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ForumsDiscussion Forum → "america needs another 911 attack"
"america needs another 911 attack"
2007-08-10, 2:31 PM #1
2007-08-10, 2:37 PM #2

you dont need another 9/11, the first one meant there was news reports on constantly all day, i missed all my favourite tv andthat pissed me off.
2007-08-10, 2:56 PM #3
No. Just no. I know he's probably just using it to get to a point, but just no.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2007-08-10, 2:58 PM #4
That was flawed in a strange way. Unity shouldn't be America's default state, after all. Only totalitarian dictatorships aim for unification. In Western democracies it's not a value that would be sought as such, though it is often praised by politicians, especially right wing ones, to gain support from strongly patriotic elements. Only during wars unity is a high virtue of any nation. The author of that text makes it sound like the USA should be eternally in war and it would be a good thing.

[quote=The Fool]Because the war has been a botch so far, Democrats and Republicans are attacking one another, when they aren't attacking themselves. The dialog of discord echoes across America.[/quote]
ROFLCOPTER. What the heck should they be doing? If they weren't arguing, they would be one party, not two.

That dude should just move to China. There's the kind of unity he's looking for. In theory.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2007-08-10, 3:00 PM #5
Now thats just bein craaazy

2007-08-10, 3:23 PM #6
Originally posted by lassev:
The author of that text makes it sound like the USA should be eternally in war and it would be a good thing.

To be fair you lot do seem to get into a new war at least once a decade.
2007-08-10, 3:38 PM #7
In a way, he's just saying something that no-one else like to hear: War is profitable.

2007-08-10, 4:25 PM #8
Originally posted by Mystic0:
profitable for whom?

Arms manufacturers and Oil Companys usually. Oh and condom companies if people use considerate Rapefare.
2007-08-10, 4:37 PM #9
Originally posted by Baconfish:
To be fair you lot do seem to get into a new war at least once a decade.

To be fair, so does the U.K.
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-08-10, 4:58 PM #10
Originally posted by Baconfish:
Arms manufacturers and Oil Companys usually.

Which the US government, oh so dearly, loves.

2007-08-10, 5:07 PM #11
So what he's saying is that he misses the good ol' unity through fear and anger, right?
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-08-10, 5:09 PM #12
Originally posted by Baconfish:
To be fair you lot do seem to get into a new war at least once a decade.

But we were last time in a war in WWII :(
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2007-08-10, 8:12 PM #13
Originally posted by lassev:
But we were last time in a war in WWII :(

Tell me I'm misreading that as you thinking the last war we were in was World War II. Please tell I'm misreading that. Because if I'm not, I suddenly fear greatly for any child that's gone through the education systems here.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2007-08-10, 8:24 PM #14
(lassev is Finnish)
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2007-08-10, 8:25 PM #15
We need another 9/11 like I need another hole in my head.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2007-08-10, 8:26 PM #16
Originally posted by phoenix_9286:
Tell me I'm misreading that as you thinking the last war we were in was World War II. Please tell I'm misreading that. Because if I'm not, I suddenly fear greatly for any child that's gone through the education systems here.

The last war they were in was WWII.
2007-08-10, 8:35 PM #17
Originally posted by lassev:
ROFLCOPTER. What the heck should they be doing? If they weren't arguing, they would be one party, not two.

I think he meant, demos vs demos, and reps vs reps, instead of demo vs reps.

For the record, I don't think we need another 9/11, we need America to realize that 9/11 is not a one time incident, it can happen again, and it will if we forget that the enemy is still out there, still endlessly trying to organize an offensive against us. We cannot afford to lower our guard now, and to go back to our normal lives, not until the enemy is truly defeated.

My $0.02.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-08-10, 11:01 PM #18
If one thinks it would be good for the World to have another 9/11, then they are thinking like a terrorist.
2007-08-10, 11:25 PM #19
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2007-08-10, 11:40 PM #20
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-08-10, 11:45 PM #21
Just bomb Mecca and Medina and film it in HD.

