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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Serious discussion regarding Jihad
Serious discussion regarding Jihad
2007-05-31, 9:16 AM #41
Islam in itself isnt a bad religion, its advances in medical science in years past were very important to modern medicine.

I do wonder if the way the western world has treated several arab countries is alot to do with the growth of the extremist movement.
2007-05-31, 9:27 AM #42
Originally posted by The_Reafis:
Islam in itself isnt a bad religion, its advances in medical science in years past were very important to modern medicine.

not as important as Japan's "contributions."
2007-05-31, 9:59 AM #43
Originally posted by Jon`C:
not as important as Japan's "contributions."

And now we know how long it takes an air embolus to travel from the cubital area to the lungs. Oh, and if you can survive with your stomach attached at... both ends... to the intestines? Well, there were other things as well...

Thanks Japan!

(I'm assuming you're talking about Unit 731)
2007-05-31, 10:10 AM #44
Mm hmm. Project Maruta. Zhongma Fortress. The immortal example of the true priorities of the American government which you'll never learn about in public school.
2007-05-31, 3:26 PM #45
Since when does anyone learn in public school?
2007-05-31, 4:21 PM #46
The immortal example of the true priorities of the American government which you'll never learn about in public school.
Are you saying that children today aren't taught all the evil things our enemies did, or do you mean it the other way which makes us the evil ones?
Wikissassi sucks.
2007-05-31, 4:28 PM #47
The U.S. offered war criminals amnesty in exchange for the medical research data collected by the Japanese (Nuremberg prevented us from doing the same with the Germans). Many would consider that a morally wrong thing to do.
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-05-31, 10:37 PM #48
'Many people' would include me, and should include everybody else to be honest.

Historical revisionism is dangerous because if you don't learn the truth you can't avoid making the same mistakes. Because the Japanese weren't punished for their horrible crimes, a lot of Japanese people deny they ever happened (including many government officials.) A few believe it did happen, but they don't see anything wrong with it. And, really, Japan is the single most racist, xenophobic, nationalistic first world country by leaps and bounds.

Culturally, Japan isn't much different now than they were before WW2. On the other hand, Germany was slapped down for what they did.

What would happen if a German man put up a "no Jews" sign in his shop window? Jail.
What would happen if a Japanese man put up a "no Chinese" sign in his shop window? This happens all the time.

Now that you've been told what happened, and what is still happening because FDR's cronies were greedy douches, there are some lessons you (at least) should learn from this: Don't let Japan remilitarize - they aren't our allies, never were and never will be; and, for christ's sake, stop electing politicians with corporate interests.
2007-05-31, 10:58 PM #49
Oh, I agree. Japan is even more frightening because they know what to say to U.S. politicians to come across as strong allies; hiding the fact that they are so interested in anti-Chinese military systems because there's still racism and resentment towards the Chinese, not that they're interested in strong American-Japanese ties and a joint foreign interest approach.
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-05-31, 11:07 PM #50
On a tangent I'm curious as to what brought Japan into this. Not that at disagree on any level, but did something big happen recently?
2007-05-31, 11:16 PM #51
I can't name anything since March, when Japan forced history text book publishers to censor the topic of Japanese soldiers forcing Okinawan civilians to commit mass suicide.
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-06-01, 9:34 AM #52
Attachment: 16384/kittensaves.jpg (13,279 bytes)
2007-06-01, 2:22 PM #53
Joncy did it. It's all his fault.

If China decided to become militant, it's quite likely that we will suddenly welcome Japan's re-militarization. This time around, however, they wouldn't stand a chance. And I really don't think China has forgotten a thing.
Wikissassi sucks.
2007-06-01, 2:46 PM #54
Originally posted by Isuwen:
If China decided to become militant, it's quite likely that we will suddenly welcome Japan's re-militarization.


And the trillion dollar questions you seem to be ignoring are whether or not Japan wants nuclear weapons and whether or not the US government would hand them over. The answers, by the way, are "yeah kinda" and "who says they haven't already?"


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