sink.

09) Nice shoes, wanna dance? Oh wait...


10) Can I make you my teddy bear?

Oh baby.

Originally posted by Mr. Stafford:
Willow or the dude from Alien: Resurrection?

Willow was a pussy.
I repeat, willow: pussy.

Originally posted by zephiyr:
How's the view down there?

All asses, bulges, and little kids.

Originally posted by CaveDemon:
Do you become drunk easier than a non-hobbit-person?

Only slightly moreso. I can handle quite a few. Some alcohol screws with me more than others, though. Jon`C says this isn't true. I cry a lot.

How do you have sex with a non-hobbit-person?

See: Midget Porn

Sorry if this question is inappropriate, but is your manwiener comparable to the rest of your body, or is it non-hobbit-size?

I have a medium sized penis for a guy my age. It's part of my torso, which is supposed to be somewhat normal sized. My limbs, however, are small.

Originally posted by Chewbubba:
What was one (the worst?) time when you really needed help, but there was nobody around to help?

I was in downtown Chicago and I dropped my iPod and I had to wait for someone that seemed honest enough to pick it up, but would actually pay attention if I said their name. Finally someone came along and did it without me asking. He could tell it was mine. I panicked because I couldn't just say "Hey, I'm crippled. Get my 300 dollar iPod and don't run away. Thanks."

Do all midgets have multiple health problems?

Most have a few. It comes with the bone disorder and pre-maturety.

What's the average midget shoe size?

Not sure. I'm a 12 in toddler, 1 in boys. They still barelly fit. I wear a pair of Vans because they're wide enough. My feet are like boxes.

And a variation of one of Joker's questions: Take away any health problems, how would you feel about being a midget?

This is a VERY vague question. I feel good? There's no way to respond to this.

Originally posted by Baconfish:
Do you prefer the term Minja or Nidjet?

Minja. As a matter of a fact, I came up with "Minja" well before Ask a Ninja did. Just so we're clear.

Originally posted by Cool Matty:
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen midget?


Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
what are your thoughts on midget DWARF tossing?

OK? Seems legitimate to me. If it's voluntary, it's the same as my dignity talk in an earlier question.

would you ever participate in midget tossing?

No, neck injury risk.

how far could you toss a midget?

Half of a foot.

if i were to toss you would there be any aerodynamic advantages or disadvantages that could help/hinder your flight?

I have metal rods in my back, and one in my leg. I have a flat, fat, bumpy head. I would be the worst projectile to pick.

have you ever been offered a job in the adult entertainment industry?

Kind of. One girl wanted me to do porn for her website really bad. I was too bashful, and I was also under age (She didn't know. She was a senior in highschool.) She was hot, too. She might have been kidding (The site wasn't a joke, though.)

Originally posted by Warlockmish:
1. How will you defend yourself if your getting mugged? <besides wrist control>

Haha. I had a disabilities self defense class and the first day I was the example subject. He said "Do what you would do if someone got close to you." so I wrapped my arm under his, put my other hand on his shoulder, and headbutted him. He told me to get pepper spray and act weak if I was ever getting molested or something. As soon as they came close, they wouldn't realize I was strong enough to break their nose. As soon as a disabiled person shows strength, muggers/rapists tend to run. I wouldn't do anything ifi t were a mugger short of giving him my money.

2. Would you throw yourself down a staircase during a dire situation?

You're stupid.

3. Do you shower or take baths? If shower, how do you do it?

I sit on a grey stool in the bottom of the shower, and I have a hose-mount fountain-head. I lay down to reach all of my body with a washcloth.

4. What do you do to people if they stare at you?

Smile back, or say hello, or make a joke to break the tension.

5. Do you wear slip on shoes?

Yes, but they're normal tied shoes with elastic shoestrings so it looks like they tie.

1. How fast do you type?

80-100 WPM

2. Do you carry pepper spray?

A variant of Kyle09's awesome spray. Home made in my best friend's aunt's back yard in chicago. I ruined her blender, but she was thankful for the free potent pepper spray.

3. Any plans on doing 360 flips on your chair?

See: Stairs question.

