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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Children of Men
Children of Men
2007-06-13, 12:01 AM #41
You have an overwhelming dick? Is your posterior callipygean? Mine is, or so the ladies tell me (and sometimes the fellas).
2007-06-13, 12:31 AM #42
Originally posted by KOP_Snake:
Why does everyone keep saying that to me?

I must admit I lol'd
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-06-13, 1:41 AM #43
Even though this is a really crap thread I'm going to throw out a few points because this is one of my favourite movies.

I think you should stop trying to read into it, like everything is symbolic or meaningful. This is a science fiction movie about a world gone to ****. That's all there is to it, really.

I don't know what you're going on about with the animals. They're no more signifigant than just going outside in real life.

There's no correlation between characters and religious people. Neo isn't Jesus. When will people stop doing this ****?

The thing about Theo is that he doesn't care about his life. It's made clear at the beginning of the film that he realises his life is pointless and he's just going day to day waiting for it to end. This is why he's selfless. He knows that a baby in a world without babies is far beyond the capacity of political extremists to handle, and doesn't care about helping Kee until he realises their plot involves using the baby to their own ends, and killing him. The only reason he got involved in the first place was to get paid.
He never picks up a gun because he wouldn't know how to use it. He's not "the hero." This is why he gets put in thongs/flip-flops/whatever for half the movie. He's a regular guy pulled into a situation that is far more impressive than anyone really seems to understand. He's not exactly going to be prepared for it.
2007-06-13, 3:17 AM #44
I thought this thread was going to be about Joy Division :argh:
2007-06-13, 11:17 PM #45
I really liked it. I didn't think it was as smart as Kirb's trying to make it, but it's still a great film.
2007-06-14, 11:22 AM #46
Jin, I think there were some religious symbols as the director stated:

Originally posted by wikipedia:
According to Cuarón, the title of P.D. James' book (The Children of Men) is a Catholic allegory derived from a passage of scripture in the Bible.[33] (Psalm 90(89):3 of the KJV: "Thou turnest man to destruction; and sayest, Return, ye children of men."[34]) James refers to her story as a "Christian fable"[18] while Cuarón describes it as "almost like a look at Christianity": "I didn't want to shy away from the spiritual archetypes," Cuarón told Filmmaker Magazine. "But I wasn't interested in dealing with Dogma."[25]
"The only crime I'm guilty of is love [of china]"
- Ruthven
me clan me mod
2007-06-14, 6:37 PM #47
I didn't know that, maybe I should have read up on the book a little bit. But it still doesn't say the characters in the film are supposed to be religious figures. All I see that saying is that the book has some spiritual undertones and he wanted to translate that into the film.
2007-06-14, 6:39 PM #48
/mansecks jin
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.

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