Originally posted by Koobie:
Sounds like it's an excuse not to date you (you know, what girls do - say something nice like "omg, i like u but... youre my friendd kthx" when it'd be much more helpful for both of you WAY MORE if she'd just say that she's not interested (as opposed to giving you false hope). What, if you do get together and then suddenly break up and she'll be all pissed she's afraid she'll slit your throat when she's shaving you or something? But either way, if she does speak the truth (which I kind of doubt), there's one simple way out - find a different barber and stop being her client. Everybody wins.
Well I suppose that would be a good idea, but the whenever I seem to really like someone I screw it up and end up pointless heartache and leads me to emo-type stages. Honestly, I often bottle it and yes I find excuses to not ask someone out cause Im always worried about hearing the word 'no'. But whats different with this woman compared to others is something I can't and shes the only female I've publicly said that 'ticks the boxes'. Thanks for the advice. But when it comes to ladies - I end up hitting the wall.
Yes, Im honest :).