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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Your Fav Novels
Your Fav Novels
2007-05-16, 3:54 AM #41
Grah, I don't read much novels these days, but Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and A Clockwork Orange have always come up in my mind since 2003.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-05-16, 4:00 AM #42
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. Also Richard Bach's Illusions, Jonathan Livingstone Seagull, and Paolo Coelho's The Alchemist. Also most of Terry Pratchett. :P
2007-05-17, 1:23 PM #43
I have some favourite novels and they include various Star Wars novels:

The Colour Of Magic - Terry Pratchett
Pyramids - Terry Prachett
Men At Arms - Terry Pratchett
(The are my three favourite Discworld novels)

Dune - Frank Herbert
Deception Point - Dan Brown

And yes Star Wars:
Republic Commando series - Karen Traviss
The Cestus Deception - Steven Barnes
2007-05-17, 2:34 PM #44
Everything written by Card, Niven, Jordan, Martin, Keyes, and Rowling. Not always in that order.
Wikissassi sucks.
2007-05-17, 4:21 PM #45
Some of my favorites are:
The Great Gatsby - Fitgerald
The Count of Monte Cristo - Dumas
For Whom the Bell Tolls - Hemingway
The Wind in the Willows - Grahame

I also enjoyed the short stories "The Old Man and the Sea" by Hemingway (it's a bit sad, though) and "The Heart of Darkness" by Conrad.

My favorite novel, though, is A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.
2007-05-17, 4:27 PM #46
I forgot to mention, Speak is one of my favorite books as well.
My blawgh.
2007-05-17, 5:35 PM #47
Almost anything by Chuck Palahniuk (Invisible Monsters comes to mind first though)
Any of the Amber books by Roger Zelazney. Well, the first 5.
The Outsiders
Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes

The last two not so much novels, but books I read in 5th and 4th grade respectively that have stayed with me moreso then others.
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2007-05-17, 6:28 PM #48
  • The Hobbit
  • The Lord of the Rings

I've read many great books, but I will always compare everything to these 2 books.
2007-05-17, 7:07 PM #49
Slaughterhouse Five
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
2007-05-17, 8:01 PM #50
How come nobody here seems to read Jack Vance!

My all-time favourite SF writer, a true grandmaster of the genre with an enormous oeuvre.

Some of my favourites:

The Eyes of the Overworld
Cugel's Saga

(These are actually a part one and two in a series about a hilarious character named Cugel. Setting: The days of the dying earth)

Some other great titles (also in the Dying earth series) :

Rhialto the Marvellous
The Dying Earth

And then there's Lyonesse A brilliant must-read fantasy Trilogy:

Book 1 - Suldrun's Garden
Book 2 - The Green Pearl
Book 3 - Madouc

Some other great titles:

The Blue World

Showboat World

Vance is so unique and fantastic because of his incredibly subliminal humour. His descriptions of events are hilariously to the point, and his dialogues are simply brilliant.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2007-05-17, 8:29 PM #51
Dune, the Robot/foundation series, lord of the rings, harry potter, The Wizard of Oz books.. I tend to enjoy series of books best, because they provide more content>.> I also recently started reading a few Discworld books, and am enjoying them quite a bit. My overall favorite novel would probably be.. um.. probably Dune. I guess. Favorite books are hard for me, because I dont really read them more then once.

2007-05-17, 8:50 PM #52
For Whom The Bell Tolls
Breakfast of Champions
Slaughterhouse 5
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2007-05-18, 2:56 PM #53
Originally posted by Steven:
"The Heart of Darkness" by Conrad.

Ah, so some do like that book.

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