With hundreds of angles.

Interactive controls? Oh yeah.

And then have a tea party. Wait... burgerparty? []
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-08-11, 12:22 AM #22
I think the people that have been frightened into always expecting another terrorist attack are the people that the terrorists have in the palm of their hands.

I'm all for being responsible and vigilant in order to try and prevent an attack, but I'm not going to live in constant fear and change my entire life because some day someone may fly a plane into the building I'm living in. Sorry, I wouldn't have control over it anyways.

Live your life. Guard against it as much as you can but don't be so caught up by fear (which is what the terrorists want) that you can't function normally.

I'm sick of the rhetoric of fear and revenge that has been the only thing coming out of Washington these days. I'm sick of our politicians. ****ing panderers that have no true goals or remedies other than election years.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2007-08-11, 12:06 PM #23
"I'm all for being responsible and vigilant in order to try and prevent an attack, but I'm not going to live in constant fear and change my entire life because some day someone may fly a plane into the building I'm living in. Sorry, I wouldn't have control over it anyways."

This is the EXACT pre 9/11 mentality, that allowed such an event to happen in the first place.

You know what? You're right. Let's invade some more countries. (Never mind that Bin Laden was let go)

Bin Laden is only a threat because of the nations that support and offer him and his followers safe heaven, which therefore they have already declared their allegiance and have made themselves enemies of America and the American people, some have even gone to the extent of openly declaring their political wishes to DESTROY America, and are acquiring the means to do so (Iran). Also these nations are supporting the terrorists by arming them, and possibly other means as well, to kill American soldiers, in Iraq. Thats a pretty damn good reason to attack.

EDIT: Whatever happened to "Against terrorism or with terrorism"?
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-08-11, 12:19 PM #24
2007-08-11, 12:25 PM #25
I've been living my ordinary life every day since 9/11/01, so I think I can safely assume that this is actually all that's preventing us from being attacked again.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-08-11, 12:29 PM #26
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:

This is the EXACT pre 9/11 mentality, that allowed such an event to happen in the first place.

EDIT: Whatever happened to "Against terrorism or with terrorism"?

No, what allowed 9/11 to happen was the people holding boxcutters to the throats of pilots on those planes and the unwillingness of the previous and current politicians and defense officials in office to adequately respond to the intelligence beforehand.

I'm not saying that we should sit back and relax and allow Al Qaeda, or whomever it may be next, do whatever they want. However, I refuse to live my life in a haze of suspicion and fear. If the world community could use intelligence resources in conjunction with specific military actions (ie SpecOps) to root out terrorism and also have the benefit of an aware public (not a fearful public) helping as much as possible then it would work.

Invasions and nation building are not going to solve the problems that cause terrorism and so we will never be able to eliminate the threats as they stand now.

Also, to make the statement "with us or against us" ignores the root problems that allow violent extremism to incubate. You can't truly address social problems through military action because you'll never see the end of the conflict. The War on Terror (in Iraq, if you can even make the connection pre-invasion) is nothing more than a huge fat check for defense contractors and a flimsy stump for inadequate politicians.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2007-08-11, 12:49 PM #27
I look at some of what has been said in this thread... and all I can say is this:

Wow. Some people are dumb.
>>untie shoes
2007-08-11, 1:35 PM #28
Originally posted by Schming:
... the unwillingness of the previous and current politicians and defense officials in office to adequately respond to the intelligence beforehand.

Exactly. Negligence. We cannot neglect the threat is still out there. I am not saying we should all become a giant hermit nation or anything of the sort. I am saying we should support the efforts our nation is trying to protect it self, its people, and as well its interests and its peoples interests. The only true way terrorism can be defeated is through unity. Else fear will invade us and we will have truly lost. Unity can overcome most problems and obstacles much easier than individualism, therefore, we shouldn't forget 9/11 or let it cool off, until the threat is no longer present. This is not a mop up operation, or a criminal search, this is a war with an underground terrorist organization that will stop at nothing, human morals, religious morals, even what they consider right or wrong, to fulfill their objective, which I truly hope I need not mention to remind you. We must deal with this threat as nation, and reach an honorable and suitable victory, to protect our people and our nation.

