Not necessarily. Maybe life don't actually exist, or maybe it always has... This is the limitation of science. You can't ever say anything 100%.
But anyway I'm willing to concede that life probably at one point did not exist and yet does now, so allow me to be more precise in my wording:
"something that is not living cannot suddenly start living, without being acted upon by some outside force in some way that we do not understand."
wow, you must be incredibly proud of yourself.
Right, assuming we're accurate in our current scientific understanding of date-testing methods. (I'm not claiming that we're not, mind you.)
Eh? Wasn't the whole thing of why everyone thought Columbus was crazy was that he was going to "fall off the edge of the earth"?
Yeah, possibly not (I didn't claim that it was for sure a dinosaur, just that it fit the description pretty well. I'm willing to concede that I could well be wrong there.). As far as context, the book itself is not about animals. The animals are described to put God's power into context. "Look at all these powerful creatures. They're really strong and magnificent and stuff. I was the one that *created* them. Think how strong and magnificent I must be..."
I agree. We've taken our natural ability to adapt and replaced it with science, basically.
life: the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally. (Does this really need to be defined? We all know what it means to be living or non-living. Quit nitpicking. And I don't have to describe why something non-living could not create something living. That's the origin theorists job. It's called burden of proof. If you want to make a positive claim "life can be created from non-life." then it's your job to prove it and explain how it happens. Personally, I'm happy to believe that that's not possible by any scientific means.)
I'm quite sure I understand just as well as any human being who lives 80 - 100 years, and that is intellectually.
Check out this article:
(disclaimer: I haven't done a lot of research on this issue, thus the link. I'll let someone else argue the statistical impossibility of evolution for me. I chose that article because it uses a lot of citations and references, and seemed to be the most professional. (ie it wasn't all like "OMG GUYS SICIENCE SHOWS THAT EVOLUTION IS IMPOSSIBLE CUZ OF STATISTICS!!!11 LETS ALL BOW DOWN AND WORSHIP GOD FOR SHOWING US HOW COMPLEX WE ARE"))
That's not even *close* to what I'm saying. More like:
"When considering scientific theory, it is important to remember that it is only theory and therefore, is always changing. There is a good likelihood that the current popular theories will be laughed at 500 years from now."
(And I said quite literally nothing about there being truth in the bible (I assume that's the thousands of years old book your referring to.). My only reference to the Bible is to show that there are ancient texts (ie the bible) with descriptions of animals that may possibly be dinosaurs.)
Umm.. It doesn't say anything in the text about Behemoth having horns.. Where'd you get that from? And yes, the three elements you described do accurately describe a lot of animals, but those are not the only 3 things that are described in the text. You also forgot "impossible or nearly impossible for the people of that time to capture or kill." Read my posts on this earlier cause I feel like I'm repeating myself.
The difference is that legends about dragons have been around for far longer than it's been scientifically known of the existence of dinosaurs. The Flinstones has not.
Actually, Jon, I agree. Which is why I don't make any claims one way or another. I'm just presenting some theories. I do tend to lean though, towards an older earth and towards guided evolution, because I think it's better supported scientifically, and I don't see any contradictions between that and the bible. The problem arises when people look at the bible first for scientific truths. The bible is not a scientific text. It's a spiritual text. People should stop wasting their time reading the bible to find scientific truths and use it instead to find Spiritual Truth. If they want scientific truth, then they should accept what science has to offer, but recognize that those things will likely change over time so they should not become too attached to them. This goes for Christians and non-Christians alike.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.