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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Deus Ex
Deus Ex
2007-06-21, 9:10 PM #41
Paul's appearance is determined by what you choose.

Unless you're talking about Alex in DX2. I dunno if you can be black in that one.

Also: You must MUST read this.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-06-21, 9:17 PM #42
Originally posted by Glyde Bane:
Paul's appearance is determined by what you choose.

Wow... didn't know that. That's cool.

Edit: And thanks for the link. It's a very entertaining and informative read.

Ha! That's just ****ing amazing. In the walkthrough, that dude actually takes the unconscious Lebedev with him all the way back to Paul in Hell's kitchen! LOL! Also, if you shoot the holographic Simons in the captain's quarters on the ship, it will escape the holograph projector and start running around the ship! HEHE! Also, you can get into the club in Paris without paying by scaring the doorman with an MJ12 trooper corpse. :)
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-06-22, 12:49 AM #43
The only character in the entire game that has to die is Anna. If you don't kill her before getting captured and taken to MJ12, you have to kill her before Alex will help you get out of UNATCO HQ. No other character has to die, there's always a way to save/avoid killing them.
2007-06-22, 12:50 AM #44
Originally posted by Giraffe:
The only character in the entire game that has to die is Anna. If you don't kill her before getting captured and taken to MJ12, you have to kill her before Alex will help you get out of UNATCO HQ. No other character has to die, there's always a way to save/avoid killing them.

There's a glitch that makes it so you don't have to kill her, but the game goes on as if you did.

I can't remember what it is though.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-06-22, 1:11 AM #45
[EDIT] I nearly forgot one of the most important things. The Deus Ex Continuity Bible! It's all canon, too.

Some quirky little things that may or may not affect gameplay even further:

1) When you're escaping from UNATCO and go to Manderley's office (which you don't even have to do, kind of silly too), shoot a rocket to the room from the door so he explodes, then enter the room and... well, you get sort of a funny conversation with Walton Simons :|

2) Did you meet Smuggler in NYC? Anyhow, first time you're there you can find his apartment door northwest from the subway station you enter the streets. He asks for a password, which you can find out after you talk to Jock at the bar, then go out to the alley where Johnny's threatening S. Renton, and she will give you his password. Smuggler will give you a mission to find his friend Fred Schick(sic). So after getting out of his place, open one of the manholes to get into a secret MJ12 facility (of course JC doesn't know anything about MJ12 at that point). The whole sewer facility thing is rather silly, but it's still a neat sidequest to do, especially to get more guns, ammo and stuff.

3) In Everett's apartment, you can find two secret things: the leader of the Illuminati in a cryogenic freezer (you can talk to him) and a Daedalus-prototype called Morpheus (you can also talk to him). I don't remember the exact locations of them, but I guess you can google them or something.

Also proving that a lot of things were left out of DX, since if you spawn his NPC later in the game, you can have a conversation with him that expands the plot a little and ends with him offering an augmentation canister. Of course, since it was never scripted into the actual game, you get nothing! Geez.

There are many things that were left out from the game.

* The White House - supposedly because they wanted to be really realistic with the architecture and someone in the WH didn't want to have Deus Ex teach terrorists so they left it out... or maybe they just left it out :P,

*A mission to the Moon (one of the Moon maps is actually the second Area 51 level) as well as a space station with a crazy AI (shocking)

*An alternative ending where you join Bob Page. I'm not sure if they ever planned a bit of this ending, or if it's even more than a rumor, but had to be mentioned anyway.

*Chaotic street fighting in Austin, Texas (against the Russo-Mexican Alliance, which was dropped all together) between two groups, in fact, the Vandenberg professor guy (gee, I forget all of these names) was supposed to be the leader of the other group, and he would have been killed and you would have encountered his body in some tunnel with a keycode typed with his own blood on the wall or something like that.

*A level set in post-earthquake California. I think a slight reference to California was made in Vandenberg before Jock left.

[EDIT] *In Hong Kong, you can use 'ghost' (AKA noclip) to go behind a wall in the market and notice this Luminous Path thug in there. You can talk to him, and he mentions something about Paul being married to Maggie Chow... probably being a lie, but still. Kind of freaky that they even let the NPC just stay there.