Yay for me staying neutral.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-08-11, 8:02 PM #29
I don't know what's dumber, crap like this or bickering about it. The fact that stupid people exist should not be shocking.
2007-08-12, 10:54 AM #30
Gold, Schming is right. You can't 'fight' terrorism. The terrorists will only multiply. Instead, you need to take a look at the social and economical issues that cause terrorism to develop, and address those issues. I know that sounds easier said than done, but it's the truth. If you'd live in the Middle East, you'd probably not have the same view of American international politics as you do now. These things are a lot more complicated than just 'finding the evil terrorist hideout and killing the big bad guy who's doing it all!'
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2007-08-12, 12:36 PM #31
Hey, Mexicans have economical and social problems, now they aren't blowing themselves up or flying airplanes into buildings now are they?

In order to kill terrorism, you need to make sure no ones helping them, which we already know WHO is, and were not doing anything about it.

Of course adressing the economical and social problems will contribute greatly, it won't stop the hard headed people who will stop at nothing to achieve their objective.

Terrorists are only half the problem, there are nations that desire to destroy us, not just terrorist organizations, NATIONS. Iran, clearly, wants war, or at least its government does. Do you have a solution other than war for that?
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-08-12, 12:39 PM #32
Kill terrorism?

2007-08-12, 12:42 PM #33
Originally posted by Anovis:
Kill terrorism?


It wasn't literal.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-08-12, 12:53 PM #34
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Hey, Mexicans have economical and social problems, now they aren't blowing themselves up or flying airplanes into buildings now are they?

Mexico also isn't 50% unemployed.
2007-08-12, 1:26 PM #35
Nor do a small amount of rich older mexican men marry a large number of women leaving a large amount of young poor mexican men alone with little-to-no chance to start a family of their own.
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-08-12, 1:35 PM #36

I'm curious, is there truth in what he says about the poverty thing and all?
2007-08-12, 2:44 PM #37
Originally posted by Cool Matty:
Mexico also isn't 50% unemployed.

But 40% of the country is in poverty, according to CNN.

Originally posted by Roach:
Nor do a small amount of rich older mexican men marry a large number of women leaving a large amount of young poor mexican men alone with little-to-no chance to start a family of their own.

Mexico is one of the largest country with rape victims, I had an ex girl friend who was raped on a public bus before we met, and I've known others as well, but that is the one that touched me the most. Also Mexico is one of the biggest kiddie porn and pedophile countries. And in the south people are lots of times forced to get married.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-08-12, 2:46 PM #38
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Mexico is one of the largest country with rape victims, I had an ex girl friend who was raped on a public bus before we met, and I've known others as well, but that is the one that touched me the most. Also Mexico is one of the biggest kiddie porn and pedophile countries. And in the south people are lots of times forced to get married.

Oh good, for a second there I thought you would miss the point entirely...
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-08-12, 2:51 PM #39
Originally posted by Roach:
Oh good, for a second there I thought you would miss the point entirely...

The point is, we have our own problems, of all sorts, corrupt politicians, low wage salary, poverty, very few decent job opportunities, etc etc... were not killing Americans because of it, and before you start on the whole immigration thing, just realize that this people doesn't run over to the U.S. to kill people or blow themselves up, just because they have problems, but rather make a living doing honest solid work, whether it be picking up trash or washing dishes.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2007-08-12, 2:55 PM #40
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
The point is, we have our own problems, of all sorts, corrupt politicians, low wage salary, poverty, very few decent job opportunities, etc etc... were not killing Americans because of it, and before you start on the whole immigration thing, just realize that this people doesn't run over to the U.S. to kill people or blow themselves up, just because they have problems, but rather make a living doing honest solid work, whether it be picking up trash or washing dishes.

You also don't have wahhabist Islam in Mexico. That could be what's missing.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"

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