Why didn't anyone beat me over the head with a 2x4 until I agreed to play it? You guys let me down. 
I saw it offered on Steam last week and I have always heard pretty good things about Deus Ex, so I bought it. I just finished it this afternoon, and I've got to say I think it's going to work its way up to my-favorite-game-of-all-time status. Everything about it is incredible. I just love the way you can go about problems any way you want, and sometimes you can solve them in a totally unexpected way.
One funny thing that happened is when I went to the Mole People village, I sneaked straight to where the NSF commander's room was without even knowing it, then found the way in by accident. I thought I was going to have to taser all those sons of *****es but then they all surrendered.
And similar solutions such as releasing the poisonous gas in the Majestic12 base in Hong Kong.
In the beginning of the game, I tended to sneak around a lot and only use non-lethal force when necessary. I was especially careful to use non-lethal force or subtertfuge against UNATCO troops once I sent the distress signal from the top of NSF headquarters, because I felt guilty about harming my former comrades. That sentiment wore off eventually, though. Especially once I started getting good augmentations and upgrading them. Near the end of the game, I tended to just waltz out in the open and destroy those who would oppose me.
But the best thing about the game is the atmosphere. It's just incredible. I love the story (one of the best ever) and perhaps even more I like the general world the game portrays. I love how the game lets you subtlely make decisions about politics and ethics and morals as you go on, and certain NPCs will react differently depending on your decisions. For example, the part at the Hilton motel where you can choose to arm the owner against Jo-Jo, you can choose to give him your pistol or you can say, "I'd rather not arm civilians." Funny thing is, I gave him my pistol, then he shot Jo-Jo non-fatally and then I tased him, so when I put the cursor over him the game said he's unconscious, but in the dialogue it made it sound like I killed him.
One funny thing is when I was talking to Savage about which decision to make, JC says, "Trust me. I'll make the right decision." I thought that was really funny for some reason. I actually couldn't decide what to do until I slept on it. For those of you who must know how I decided to end the game, I merged with Helios. It was the only benevolent decision as far as I'm concerned.
So, in conclusion, Deus Ex is an excellent game, even after seven years I had absolutely no problem whatsoever with the graphics or anything else; it was simply excellent.

I saw it offered on Steam last week and I have always heard pretty good things about Deus Ex, so I bought it. I just finished it this afternoon, and I've got to say I think it's going to work its way up to my-favorite-game-of-all-time status. Everything about it is incredible. I just love the way you can go about problems any way you want, and sometimes you can solve them in a totally unexpected way.
One funny thing that happened is when I went to the Mole People village, I sneaked straight to where the NSF commander's room was without even knowing it, then found the way in by accident. I thought I was going to have to taser all those sons of *****es but then they all surrendered.

In the beginning of the game, I tended to sneak around a lot and only use non-lethal force when necessary. I was especially careful to use non-lethal force or subtertfuge against UNATCO troops once I sent the distress signal from the top of NSF headquarters, because I felt guilty about harming my former comrades. That sentiment wore off eventually, though. Especially once I started getting good augmentations and upgrading them. Near the end of the game, I tended to just waltz out in the open and destroy those who would oppose me.
But the best thing about the game is the atmosphere. It's just incredible. I love the story (one of the best ever) and perhaps even more I like the general world the game portrays. I love how the game lets you subtlely make decisions about politics and ethics and morals as you go on, and certain NPCs will react differently depending on your decisions. For example, the part at the Hilton motel where you can choose to arm the owner against Jo-Jo, you can choose to give him your pistol or you can say, "I'd rather not arm civilians." Funny thing is, I gave him my pistol, then he shot Jo-Jo non-fatally and then I tased him, so when I put the cursor over him the game said he's unconscious, but in the dialogue it made it sound like I killed him.

One funny thing is when I was talking to Savage about which decision to make, JC says, "Trust me. I'll make the right decision." I thought that was really funny for some reason. I actually couldn't decide what to do until I slept on it. For those of you who must know how I decided to end the game, I merged with Helios. It was the only benevolent decision as far as I'm concerned.
So, in conclusion, Deus Ex is an excellent game, even after seven years I had absolutely no problem whatsoever with the graphics or anything else; it was simply excellent.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009