*Implications that Anna Navarre could have survived from UNATCO. Noticed how Gunther Hermann was all "I WILL AVENGHE HERR" for the rest of the game? In fact, if you don't kill her in UNATCO, Gunther won't mention her in his infolinks etc. yet she won't appear for the rest of the game. Of course Alex doesn't give you the key to exit UNATCO if she's not dead, but you can just abuse the AI in this situation. You have to kill her near the door that lets you out of UNATCO, because the AI is always dumb enough to start just running around when they've been damaged enough. Incidentally the AI can open any door (locked or not), so Anna will open the door that lets you out of UNATCO and you don't ever have to ask the key from Alex. Of course, what you gain from doing this is... well, nothing

*There is one conversation that implies that the game's creators may have planned to let you stay in UNATCO. I don't remember what you had to do exactly, but IIRC when you leave the NSF base right before transmitting anything and go back to the hotel to talk to him, JC will be all "Sorry, I'm not gonna leave UNATCO blah" and once again... it doesn't lead anywhere so you have to transmit the thing anyway.

Of course, this post consists of dozens of IIRC's, bad unchecked grammar, standard FGR confusion but I still hope it is helpful in some way. Since DX is just :awesome enough: to be played through again by doing some different things.

Then again, I probably forgot a few million things, but I'll add them if I remember them.

Also, you might want to keep an eye out for HDTP and (if you have UT2k4) DXR. Of course at the moment DXR hasn't even passed its first stage (conversion of DX to UT2k4) and HDTP isn't ready, so it will probably take a long long while until there are enhanced models (yet some of them just suck IMO) and textures. Hm.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-06-22, 7:18 AM #46
Thinking about DX some more, I really, really liked the first mission. I remember shooting that guy at the top of the statue in the face and getting yelled at by... well, everyone, it seemed...

Shooting terrorists = fun
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2007-06-22, 10:19 AM #47
Yeah, I did that whole sewer mission for Smuggler.

As for letting everyone live except for Anna: How the hell do you let Gunther live? I was faced with 2 choices: either mention his killphrase or get my *** handed to me by him (or kill him if lucky). Also, how do you handle Simons without killing him? I personally ran like hell so I didn't have to fight him; is that the only way? (Kinda funny—I never heard a peep about him for the rest of the game yet he was still alive).

Also, in the walkthrough I learned you can use LAMs to scale tall walls like Spiderman. If you get to the top of the cylindrical building in Hong Kong, there's a clone of the red triad leader up there! And you can continue the storyline by seeing the clone instead of going to the lucky money—the upside here is you get no ambush, even though the dialogue says there is one. ;)
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-06-22, 11:29 AM #48
Run from him till you switch maps, iirc.

Same with Simons. Just run. Also for a fun fact: If you don't kill him in the sub base thing, then you fight him in front of Area 51 in an epic showdown. It's epic because it's open and you should have level 4 legs XD

To beat Gunther without needing his killphrase or being lucky, use your energy shield and laugh at his pathetic weapon, and whack on him with something. Or plant a LAM where he spawns XD
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-06-22, 11:34 AM #49
Originally posted by Glyde Bane:
Same with Simons. Just run. Also for a fun fact: If you don't kill him in the sub base thing, then you fight him in front of Area 51 in an epic showdown. It's epic because it's open and you should have level 4 legs XD

I DID NOT kill him in the sub base and he DID NOT show up anywhere in Area 51.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-06-22, 11:39 AM #50
Wha-... I... Huh.

Have you patched? I don't remember that fixing it but unless he drowned or something while chasing you he should appear in front of A51 and give you a villain's rant.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-06-22, 7:34 PM #51
Originally posted by Emon:
Hey, if you're going to be replaying Deus Ex, make sure to get the updated renderer. Don't bother with the OpenGL one, only Direct3D. You can enable detailed textures and some other nice features by viewing the preferences window. To do so, press the chat key to bring up the console, clear the text with backspace and type "preferences" and hit enter.

Can you explain this more? I can't get at my DX game because it's on my desktop, and the drive there is acting up again (yay!). Tried installing it on my laptop, it ran like a retarded antelope. But when I DO get my new drive and reinstall DX, I definitely want this.

