Having loads of getters and setters is bad, except I'm working with Spring/Hibernate/Javabeans which requires use of them quite extensively.
Almost every database table gets mapped to an object which is populated automatically by Hibernate using getters and setters. Even if the database is well-normalised (which admittedly it's not, but this is a database that was around before I started work) there are still a lot of classes which are nothing but getters and setters. These don't get comments.
I also don't comment any other code unless it doesn't look obvious what it means. The kind of code that gets commented is the kind of algorithm that has many similar variables such that even decent naming conventions don't really clarify what's going on. These algorithms tend to get refactored into something nicer at some point though.
I also fully comment any code i've copy-pasted from somewhere else that's not my own work, this is so that I personally understand what's going on.
Almost every database table gets mapped to an object which is populated automatically by Hibernate using getters and setters. Even if the database is well-normalised (which admittedly it's not, but this is a database that was around before I started work) there are still a lot of classes which are nothing but getters and setters. These don't get comments.
I also don't comment any other code unless it doesn't look obvious what it means. The kind of code that gets commented is the kind of algorithm that has many similar variables such that even decent naming conventions don't really clarify what's going on. These algorithms tend to get refactored into something nicer at some point though.
I also fully comment any code i've copy-pasted from somewhere else that's not my own work, this is so that I personally understand what's going on.