4. Do you ride down hills for fun?

I'm kind of a wuss. I'm always worried about neck injuries.

5. Can you play ping pong?

Pretty well, actually. I have trouble moving back and forth with the chair and the paddle and the inability to move completely sideways. Otherwise, I'm better than you'd think. Haven't played in forever, though.
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2007-04-04, 8:39 PM #49
:( My question isn't good enough for Kirby...
>>untie shoes
2007-04-04, 8:43 PM #50
Originally posted by Freelancer:
1. Why do crippled midgets constantly feel the need to be attention whores? You're crippled; you're a midget. We get it. Let's move on.

Sounds like someone's jealous. Or just bitter because he can't handle jokes so he has to be a passive agressive ***** about every thread people post in that don't show him sympathy when he complains about obvious jokes?

Originally posted by Antony:
have you ever wanted to have a hot rodded electric wheelchair that'll do about 35-40mph?

Yes. Everyone who owns a wheelchair wants a unique and individualized chair so it feels more natural to use. I hate how slow mine is. Makes me feel like I can't get out of danger easily.

Originally posted by Cool Matty:
Does your back/neck ever get all bound up because you're unable to stretch it out/move around?

VERY much so. My girlfriend stretches me a lot before we snuggle or other stuff. I'm getting arthritus.

If you were to become full height for one day, what would you want to do?

Sky-diving is the first and foremost thing I'd do. (I can and will do a wind tunnel thing. The reason I can't skydive is the jerk of the parachute.) There are 100+ other things, though. Driving, Freerunning, basketball, football, marshal arts, dancing, instruments, moshing, actual hunting, real paintballing, and oh-so-much-more.

What is the worst part of being a midget?

Surgeries. Not driving.
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2007-04-04, 8:46 PM #51
If I ever become super rich, priority number one is donating a high powered wheelchair to Kirby. Rocket powered maybe. Either that or powered with a go-kart engine with nitrous.

EDIT: Why can't you do "real paintballing?" I imagine your size would work to your advantage. Mount an AT-80 on your wheelchair and some shields. Gunship Kirby.
>>untie shoes
2007-04-04, 8:46 PM #52
Originally posted by Antony:
If I ever become super rich, priority number one is donating a high powered wheelchair to Kirby. Rocket powered maybe. Either that or powered with a go-kart engine with nitrous.

This makes us friends.
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2007-04-04, 8:49 PM #53
Maybe it's just me... but I've always wanted to see a midget in a high powered wheelchair rocketing down the street in downtown columbus. Get license plates on that bad boy. He'll we could even get TLC to make an episode of Rides about it.
>>untie shoes
2007-04-04, 8:53 PM #54
Sorry if these were already answered:

1. How long have you been a midget?
2. What size bed do you sleep in? Is it a regular human bed or do they make midget sized beds?
3. Ever played basketball?
4. Would you say you eat as much as the average male at your age in a given meal? Or less? more?
5. Ever been drunk, or is that too dangerous to your health? (or are you under 21 and too scared/obedient to do it?)
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2007-04-04, 8:54 PM #55
I can answer 5. for him. HELL YES he's been drunk!
2007-04-04, 9:06 PM #56
Originally posted by KOP_Snake:
1. How long have you been a midget?

... birth.

2. What size bed do you sleep in? Is it a regular human bed or do they make midget sized beds?

I sleep in an alien twin-sized.

3. Ever played basketball?

Not with a group or anything.

4. Would you say you eat as much as the average male at your age in a given meal? Or less? more?

I have a split stomach due to my back's arch. Makes eating slow, because my stomach is flattened out. I used to be able to eat twice as much as other people. I usually eat like a bird, though.

5. Ever been drunk, or is that too dangerous to your health? (or are you under 21 and too scared/obedient to do it?)

Drinking is a sin. I have NEVER drank an ounce of anything that was alcoholic in my life. Ever. EVER. Coolmatty is probably a ***.
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2007-04-04, 9:13 PM #57
Play nice.
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-04-04, 9:17 PM #58
Kirby tells falsehoods! :saddowns:
2007-04-04, 9:18 PM #59
"Only slightly moreso. I can handle quite a few. Some alcohol screws with me more than others, though."

