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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What evolution left behind
What evolution left behind
2007-07-15, 3:22 PM #121
As if the Michael Behe vs. Richard Dawkins (and virtually everyone else) debate wasn't enough to I come here and find out that even Massassians are arguing about Irreducible Complexity. Dear spirits, what is this world coming to?
2007-07-15, 3:25 PM #122
We could argue about how retarded PETA is instead, if you wanted.
2007-07-15, 4:15 PM #123
I'm no evolutionary biologist, but Irreducible Complexity (IC) seems to be nothing more than a Creationist or Intelligent Design (I'm aware that there is a difference) attempt to prove that evolution fails to explain how complex systems such as the eye evolved from more simplistic systems. Didn't Darwin himself explain how the eye could have evolved? I don't really see how there's any room for Irreducible Complexity when evolution does indeed explain how complex systems evolved from simplistic systems. I don't understand how simply stating that certain systems are too complex to have evolved from simplistic systems makes it true. Isn't this just another round of "OMG the universe is teh complex to not have teh creatorz"? <-- Richard Dawkins explaining how the human eye could have evolved. <-- Ali G on science, evolution, and creation (language warning).
2007-07-15, 4:22 PM #124
Yeah, covering your ears and screaming "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!" is how academics win debates, too.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-07-15, 4:34 PM #125
You can argue about PETA if you wish, but my point was proven last time, and I would have nothing more to add.
2007-07-15, 4:36 PM #126
I would read Behe's book, and I know Creationists would call me close-minded, but when not a single scientific journal supports your conclusion, I'm a bit hesitant in what may very likely be a waste of my time.
2007-07-15, 6:21 PM #127
Complex systems evolve from simple components because complex systems are better.

The eye probably started as a single bundle of light-sensitive neurons. Different kinds of pigments allowed more light sensitivity, more neurons allowed better vision, and you could get a sharper picture if the cluster is in a particular configuration. The human eye is still pretty simple (cone count is concentrated around the center of vision) and it has some errors (blind spots caused by utterly retarded neural and vascular tissue placement).

All life on earth is a colleciton of simple components contributing to a complex system. Hell, eukaryotic cells can hardly break even on glucose metabolism without the help of a symbiotic microorganism. Mitochondria even have their own DNA, and they reproduce at a self-regulated rate.

Their DNA isn't even a double helix. Which shows that either our DNA and mitochondrial DNA evolved independently of each other or abiogenesis produces self replicators at a much greater frequency than we conventionally think
2007-07-15, 11:28 PM #128
Originally posted by MentatMM:
You can argue about PETA if you wish, but my point was proven last time, and I would have nothing more to add.

What, that PETA are a scary bunch of terrorists with their heads in their asses?
2007-07-15, 11:33 PM #129
Originally posted by Rob:
What, that PETA are a scary bunch of terrorists with their heads in their asses?

Attachment: 16775/bushterrorists.JPG (25,179 bytes)
2007-07-15, 11:54 PM #130
Originally posted by MentatMM: <-- Ali G on science, evolution, and creation (language warning).

That was retarded.
2007-07-16, 12:14 AM #131
Originally posted by Vincent Valentine:
That was retarded.

well spotted
2007-07-16, 3:16 AM #132
What, that PETA are a scary bunch of terrorists with their heads in their asses?

Feel free to review the thread. My opinion on the subject was stated and it hasn't changed. I hardly see this thread as the time or the place for a dead discussion where both sides pretty much decided to agree to disagree.

That was retarded.

That's why it's so funny. I guess Ali G just isn't for everyone. That just makes it all the more fun for me. :)

Can the Creationist and Intelligent Design advocates in the house please explain why there's a need for Irreducible Complexity when evolution explains complex systems. Evolution can be explained without God and without Irreducible Complexity and I fail to see how there's room.
2007-07-16, 3:32 AM #133
Originally posted by MentatMM:
Feel free to review the thread. My opinion on the subject was stated and it hasn't changed. I hardly see this thread as the time or the place for a dead discussion where both sides pretty much decided to agree to disagree.

if there was a debate about PETA, I was probably involved (unless I missed it) and then there is absolutely no way we "agreed to disagree."