Skimming that page and reading what appeared relevant, it looks like the download I want is obviously listed, yes? Installing seemed straightforward. Make backups of originals and drag the files into the system folder for DX. Correct? Where I'm getting lost from there, assuming all of the above is right, is the options, which I'm assuming aren't just going to pop up in game. What'll be worth turning on, and what do things do? or is that going to be mostly straightforward as well?
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2007-06-22, 7:43 PM #52
Guys, I have to confess.

I have never played Deus Ex. I have also never played through any of the Fallout games. Exactly what am I missing?
2007-06-22, 8:00 PM #53
Do all these upgrades work with the steam version?
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
2007-06-22, 8:14 PM #54
Originally posted by phoenix_9286:
Can you explain this more? I can't get at my DX game because it's on my desktop, and the drive there is acting up again (yay!). Tried installing it on my laptop, it ran like a retarded antelope. But when I DO get my new drive and reinstall DX, I definitely want this.

Skimming that page and reading what appeared relevant, it looks like the download I want is obviously listed, yes? Installing seemed straightforward. Make backups of originals and drag the files into the system folder for DX. Correct? Where I'm getting lost from there, assuming all of the above is right, is the options, which I'm assuming aren't just going to pop up in game. What'll be worth turning on, and what do things do? or is that going to be mostly straightforward as well?

it took me a while to get it to work too. although the preferances never worked for me.

i just made a fresh install, updated to the 1.112fm patch, dragged the files into the system directory, then when you start the game the first time, select the D3d8 option under the "all available" tab thingy.

runs great, and looks good too.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2007-06-22, 11:19 PM #55
Originally posted by Stinkywrix:
Guys, I have to confess.

I have never played Deus Ex. I have also never played through any of the Fallout games. Exactly what am I missing?

Give me your address and I'll whack you upside the head with a 2x4 until you agree to buy and play it. And you'll thank me for doing it. It's that good.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-06-23, 9:59 AM #56
Deus Ex has been my favorite SP game for almost 5 years. Amazing combination of FPS, RPG, and a novel-esque plot. It's one of the reasons that I have become quite cynical and picky with game choices (last played HL2, haven't touched the episodes yet). I haven't touched a new SP title in two years. Hell, I never even played DX2 because I heard it didn't live up to the first one.

According to wikipedia, there will be a Deus Ex 3.
2007-06-23, 10:03 AM #57
DX2 didn't live up to the first one so much that it shouldn't even be called DX2, just IW. So the chances of Deus Ex 3 being great are now... rather dim. Hmph.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-06-23, 11:10 AM #58
Originally posted by Emon:
There's an exploit in Vandenberg where you get points for entering a code into a keypad. You can keep using the keypad and it will keep giving you points for upgrades. :D

There's a better one.

After you finish the underwater part of the sub base mission, savage will meet you on the roof of the part you played through earlier. If you manage to save Savage's daughter in the rescue mission, he will give you an upgrade cannister.

The glitch is if you have a full inventory, savage will keep spawning cannisters after oyu say you can't carry anything else. To exploit it, Drop all your stuff, pick up enough cannisters to max out your augs, pick up your stuff again, and then leave with jock.
2007-06-23, 11:43 AM #59
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
DX2 didn't live up to the first one so much that it shouldn't even be called DX2, just IW. So the chances of Deus Ex 3 being great are now... rather dim. Hmph.

It's a completely different developer so I wouldn't say that at all.

Pagewizard, yeah, I know about the canister one too. :D
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-06-23, 11:47 AM #60
Originally posted by Stinkywrix:
Guys, I have to confess.

I have never played Deus Ex. I have also never played through any of the Fallout games. Exactly what am I missing?

Three of the best games ever made.
2007-06-23, 12:02 PM #61
It's a completely different developer so I wouldn't say that at all.

Well, here's hoping that they have played original DX enough to know what to do :P
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-06-24, 6:58 PM #62
Alright, someone help me figure out what in the hell is going on with my game.

I poked around some more with DX on my laptop. Turns out it DOES run, but there's some positively wacky crap going on. I can't decide if it's something to do with the game, or my hardware.