"Drinking is a sin. I have NEVER drank an ounce of anything that was alcoholic in my life. Ever. EVER."

Think while it's still legal.
2007-04-04, 9:20 PM #60
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2007-04-04, 9:25 PM #61
Answer: No
Think while it's still legal.
2007-04-04, 9:30 PM #62
I was kidding, roach :-( SAJN knows when I'm joking.
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2007-04-04, 9:33 PM #63
Originally posted by KOP_Snake:
1. How long have you been a midget?

I wasn't aware there was an option to be a midget.
2007-04-04, 9:33 PM #64
Everyone needs to either take advantage of asking the little person questions you wouldn't normally ask one in public and play nice, or just ignore this thread.

Feel free to express your phobias associated with little people, that's always entertaining.
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-04-04, 9:34 PM #65
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Kind of. One girl wanted me to do porn for her website really bad. I was too bashful, and I was also under age (She didn't know. She was a senior in highschool.) She was hot, too. She might have been kidding (The site wasn't a joke, though.)

link? (you know where i can be contacted)
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2007-04-05, 2:18 AM #66
Originally posted by Echoman:
I wasn't aware there was an option to be a midget.

It was sort of a throwback question to a Superbowl in the 80's, Broncos vs Redskins, when a reporter asked the Redskins' quarterback "So how long have you been a black quarterback?"
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2007-04-05, 5:10 AM #67
• Have you ever suffered from mental illness?
• Have you ever considered suicide?
"Well ain't that a merry jelly." - FastGamerr

"You can actually see the waves of me not caring in the air." - fishstickz
2007-04-05, 6:15 AM #68
Originally posted by Acharjay:
• Have you ever suffered from mental illness?

Not directly, but I do have mild OCD, and seasonal depression. A sun lamp pretty much solves all of that, though.

• Have you ever considered suicide?

No. I am absolutely in love with life. It's never even been an afterthought.
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2007-04-05, 9:12 AM #69
Do you believe in God?

If not, then who hates you?

If so, why does he hate you?
2007-04-05, 12:18 PM #70
I have one.
What happened to that comic you were going to make?
My blawgh.
2007-04-05, 12:29 PM #71
1) Do you want to have kids?

2) Can you have kids?

3) If yes, and if you knew really early that the kid was going to be crippled/abnormal in general, would you want to TERMINATE the mission? I mean, pregnancy?

No idea if those were asked before.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-04-05, 3:20 PM #72
This one's kind of morbid but, what's your expected life span with all your health problems?
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-04-05, 8:11 PM #73
Urinals or toliets?
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2007-04-06, 12:24 AM #74
Urinals or toliets?

Do you wipe forwards? or backwards?

Is your toilet paper in the upright or underhand position?

Did you already answer these in the earlier thread?

If so, why the hell didn't i see it?

If i was to ask you the same question twice, would you answer it both times?

If i was to ask you the same question twice, would you answer it both times?
The bunny sees all,
the bunny knows all,
the bunny is always watching.
2007-04-06, 12:52 AM #75
Do you ever get itchy in a place that is impossible for a gimp midget to scratch?

Is the chair comfy?

Whats the largest weight you can lift?
2007-04-06, 1:33 AM #76
Thanks for doing this Kirby, I think it's a really great project for you to be undertaking. I really believe that it's a lack of exposure to to people with certain disabilities that fosters feelings of awkwardness and misunderstanding and, in the extreme, discrimination. (In fact, that extends to people of different races, sexualities, faiths etc) It's so important that people are able to learn as much as they can about eachother, and it's really cool that you're able to do this (including answering the really ridiculous questions!)

Anyway, I think most of what I'd like to know has been asked already, but here's a couple more:

Do you have any estimate for how much extra it has cost your parents to raise you? How much government/insurance help have you had with this?

If money were no object (but current technology was), what adaptations would you make to your life?

Do you think current ignorance negates the possibility of a severely disabled person rising to a position of high political power?
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2007-04-06, 6:37 AM #77
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Do you ever get itchy in a place that is impossible for a gimp midget to scratch?

