Jep Bartholomew Francisqué de Minguo El Inigo Montoya Padré the Third
Posts: 10,237
King's Man and Thief - Christie Golden
I must say, this book has made me realise how much of a weak stomach I have for violence and death to women. I have just finished reading a dreadful few chapters of the book where a man, former thief, realises he is in love and asks a woman in marriage. She accepts, but within seconds, the man is sapped and she is kidnapped. The following chapter focuses on the kidnapper slaughtering (with much graphic description) the woman and finally killing her in sacrifice to some dark god.
"Your beauty goes first" said the killer as she sliced through her captive's face.
I was shaking, and I ended up puking from an overdose of stress/dread/disgust and agony.
The author laughed her *** off when I told her about it. XD
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless