"You Would Have Been BALEETED..."
Posts: 3,897
My problem with an impeachment would be that it'd be entirely politically motivated, just under the guise of "omg he was bad". It would basically be Andrew Johnson #2. I sometimes wish that impeachments were really based on the people, and not by Congress. There's a difference between incompetency and factually doing terrible things. Plenty of Presidents have been incompetent, and there probably wouldn't be enough real substantial evidence for the latter.
People just seem to forget though that there is something other than the President. It's called his administration. A lot can be blamed not on Bush, but on the administration. If I were Pres and had my leading experts come up to me, for their own reasons (I'm talking Rumsfeld and Cheney, still bitter after not getting Saddam in Gulf I) come up to me and say "Hey, *blah blah blah* lets invade Iraq", and that's what all my information is coming from, I'd do it. A lot of what was done and decided was purely on individual motivation totally unrelated to Bush. I'm not saying Dubya gets a pass here. But you gotta take into account that a lot of what he promotes was coming straight form his administration. And in the Iraq War verdict, almost 90% of congress supported that, so rag on all those Democrats too for starting it and not having the foresight to see the results, or even trying to look deeper into the accusations. If Bush was so little-minded to just invade Iraq off the bat, so are all the congressman (regardless of party) and members of the administration for voting to go for it in the first place.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"
"None knows what the new day shall bring him"