This question reminded me of a particular annoyance with my leg. My left leg has almost no feeling on the surface whatsoever (I can barely feel someone punching it).

Well, every now and then, my leg will itch. However, how do you scratch an itch if you can't feel yourself scratching? The answer is: you can't. It's irritating and annoying but you just have to focus on something else and it will eventually go away.
2007-04-06, 3:02 PM #78
Originally posted by Steven:
Do you believe in God?


If not, then who hates you?


If so, why does he hate you?

Because, he's a godbotherer.

Originally posted by Phantom-Seraph:
What happened to that comic you were going to make?

It's slow coming. It may or may not happen.

Originally posted by FastGamerr:
1) Do you want to have kids?

Yes. If financially viable.

2) Can you have kids?


3) If yes, and if you knew really early that the kid was going to be crippled/abnormal in general, would you want to TERMINATE the mission? I mean, pregnancy?

I'm not sure. That's actually a gigantically hard question for me to even think about at this point. I have a 25% chance of having a child with dwarfism. On one hand, I believe that dwarfism gives you a very unique and realistic outlook on life. I have also beat 3 or 4 life threatening surguries. There's also the concept of parents with dwarfism having high expectations for a child with dwarfism.

Originally posted by Emon:
This one's kind of morbid but, what's your expected life span with all your health problems?

I will have a full life, and likely a slightly longer one due to my inability to get a number of blood or bone related illnesses. Cancer is also very rare in both of my family lines (Except my grandmother died of cancer, and my dad's family has a malignent skin-cancer)

Originally posted by genk:
Urinals or toliets?

Can't use urinals. Can't get close enough without falling in, as I can't stand on anything.

Originally posted by JoKeR SwAy:
Do you wipe forwards? or backwards?


Is your toilet paper in the upright or underhand position?


Did you already answer these in the earlier thread?


If i was to ask you the same question twice, would you answer it both times?

You make TE look good.

Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Do you ever get itchy in a place that is impossible for a gimp midget to scratch?

Yes. The line between my *** and my leg is unreachable. I also have numb spots on my back that can't be felt, but itch all the time (See Coolmatty's post)

Is the chair comfy?

Yes and no. It's comfortable for a few ours, but then gets uncomfy fast.

Whats the largest weight you can lift?

Right now? 45 in one hand. <120 benched. I need special straps to do either, though.

Originally posted by maevie:
Thanks for doing this Kirby, I think it's a really great project for you to be undertaking. I really believe that it's a lack of exposure to to people with certain disabilities that fosters feelings of awkwardness and misunderstanding and, in the extreme, discrimination. (In fact, that extends to people of different races, sexualities, faiths etc) It's so important that people are able to learn as much as they can about eachother, and it's really cool that you're able to do this (including answering the really ridiculous questions!)

I agree 100%. That's why I'm doing this. But you haven't even seen the whole project yet. Tune in!

Do you have any estimate for how much extra it has cost your parents to raise you? How much government/insurance help have you had with this?

Twice as much as a normal kid is the estemate for most dwarfs. I'd say a little less than that for me.

If money were no object (but current technology was), what adaptations would you make to your life?

I'd have a section of my house with a low ceiling and arm rails and very thin hallways. This would be my mini-house. It sounds stupid and like a joke, but it'd be very nice to have a living arangement that was all my size. I'd also love to have hand rails all over the house. A stove that was more shallow so I could reach all the burners, and other cooking adaptations. I'm a great cook when I can reach. There's so much more, it's almost impossible to discribe.

Do you think current ignorance negates the possibility of a severely disabled person rising to a position of high political power?

I hope not. I think the unique ideals of people with disabilities would be very helpful in politics. I would love to try, eventually. I think it'd be a hard fight, though.
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2007-04-07, 5:56 AM #79
One thing I do know as fact, and need no answer for is that...
Attachment: 15967/shortpeopleeatyourkneesnp4.gif (2,716 bytes)
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2007-04-07, 9:55 AM #80
It's true.
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