(I would) go to work early, before anyone got there, and I would just kill the animals myself. Because I couldn't stand to let them go through that. I must have killed a thousand of them, sometimes dozens every day.. — Ingrid Newkirk, president of PETA.

...she did that while she was running an animal shelter. PETA isn't an animal rights movement, it's a franchise of animal shelters. They kill over half of the animals they take in, they have a standard operating policy of killing certain breeds of animals, PETA employees have been brought up on charges of felony animal abuse for carrying out PETA SOP and the US DEA is currently investigating them for mishandling their enormous inventory of the drugs they use to murder animals.

Basically every animal rights movement other than the terrorist groups they finance condemn PETA for being corrupt and evil. We will never, ever agree to disagree about PETA because I am right and you didn't even read the damn pamphlet before you slapped on the bumper sticker.
2007-07-16, 1:07 PM #134
Your assumptions are once again illogical. I'm not a member of PETA, therefore much of your post is already invalid. I find the rest of your post irrelevant, except for maybe the part about about us not actually agreeing to disagree. I'm not necessarily referring to you when I state that, because you're obviously incapable of agreeing to disagree on a philosophical issue where right and wrong can't possibly be proven. Besides, if I remember correctly, my overall response was generally nothing more than that I believe that PETA does more good than harm, and you could never prove otherwise when it comes to cold hard facts. Therefore it's a ridiculous debate to have and I don't really care enough about the issue to partake. Feel free to start another PETA thread if you folks deem it necessary, but as I've already stated, my point was made and I don't have anything else to contribute. I hardly see an evolution thread as a place to discuss this matter. Evolution, unlike PETA (not to be confused with animal rights in general) is actually a worthy topic for discussion, in my opinion.
2007-07-16, 1:11 PM #135
Originally posted by MentatMM:
Your assumptions are once again illogical. I'm not a member of PETA, therefore much of your post is already invalid.

What? Only his last sentence mentioned you. How does that make the rest of his post invalid?
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-07-16, 1:13 PM #136
Originally posted by MentatMM:
you're obviously incapable of agreeing to disagree on a philosophical issue where right and wrong can't possibly be proven

rescuing animals = right.
slaughtering them = wrong.

hey, how about that
2007-07-16, 1:13 PM #137
Originally posted by Emon:
What? Only his last sentence mentioned you. How does that make the rest of his post invalid?

I'm pretty sure that his first and last sentences mentioned me and as I've already stated, I hardly see this as the time or place.
rescuing animals = right. slaughtering them = wrong.

I would agree with the first half of your statement, and depending on how you define "slaughter" I may even agree with the last.
2007-07-16, 1:16 PM #138
you're obviously incapable of agreeing to disagree on a philosophical issue where right and wrong can't possibly be proven.

...soooooooo, it would appear your username is innapropriate? :P
2007-07-16, 1:18 PM #139
Originally posted by Jon`C:
rescuing animals = right.
slaughtering them = wrong.

hey, how about that

Thats without even touching;

Destroying research
fire bombing
death threats
breaking and entering
violent assault
2007-07-16, 1:20 PM #140
Originally posted by MentatMM:
I'm pretty sure that his first and last sentences mentioned me and as I've already stated, I hardly see this as the time or place.

That doesn't invalidate his claims.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-07-16, 1:27 PM #141
Originally posted by MentatMM:
I would agree with the first half of your statement, and depending on how you define "slaughter" I may even agree with the last.

I already pointed out that PETA is run by a psychopathic ice queen who gets her rocks off killing animals, and I pointed out that PETA kills over half of the animals they rescue (including animals they liberate from testing facilities), and I pointed out that PETA employees have been brought up on felony animal abuse charges for following standard operating procedures for their shelters, and I have pointed out that PETA maintains a gigantic stock of the chemicals they use to kill animals and keep such poor records that the US DEA is investigating them for it.

I am also extremely capable of providing references and data to support all of those statements, however in my experience you do not have sufficient cognitive faculties to comprehend such evidence.

