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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Fatssassians
2007-06-18, 8:42 PM #41
6'3" and 155 lbs.

If I lost any weight, I'd be dead.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2007-06-19, 8:58 AM #42
5'8 and 117. I know this because these are the measurements that just disqualified me for participation in a medical study.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-06-19, 9:23 AM #43
Where do you go for medical study info? i'm looking into it.
2007-06-19, 9:25 AM #44
Originally posted by Avenger:
I'm going to be getting my share of MREs this summer. They'll even be better than some of the food we'll get fed in fire camps.

Is it true that sometimes MRE's become "Meals Refusing to Exit"?
2007-06-19, 9:33 AM #45
I'll find out, I guess.
Pissed Off?
2007-06-19, 9:36 AM #46
I'm roughly 5'11" 160lbs. I gained about 20 pounds when i entered college so now I actually look like a normal person.
>>untie shoes
2007-06-19, 10:38 AM #47
Originally posted by Mr. Stafford:
Where do you go for medical study info? i'm looking into it.

I just found the ads in the local help wanted.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-06-19, 1:22 PM #48
I now require the fire department to lift me with an orca harness in order to go get groceries.
I have a signature.
2007-06-19, 5:18 PM #49
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2007-06-19, 5:22 PM #50
MadQuack has the novelty of Tupac.
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-06-19, 5:34 PM #51
I've lost weight, but that's not a good thing -- was almost up to 160lb..6'. I fear I'm below 150 now. I need to eat more..I need to get back to the gym, and I need to de-stress. :(
2007-06-19, 5:39 PM #52
Originally posted by MadQuack:
I now require the fire department to lift me with an orca harness in order to go get groceries.

Don't call me to come help.
Pissed Off?
2007-06-19, 6:32 PM #53
Originally posted by JLee:
I've lost weight, but that's not a good thing -- was almost up to 160lb..6'. I fear I'm below 150 now. I need to eat more..I need to get back to the gym, and I need to de-stress. :(

If stress made me lose weight, I'd be a lean, mean, wookiee machine!

But it doesn't. It makes me hungry...
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2007-06-19, 7:06 PM #54
damn, this is depressing
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2007-06-19, 9:01 PM #55
Originally posted by Echoman:
Is it true that sometimes MRE's become "Meals Refusing to Exit"?

Yes, the gum included in them has laxative properties for this reason.
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-06-19, 9:05 PM #56
First Strike Meals > MRE's
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-06-19, 9:08 PM #57
Don't FSRs have the military hotpocket things?
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-06-19, 9:46 PM #58
I think so. The one I got didn't, but I heart some of my buddies saying something about it.

They don't really have a "Meal" in them. I think the idea behind it is a bodybuilder's diet where you eat 5-6 small meals a day. They have about that many Small meals in them, but not a main course like MRE's have.

But it's a little under the amount of calories that 3 MRE's combined have and about the same amount of Protein/Carbohydrates, Except it's all in one package.

They don't have any of the luxury **** that MRE's have. Like the little Tobasco bottle(:(), Matches, Toilet paper, or anything else in that little bag each MRE has. They don't have the heater, either.
Apparently higher decided not enough joes were using the heater to justify the cost of putting it in FSR's.

But all in all, they're completely better than MRE's. They taste a HELL of a lot better, too.
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-06-19, 10:15 PM #59
Wow, most of you guys are really skinny bastards.

I'm 6'1" and 215 at the moment, mostly due to a year of inactivity and lots of beer. With the exception of a bit of a gut, I don't consider myself fat. Not a Greek god, but at the same time not a porker.

I've started running/biking regularly (4-5 times a week) and I'll add lifting in a couple of weeks. Hoping to lose 20-30 pounds in the next 6 months or so.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2007-06-19, 10:18 PM #60
I'm afraid all the alcohol I'm going to drink when I get back home will make me fat :(
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-06-19, 10:19 PM #61
5'10 - 135 lbs

I skinny. Hopefully college will put some pounds on me
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2007-06-20, 4:23 AM #62
Originally posted by sugarless5:
damn, this is depressing

Only for the fatties. :P
2007-06-21, 6:53 AM #63
6' 198 lbs. Down from 225 lbs. on April 18th. I'd have probably lost more in that time if I didn't like the sauce so much :saddowns:

I run 3.5 miles 3 times a week (today... not when I started) and I do 20 mins of exercise bike, and some stairmaster if I'm still feeling energetic. I limit myself to roughly 1500 calories a day, which caused my food budget to drop from about $40 every 2 weeks to $25. But oh how I miss the milk and cookies :saddowns:
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2007-06-21, 11:43 AM #64
Originally posted by 82nd_Fister:
I'm afraid all the alcohol I'm going to drink when I get back home will make me fat :(

Perhaps you should consider not drinking it, then. Or, if you must, stick with straight liquor. I hear whiskey is the most healthy of them all. Or should I say, least unhealthy.
2007-06-21, 11:51 AM #65
Originally posted by Roach:
Yes, the gum included in them has laxative properties for this reason.

I thought that was a myth.
2007-06-21, 11:55 AM #66
I weigh 153kg and am 189cm tall :)
Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.
2007-06-21, 11:56 AM #67
Its easy to lose weight all you have to do is live in europe. Smoking and walking everywhere for the win!!
America, home of the free gift with purchase.
2007-06-21, 11:57 AM #68
Originally posted by MadQuack:
I now require the fire department to lift me with an orca harness in order to go get groceries.

And where the **** have you been?
America, home of the free gift with purchase.
2007-06-21, 12:06 PM #69
6 foot 2 inches, 180 lbs.
2007-06-21, 1:35 PM #70
Originally posted by drizzt2k2:
Its easy to lose weight all you have to do is live in europe. Smoking and walking everywhere for the win!!

This doesn't seem to apply to a great number of Europeans...
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2007-06-21, 1:36 PM #71
Originally posted by Echoman:
I thought that was a myth.

It used to be, but the most recent gum is loaded with caffeine. In the old MREs soldiers had to rely on the crackers and flat bread to clear out their system (well, and today, I suppose).
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-06-21, 2:10 PM #72
Originally posted by CaveDemon:
I weigh 153kg and am 189cm tall :)

If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.

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