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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Shutting Down Massassi
Shutting Down Massassi
2007-04-21, 5:55 AM #41
I recently spent several weeks downloading every single JK and MotS level and mod, renaming each file to its title.

Brian can give you the amount of space these files take up; I can't, due to combining the files with other downloads already. (The only count I recorded: all 1,267 downloadable JK MP levels are 775 MB.) Here are the counts of each section of downloads and some info about missing and duplicate files:
/ JK Arena: 2
/ CTF: 30
/ Mods: 530
	* Advanced Saber
	  and Advanced Saber
	  are the same.
	* AZSaber Pack ( not found
	* Blaster Tag ( found twice
	* Conda (thereisnolevel) not found
	* Force Push ( [the second one] not found
	* Halfman's Sabers (halfsab).zip
	  and Halfman's Sabers 2 (halfsab).zip
	  are the same.
	* Halfman's Sabers Again ( not found
	* JM Collection Sneak Peek ( not found
	* Sithsabers Skin Pack 2.0 Final (sithsabers).zip 
	  and Sith Sabers Skin Pack S.E. (sithsabers).zip
	  are the same.
	* Ultimate Star Wars Mod ( not found
/ MP: 1275
	* Complex X-11 ( not found.
	* Danger Room Guns Edition ( not found.
	* Petra ( not found.
	* Petra ( listed a second time and also not found.
	* Space Noxx ( not found.
	* Space Station Saber Training ( not found.
	* The Hangar of The Elora Dawn ( not found.
	* The Temple Of Zantos ( not found.
	* The Gonkulator (gonkulator).zip is 7mb, 
		yet there is a much smaller version: 
		The Gonkulator Special Edition (gonk).zip
/ KFY: 3
/ Mods: 55
/ MP: 171
	* not found
	* (3) duplicates
	* Duel of the Fates (duelfates).zip  
		"Don't bother downloading this one- it's an old buggy version. 
		Get the updated version instead- 'Duel of the Fates S.E.'. Besides, 
		this is a JK file not MOTS, someone put it in the wrong category."
/ SP: 102

I also downloaded all JK and MotS levels from The Admiral's Command Chamber. The stats:
/ JK SP: 65
/ MotS SP: 109
	* Dark Legion 1 ( not found.
	* Dark Legion 2 ( not found.
	* Dark Legion 3 ( not found.
	* Dark Legion 4 ( not found.
	* Docking Bay 3027 ( not found.
	* The Emperor's Reach Part 1 ( not found.
	* The Emperor's Reach Part 2 ( not found.
	* The Emperor's Reach Part 3 ( not found.
	* The Emperor's Reach Part 4 ( not found.
	* Yug'rin & Zak: Part 1 ( not found.
	* Yug'rin & Zak: Part 2 ( not found.
	* Yug'rin & Zak: Part 3 ( not found.
	* Yug'rin 1: Yug'rin's Mission ( not found.
	* Yug'rin 2: Yug'rin's Escape ( not found.
	* Yug'rin 3: Wanted ( not found.
	* Yug'rin 4: The Battle of Rodia ( not found.

I have also downloaded JK and MotS related files from several places on the Internet, too. I am attempting to have every JK and MotS related file out there; well, except for the utter junk (as some of the stuff on Massassi and JK Hub is).

If anyone can give me any of the missing levels or mods, please contact me; I would appreciate it.

2007-04-21, 8:00 AM #42
The files are backed up to CMs server. Still, there's no harm in letting people have all the files if they want them (it's not like we own them). A torrent is a good idea.
2007-04-21, 8:01 AM #43
I bet most of those "not found" ones are problems with capitalization. The "found twice" ones are probably because you put them on a mac or on windows and they are actually different files Btag vs. btag, so you may have lost something. Dude, you could have just told me and I would have put a symlink in your dir on jkhub so you could have just FTPd them all.

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