Originally posted by Baconfish:
...soooooooo, it would appear your username is innapropriate? :P

considering the fact that all of his personal beliefs are constructed from falsehoods perpetuated by vapid large-breasted blondes, I would indeed say that MentatMM's name is extraordinarily inaccurate. This is hardly a new joke, however.

EDIT: Also, something I missed

Originally posted by MentatMM:
Your assumptions are once again illogical.

How was anything I posted illogical? Do you even know what logic is? this is retarded
2007-07-16, 1:37 PM #142
Yeah I found out what a Mentat was about a fortnight ago. :P
2007-07-16, 1:45 PM #143
Right on. I guess the creationists are done responding and a PETA argument has erupted. I'm going to go get some rum, I'll be back in an hour.
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-07-16, 1:56 PM #144
Please excuse me for attempting to participate in a discussion regarding evolution. I didn't realize that my very existence was so offensive that people that know nothing about my character are so obsessed with destroying it that they would purposely derail a decent thread to do so. I've been a member of this community on and off since 1999, but I'm no longer interested in being harassed because I don't subscribe to the community philosophy and I'm through with arguing with people who don't know the difference between opinion and fact. Logical fallacies are one thing, but personal attacks are another. Admins please delete my account. Good day.
2007-07-16, 3:36 PM #145
I said Good Day!
2007-07-16, 5:50 PM #146
Originally posted by MentatMM:
I hardly see this thread as the time or the place for a dead discussion where both sides pretty much decided to agree to disagree.

actually you could quite easily argue that the modern day animal rights movement is an appropriate topic for an evolution thread. i imagine the the diet of human beings has affected, and likewise been affected by evolution. did humans evolve to be able to eat meat? (back in the hunter/gatherer stages of mankind) indeed in some circumstances have we become dependent on it? i think that the consumption of meat could be (as is) completely relevant. and in that light i believe a discussion of people who try (sometimes violently) to keep other from eating meat is also relevant. you could have quite a grand discussion on weather man affinity for meat is simply "what evolution left behind"
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2007-07-16, 6:37 PM #147
I don't think Mentat's ever going to read that.
2007-07-16, 11:50 PM #148
Yes. Mentat has "won" the argument and therefore his continued presence is no longer required.

And yes, humans did evolve to eat meat. As many as ~1 million years ago we survived almost solely on mammoth meat. It's very possible that our need to hunt mammoth (since there were no other food sources available) is why we evolved into a technological species (since you can't kill a mammoth without tools of some kind).

It's also possibly the source of canine domestication.
2007-07-17, 2:11 AM #149
Originally posted by Tracer:
I don't think Mentat's ever going to read that.

damn! and i actually had a decent argument there too! and that does not happen every day! :argh:
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2007-07-17, 7:55 AM #150
Mentat is so cool on every topic except his animal rights bull****.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2007-07-17, 8:07 AM #151
It's just that he loves to throw his animal rights bull**** in on every topic....
>>untie shoes
2007-07-17, 1:10 PM #152
Actually, I brought it up this time.

Now we won't see him for a month.
2007-07-18, 12:13 PM #153
Originally posted by Jon`C:
And yes, humans did evolve to eat meat. As many as ~1 million years ago we survived almost solely on mammoth meat. It's very possible that our need to hunt mammoth (since there were no other food sources available) is why we evolved into a technological species (since you can't kill a mammoth without tools of some kind).

We didn't really evolve specifically to eat meat. We evolved to be very flexible in our diets, supplemented by the intelligence to alter our food by cooking. This allowed us to get more nutrients out of food that our body was not really made to handle, including vegetable matter (cooking breaks undigestible material down into forms that we can extract energy from) and meat (we lack the intestinal fortitude to deal with large quantities of raw meat). Chimpanzees, eat small amounts of meat, but it is not known if our common ancestor did so, or if the behaviour developed later (whether it arose independently or was learned from early humans).
Why do the heathens rage behind the firehouse?
2007-07-18, 12:42 PM #154
Preserved mammoth meat contains the precise ratio of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids required for humans.
2007-07-18, 2:05 PM #155
Originally posted by TheCarpKing:
(we lack the intestinal fortitude to deal with large quantities of raw meat).

Uhh, no we don't?

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