I am embroiled in a long and brutal war against landfish over documentation. I am of the opinion that my style of documentation is the minimum required for someone else to be able to read my code; is the following too much documentation?
So, Massassi: do I document too much?
/* CS2110 Final Project Written by <blrglglg> Created on 4/2/07 Revisions: Description: Given a field to compare a specified column to, this will tokenize a search string and look for any matches to that search string It will then return the MySQL result resource */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <mysql/mysql.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "dbh.h" #include "search.h" #include "strip.h" /* Given a number indicating which column search, this returns all the records that match the search and displays them The numbering goes as follows: 1 - fName (First Name) 2 - lName (Last Name) 3 - Address (Lines 1 & 2) 4 - city 5 - state 6 - zip code */ void search(int fieldNum, MYSQL *mysql) { /* Holds the search terms */ char c[1024]; /* Holds the eventual result */ MYSQL_RES *result; /* Get the search terms */ printf("\nPlease enter the terms you wish to search by, separate by spaces: "); fgets(c, 1024, stdin); /* Strip the newline off of it */ strip(c); /* This will hold the name of the column we search */ char colName[5]; /* Which column are we searching? */ /* We don't test for addresses, as that will be a specially-built query */ switch(fieldNum) { /* First name */ case 1: sprintf(colName, "fName"); break; /* Last name */ case 2: sprintf(colName, "lName"); break; /* City */ case 4: sprintf(colName, "city"); break; /* State */ case 5: sprintf(colName, "state"); break; /* ZIP code */ case 6: sprintf(colName, "zip"); break; } /* Will hold the search query */ char q[2048] = "SELECT addId, fName, lName, addLine1, addLine2, city, state, zip FROM addressBook"; /* If we're not searching addresses, use the specified column name to determine where we search */ if (fieldNum != 3) { /* Tokenize the ssearch terms */ char *tokenPtr; tokenPtr = strtok(c, " "); /* Was there at least one search term? */ if (tokenPtr != NULL) { /* Make sure that the given token is properly escaped */ char escapeToken[512]; mysql_real_escape_string(mysql, escapeToken, tokenPtr, strlen(tokenPtr)); sprintf(q, "%s WHERE UPPER(%s) LIKE UPPER('%%%s%%')", q, colName, escapeToken); tokenPtr = strtok(NULL, " "); /* Attach all the other search terms */ while (tokenPtr != NULL) { /* Escape any dangerous characters in the string */ mysql_real_escape_string(mysql, escapeToken, tokenPtr, strlen(tokenPtr)); sprintf(q, "%s OR UPPER(%s) LIKE UPPER('%%%s%%')", q, colName, escapeToken); tokenPtr = strtok(NULL, " "); } } /* Tack on the "order by the auto-increment column" bit */ sprintf(q, "%s ORDER BY addID", q); } /* Otherwise, we're searching the addresses */ else { /* Tokenize the ssearch terms */ char *tokenPtr; tokenPtr = strtok(c, " "); /* Was there at least one search term? */ if (tokenPtr != NULL) { /* Make sure that the given token is properly escaped */ char escapeToken[512]; mysql_real_escape_string(mysql, escapeToken, tokenPtr, strlen(tokenPtr)); sprintf(q, "%s WHERE UPPER(addLine1) LIKE UPPER('%%%s%%') OR UPPER(addLine2) LIKE UPPER('%%%s%%')", q, escapeToken, escapeToken); tokenPtr = strtok(NULL, " "); /* Attach all the other search terms */ while (tokenPtr != NULL) { /* Escape any dangerous characters in the string */ mysql_real_escape_string(mysql, escapeToken, tokenPtr, strlen(tokenPtr)); sprintf(q, "%s OR UPPER(addLine1) LIKE UPPER('%%%s%%') OR UPPER(addLine2) LIKE UPPER('%%%s%%')", q, escapeToken, escapeToken); tokenPtr = strtok(NULL, " "); } } /* Tack on the "order by the auto-increment column" bit */ sprintf(q, "%s ORDER BY addID", q); } /* Execute the query */ mysql_query(mysql, q); /* Get the results */ result = mysql_store_result(mysql); /* Print the number of results found */ printf("%d result(s) found\n", (int)mysql_num_rows(result)); /* If there was at least one result, print them all */ if (result) { MYSQL_ROW row; while((row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { printf("\nRecord ID: %s\n", row[0]); printf("Name: %s %s\n", row[1], row[2]); printf("Address: %s\n", row[3]); /* If there is anything in address line 2, print it, too */ if (strlen(row[4]) > 0) { printf(" %s\n", row[4]); } printf("City: %s\n", row[5]); printf("State: %s\n", row[6]); printf("ZIP: %s\n", row[7]); } } mysql_free_result(result); } /* Prints the selections a user has */ /* If the user input is invalid, it simply returns a call to the menu */ int printSearchMenu() { printf("Please select which field you would like to search by:\n\n"); printf("1. First name\n"); printf("2. Last name\n"); printf("3. Street address\n"); printf("4. City\n"); printf("5. State\n"); printf("6. ZIP code\n"); printf("7. Cancel\n"); /* Get the user's selection */ char userInput[1024]; printf("Please enter your selection: "); fgets(userInput, 1024, stdin); /* Is the input invalid? If it is, return a call to the menu */ if (atoi(userInput) < 1 || atoi(userInput) > 7) { printf("\nERROR: your input must be an integer between 1 and 7.\n"); return printSearchMenu(); } /* Otherwise, if it's not an invalid selection, return the integer version of the user's input */ return atoi(userInput); }
So, Massassi: do I document too much?
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken