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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Just curious
Just curious
2007-07-03, 4:56 PM #41
90% I clicked the wrong one on the amendments to the constitution and missed the INS form one because I never had to fill one out. :\
2007-07-03, 6:55 PM #42

What's the point of all the historical ones, though? How does it make you a better citizen in the slightest to know arbitrary dates and characters (like Patrick Henry)? Might as well get rid of those to include more questions on how the government actually works. (I missed the one on appointing supreme court justices, for which I ought to be ashamed.)
2007-07-03, 10:31 PM #43

Or rather, when I got to the "original 13 states" question, my eyes melted.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-07-03, 11:47 PM #44
I got a fairly respectable 50%.

The ones I got right were:

1. How many stripes are there on the U.S. flag?
2. Who is the chief justice of the Supreme Court today?
6. What are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution called?
7. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?
9. What are the 13 original states?
10. What do the stripes on the U.S. flag mean?
12. How many changes or amendments are there to the Constitution?
15. How many representatives are there in Congress?
17. Why did the Pilgrims come to America?
19. What INS form is used to apply to become a naturalized citizen?

But seeing as how the answer to 19 was at the top of the thread I did sort of cheat there.
2007-07-04, 12:54 AM #45
Only 25% :o

I'd be interested to see a British equivalent
2007-07-04, 1:28 AM #46
Didn't we already have a thread which proved i'm the #1 American?
2007-07-04, 1:51 AM #47
60%, which is more than I thought I'd get. It has been too long since my school days and courses of history...

I think I could have got a little higher score if I had stopped to think a couple of the questions more carefully.

Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Got 5 (why have 9 judges when you could have 10, dangit)

10 makes no sense because a vote could produce 5-5. With 9, 5-4, which is a resolution.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2007-07-04, 1:52 AM #48
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-07-04, 5:50 AM #49

You answered 55% of questions correctly.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2007-07-04, 6:19 AM #50
80% - meh, never been politically minded so that's not too bad, and I clicked the wrong one on one of them, I knew the answer
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.

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