First I want to thank you for the good post. Actual articles to back up claims, what a concept.
The first article just makes light of the fact there are contentions. Yeah, pretty much, like anything there are. They don't touch on ANY of the childhood issues, which I find very suspect. It seems to have an overall negative tone, and their inclusion of "sexual disfunction" under complications underscores their own bias. There is absolutely NOTHING to support that, but they include it anyway and put disclaimers on everything else.
The second article is interesting but seems to be leading it's own conclusions, in that if a country has more prevalence of circumcisions, of course there will be more
raw cases of penile cancer in them. The incidence that he calculates is equal in both circ and non, and he's "adjusted" the data outside of the paper's own requirements to show it as such. Eh, but anyway, there are other papers that refute those claims, and show decreases. If anything it just goes to show how contentious the research is.
As far as stds, look at one of the papers he cites himself:
A quick jump to conclusions reads:
So uncirc men, as used by this guy's own evidence on his own site, have a greater occurrence of STDs, sans warts caused by HPV. So, does that mean uncirc men are protected from HPV? There's contention. Not only the paper I citied in page 3, but another paper as well shows INCREASED HPV in uncirc men, as this paper states:
So, what was their inclusion criteria? Heterosexual and lived in King County. Indeed they have a rather inclusive criteria, except geographical selection. In other words, they don't know why the two don't match. Exclusion of homosexual and bisexual populations is questionable because it decreases the external validity of the study, which doesn't help it. So it's still up in the air.
On to the other points:
I never said circumcisions were painless, but you don't need general anesthesia for them like your other examples. Medically, that's a HUGE DIFFERENCE, as general anesthesia has added complications. Anyone who compares circumcision to appendectomy needs to seriously recheck that logic from a procedural prospective.
Ok, I'm unsure what the NHS actually means when they say that only a few men need circumcisions. I mean, for STDs and UTIs, you don't
need to remove the foreskin. It just increases risk, they are still treatable, etc. That's a bit of a foggy sentence, and has little meaning on its own. If they mean for Phimosis, fine, but they aren't including all possible reasons for a circumcision, medically speaking.
The last point is true, and I've heard higher numbers. It depends on the complications, most are benign like a bit of localized tissue necrosis (due to anesthetic) or swelling. There are more serious complications, but those are about as rare as can be. It just boils down to to the complications incurred there are benign and much more acute than the risks of going uncircumcised.