Game has been updated to 1.112fm, and the D3d8 thingy is installed. I choose the D3d8 as my renderer, game launches. At this point, one of three things happens.
A. The game plays normally. (I've also figured out it'll play normally after every time I tell it which renderer to use)
B. Everything runs at double speed. Visuals, walk speed, those intro logo movies. Not audio.
C. Everything runs at HALF speed. Again, Visuals, walk speed, those intro logo movies, not audio.

Specs for the laptop, if it makes a difference...

Acer Aspire 5100
AMD Turion 64 X2 Mobile
1 gig of Ram
ATI Mobile Xpress 1100

What's going on? Things like this are pretty much one of the reasons I stopped playing games on PC and switched to consoles... the hassle sometimes just isn't worth the time.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2007-06-24, 7:27 PM #63
Originally posted by Stinkywrix:
Guys, I have to confess.

I have never played Deus Ex. I have also never played through any of the Fallout games. Exactly what am I missing?

They are three of the best games ever created. Go get all three now.
Pissed Off?
2007-06-24, 7:27 PM #64
Originally posted by Glyde Bane:
Paul's appearance is determined by what you choose.

Nope, no matter what you choose, every character looks like John Travolta.
2007-06-24, 7:37 PM #65
Originally posted by phoenix_9286:
Alright, someone help me figure out what in the hell is going on with my game.

Try the OpenGL renderer on the same page I linked to. There is even a beta that does per-pixel lighting on models and other HDR stuff, yet sadly I cannot seem to get it working.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-06-24, 7:53 PM #66
No good. All the same issues, which is making me think renderer might not be the problem.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2007-06-24, 7:53 PM #67
Originally posted by DEFINOTELY NOT SPE:
Nope, no matter what you choose, every character looks like John Travolta.



Wow you're right.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-06-24, 9:55 PM #68
Phoenix are you running on a dual core machine? I get the same issue while playing on my dual-core laptop (same cpu as yours) and limiting the game to a single core seems to fix the problem.
2007-06-25, 4:18 AM #69
Originally posted by Avenger:
They are three of the best games ever created. Go get all three now.

I would also (personally) recommend Invisible War and Fallout: Tactics.

But stay the Hell away from Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel.
2007-06-25, 9:15 AM #70
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS:
Phoenix are you running on a dual core machine? I get the same issue while playing on my dual-core laptop (same cpu as yours) and limiting the game to a single core seems to fix the problem.

Yes, I am. I had a vague thought that this might've been the issue. How does one go about telling it that? My quick 30 second poke around hasn't yielded much.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2007-06-25, 9:31 AM #71

Task Manager

Find the process, right click, click "affinity."

Change it to disable one processor.

2007-06-25, 12:22 PM #72
I have a dual-core CPU and I've had no problems. :confused:
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-06-25, 2:50 PM #73
Yeah, that didn't help, and Rob's suggestion would kinda fail as a solution even if it did work, since it resets every time the program launches again.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2007-06-25, 3:27 PM #74
Uh no.

It works if your problem is dual-core related.

Uhh yeah, just reapply the fix every time.
2007-06-25, 3:32 PM #75
Originally posted by Rob:
Uh no.

It works if your problem is dual-core related.

Uhh yeah, just reapply the fix every time.

Which, as I said, apparently isn't the problem, since it didn't fix anything.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2007-06-25, 5:27 PM #76
It's the Dark Engine (Thief 1 and 2, System Shock 2) that has dual-core problems, not the Unreal engine (as far as I know).
I'm just a little boy.
2007-06-25, 7:00 PM #77
Flirbnic is right. Unreal has always been very robust.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-06-25, 8:37 PM #78
Robust at not supporting OpenGL that well. :argh:

(At about this time, I forget what card I had, but it didn't like Direct3d. :P )
2007-07-01, 7:21 PM #79
This thread got me playing Deus Ex again, and I just finished it. Now I'm craving System Shock.

Originally posted by JDKNITE188:
Amazing combination of FPS, RPG, and a novel-esque plot. It's one of the reasons that I have become quite cynical and picky with game choices

Really, I wish more games would be made with this kind of attitude towards the plot. The prevalent attitude is, as John Carmack once said, "Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important."

I'm just a little boy.
2007-07-01, 7:25 PM #80
Originally posted by Flirbnic:
Now I'm craving System Shock.

Make sure to read my thread about playing with the latest stuff.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.

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