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ForumsDiscussion Forum → 1-18-08
2007-07-10, 8:52 PM #41
Calm down there big boy.
"Well ain't that a merry jelly." - FastGamerr

"You can actually see the waves of me not caring in the air." - fishstickz
2007-07-10, 8:52 PM #42
No, No ... you're all wrong!

It's ...


2007-07-10, 9:11 PM #43
STFU y'all, let us not turn this into a baconator!

On the subject of the ancient one...
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-07-10, 9:13 PM #44
I didn't see any big monster in the trailer. :psyduck: [Besides the polar bear]

2007-07-10, 9:32 PM #45
Originally posted by Spook:
STFU y'all, let us not turn this into a baconator!

On the subject of the ancient one...
Great, another Z-grade Lovecraft film with a plot vaguely referencing the stories every half hour or so and acting that would make Mark Hamill ashamed.

The only Lovecraft movie that has any semblance of potential is At the Mountains of Madness by Guillermo del Toro.
2007-07-10, 10:11 PM #46
I can't be the only one that sees clues in the tossing games forum, can I?
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-07-10, 10:17 PM #47
Originally posted by Glyde Bane:
I can't be the only one that sees clues in the tossing games forum, can I?

I discovered that that site is a fan site and not real a while ago.

I saw clues too though, but they are apparantly fake.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-07-10, 10:27 PM #48
There is only one thing that can counteract some of the :downs: in this thread:

2007-07-10, 11:17 PM #49
That Ethan Haas thing is pretty awesome. Reminds me a lot of Myst.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-07-11, 12:24 AM #50
For everyone like me who likes to download a trailer before watching it: Direkt link
Sorry for the lousy German
2007-07-11, 1:22 AM #51
hmmm toro's work in the past has interested me, is there anything else on this 'at the mountains of madness?'

if it's as aesthetically superb as pan's labyrinth, I will **** bricks
2007-07-11, 3:20 AM #52
This movie looks ****ing amazing.
>>untie shoes
2007-07-11, 4:50 AM #53
It'll be better when Pierce Brosnan's head on a stick attached to the top of a massive ****ing robot marches across the frame carrying a flag with the numbers from Lost in one hand and carrying the torch from the statue of liberty in the other.

With frickin' laser beams attached to Pierce's head.

2007-07-11, 4:57 AM #54
when looking at the source code for you find the site is actually hosted at ...try to figure that one out,

for the life of me I couldn't figure out what has to do with the movie...
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2007-07-11, 9:41 AM #55
:P the site owner's name is Steve(n) King, :P maybe this movie is based on a Steven King novel.
2007-07-11, 9:58 AM #56
i know Abrams is tied to the dark tower but the trailer makes no sense in that regard.
2007-07-11, 3:39 PM #57
Originally posted by saberopus:
hmmm toro's work in the past has interested me, is there anything else on this 'at the mountains of madness?'
Yeeesireee: some weaselly fellows got an early script to review. Also, del Toro claims some of the maquettes "are so beautiful, you will be crying and jerking yourself off in a corner at the same time", which is neat.
2007-07-11, 3:51 PM #58
Originally posted by money•bie:
Yeeesireee: some weaselly fellows got an early script to review. Also, del Toro claims some of the maquettes "are so beautiful, you will be crying and jerking yourself off in a corner at the same time", which is neat.

Does it have anything to do with interspecies erotica?
2007-07-12, 6:00 PM #59
Some poster at another forum found out some interesting information.

[quote=evaguy at GameFAQs]

Decided to check out the date on a whim and found some interesting references. Notably:

512 - Anastasius Balkin Zeno is brutally murdered after predicting the Apocalypse will occur on this date in 2008.
1916 - A 611 gram chondrite type meteorite struck a house near the village of Baxter in Stone County, Missouri.
1939 - Louis Armstrong first LP recording of "Jeepers Creepers" (after one movie and one radio version).
1964 - Plans are revealed for the World Trade Center in New York City.
1994 - The Cando event, a possible bolide impact in Cando, Spain. Witnesses claim to have seen a fireball in the sky lasting for almost one minute.
2000 - The strange Tagish Lake meteorite impacted the Earth.
2007 - The strongest storm in the UK for 17 years kills 14 people, Germany sees the worst storm since 1999 with 13 deaths. Hurricane Kyrill, caused at least 44 deaths across 20 countries in Western Europe. Other losses include the Container Ship MSC Napoli destroyed by the storm of the coast of Devon, England.

The Cando event is itself related to a similar incident, albeit on a far larger scale, that is described here:

For those too lazy to click a link, the last one describes an incident in Russia in 1908 involving an asteroid impacting the earth, causing an explosion comparable to about 20 tons of TNT, which would be 1000 times greater than the atomic bomb at Hiroshima. More important though, is this line:

The Tunguska event is the largest impact event in recent history. An explosion of this magnitude had the potential to devastate large metropolitan areas should it occur over a large city.

I'm starting to think this is going to be an alien invasion type thing. Pure and utter speculation of course, but we never do see what causes that massive explosion shown in the trailer.

There's also that whole reference to an apocalypse prophecy to consider.

- The pictures on the 1-18-08 site rotate if you leave them alone for a while. I don't have the slightest idea what this means, but it is pretty creepy in a way.
- Found a few possible new sites:
[url][/url] - Number is taken from the time interval given on the two pictures.
[url][/url] - Time stamp from the drinking picture. Could be completely unrelated to Cloverfield though, as a whois lookup referenced Earthlink.


I think the movie will be more an apocalypse style movie. Considering the budget is only $30 million or $65 million, you can't do too much in special effects. So either there will be a monster who will always remain behind the camera, or there will be no monsters at all.
2007-07-12, 6:14 PM #60
2007-07-12, 6:16 PM #61
So either there will be a monster who will always remain behind the camera, or there will be no monsters at all.

So the monster is the cameraman? :tinfoil:

2007-07-12, 8:13 PM #62
completed the puzzles on at the end, you get to sign up for some special code that will be sent to your email on aug 1.
2007-07-12, 8:16 PM #63
Yup. I can't wait.

Steve King on the tossing toys forum keeps mentioning that more info will be released on August 1st. People have already found out that he's part of it and have gotten him to release some hints.

Guess that means Ethan Haas might very well be part of this movie. "Stars rained from the sky" sounds pretty similar to what happens in the trailer.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-07-12, 8:26 PM #64
A dream is beautiful because it remains a dream.

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