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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Bathroom Hair.
Bathroom Hair.
2007-04-07, 11:48 PM #41
Originally posted by Mystic0:
unless your nausea has to do with taste

Actually, nausea for me mainly involves over eating. And get over it, hair is just that thing which grows out of peoples pubic regions and scalps, it's nothing to be grossed out about. :rolleyes:
My blawgh.
2007-04-08, 12:01 AM #42
pubis doesn't bother me
2007-04-08, 6:51 AM #43
If a tub is supposed to be white, it should be 100% completely white. There should NEVER be any discoloration.
The interior of my tub (and toilets) is BRIGHT RED. Doesn't bother me one bit.

(I have well water and live in the piedmont. All that red clay is chock full of rust, and it stains everything.)
Wikissassi sucks.
2007-04-08, 1:58 PM #44
I can tolerate a lot of grime and filth, but for whatever reason the hair just bothers me.
Why do the heathens rage behind the firehouse?
2007-04-08, 2:01 PM #45
I once knew a girl with a green toilet and bathtub. It was so amazing I almost wrote a poem about it.

I guess you could say that, as long as there isn't any calcified water or whatever lining the tub it's okay.
My blawgh.
2007-04-08, 3:51 PM #46
Originally posted by Phantom-Seraph:
Don't worry. It's not my tub. I just use it.

That's like someone saying "that fork is nasty, it hasn't been washed in days" and you saying "oh, it's not my fork, i just use it".
2007-04-08, 4:25 PM #47
I have to wonder how the heck there are 45 replies to a thread on bathroom hair.
2007-04-08, 5:08 PM #48
Because it's "a very important and over looked subject."

Personally I don't mind it too much, just clean it once in a while. It's just something that's unavoidable as Isuwen pointed out.

However, the things roommates voluntarily choose to DO with themselves and things like dishes REALLY grosses me out.
This is retarded, and I mean drooling at the mouth
2007-04-08, 5:39 PM #49
Originally posted by F-Body:
Personally I don't mind it too much, just clean it once in a while. It's just something that's unavoidable as Isuwen pointed out.

yes... almost as unavoidable as Isuwen himself. :ninja:

but yeah, i don't have too much of a problem with drain hair, but i clean the drain in the shower fairly regularly.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2007-04-08, 5:46 PM #50
just go into showers with sandals. then you end up not caring about anything, be it hair, soap scum, mold...
2007-04-08, 6:06 PM #51
I have walked into public restrooms barefoot. Shower scum does not phase me.

2007-04-08, 6:09 PM #52

That takes being a hippy to an even new low.

Good job hickney spears.
2007-04-08, 6:29 PM #53
Eh, it was do that or pee in the streets.

2007-04-08, 6:49 PM #54
yes... almost as unavoidable as Isuwen himself.

I love you too.
Wikissassi sucks.
2007-04-08, 7:12 PM #55
This thread is fa-bu-lous!

But seriously...umm...I can't believe I've actually posted 2 times in this. I can't believe I've looked at those pictures. Ugh.
2007-04-08, 8:14 PM #56
Well. I was tired of threads I couldn't contribute too. I'm sick of hearing about politics because there is hardly ever delightful news, and after seeing some hair I left in the tub I wondered how much hair other people leave. So, it may be gross, but, whatever. It's still mildly amusing. :)
My blawgh.
2007-04-08, 8:44 PM #57
You know what's more disgusting? Finding your locker filled with silverfish and cockroaches. Beat that.
Back again
2007-04-08, 8:58 PM #58
Finding oozing warts and crabs on your. . .well, you know. But yeah, Silver fish are gross.
My blawgh.
2007-04-09, 1:00 AM #59
I once fished a moth out of my hot chocolate and proceeded to drink the rest.
Why do the heathens rage behind the firehouse?
2007-04-09, 3:39 AM #60
I agree with happydud-- it /really/ isn't that hard. Though usually when I shower, I wind up sticking any stray shower hairs onto the tile walls and finding the patterns/pictures in them [like clouds and tortillas]. I also usually brush my shampoo/conditioner out of my hair, that way a lot of the stray hairs go onto the brush instead of onto the floor.

FWIW, I also shave my chest and trim my toenails [ick for not..] and sit down to pee [except in public restrooms] and I'm not half-gay. ;)

Incidentally, my hair used to be to my waist, I trimmed it to my shoulder-blades a couple years ago, and last month I chopped my braid off Viking style and it's just barely long enough to pull back into a troll-knot now. Moral: I have a lot of experience with shower hair. :D
Also, I can kill you with my brain.
2007-04-11, 5:55 PM #61
Originally posted by Isuwen:
(I have well water and live in the piedmont. All that red clay is chock full of rust, and it stains everything.)

Yeah, well water is not fun. I use to live with well water, never felt like drinking right from the sink.

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