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ForumsDiscussion Forum → iPod touch
iPod touch
2007-09-06, 9:30 AM #41
now i wanna know what he said :(
gbk is 50 probably

2007-09-06, 11:35 AM #42
Originally posted by NoESC:
now i wanna know what he said :(

Along with the concept of demand schedule, it was mostly mocking Commander's argument that "you can probably get all the parts and get it built for hundreds of dollars less" and saying how it was probably the most retarded argument I've ever heard when it comes to pricing technology.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2007-09-06, 11:38 AM #43

I hate those sites that take apart things and add up the price of the components and they're like LOOK THEY'RE OVERCHARGING AND PROFITING FROM YOU BY LIKE 35%!

Like no. They aren't. They have to pay for the manufacturing, the research and development, the marketing, etc.

2007-09-06, 4:38 PM #44
I dunno. I've thought about it. I've never owned a portable player. I'd probably go for the 8 GB version. I don't have quite the large music collection (I need to fix that) and usually I don't drag my entire collection with me.

I'm one of those who can't get an iPhone. I'm not going to break my Verizon contract and pay that fee + iPhone cost + 2 year with AT&T.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2007-09-06, 5:09 PM #45
400 dollars isn't "almost a grand"
2007-09-06, 5:27 PM #46
oh yeah, just noticed they are discontinuing the 4gb iphone, and reduced the price of the 8gb model by $200. it's kinda satisfying to see the apple fanboys who stood in lines and bought the $600 iphone crying and raging against Mr. Jobs. freakin idiots. as if apple owes them anything.
2007-09-06, 5:38 PM #47
Originally posted by saberopus:
400 dollars isn't "almost a grand"

I said "almost half a grand". $500 = 1/2 $1000 and $1000 = 1 Grand.

Like no. They aren't. They have to pay for the manufacturing, the research and development, the marketing, etc.

Okay...I forget about all that. But there wasn't really any R&D in's basically the Iphone, without the phone and camera.
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2007-09-06, 5:50 PM #48
They are in business to make money, not get phones to get I-pods to people as cheaply as possible. If you don't like it, you can always buy a different brand or try to build your own.
2007-09-06, 6:19 PM #49
[QUOTE=Commander #]
Okay...I forget about all that. But there wasn't really any R&D in's basically the Iphone, without the phone and camera.[/QUOTE]

the iphone cost no money to design and/or all r&d costs have been remade.

2007-09-06, 6:41 PM #50
Originally posted by ragna:
oh yeah, just noticed they are discontinuing the 4gb iphone, and reduced the price of the 8gb model by $200. it's kinda satisfying to see the apple fanboys who stood in lines and bought the $600 iphone crying and raging against Mr. Jobs. freakin idiots. as if apple owes them anything.

Steve Jobs has promised those people a $100 credit to their account.
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2007-09-06, 8:38 PM #51
Originally posted by Cody Coker:
Okay...I forget about all that. But there wasn't really any R&D in's basically the Iphone, without the phone and camera.

I'm sure they had the iPod Touch planned when they made the iPhone. This is not something they came up with last minute...

Stop being ignorant Coker.
gbk is 50 probably

2007-09-06, 8:42 PM #52
also, to build your own iphone or ipod touch it would actually end up costing you thousands of dollars more because, unlike apple, you do not order enough of a component to get a discount on the custom specifications.
2007-09-06, 8:57 PM #53
Originally posted by Commander 598:
Okay...I forget about all that. But there wasn't really any R&D in's basically the Iphone, without the phone and camera.

You know, they do test samples, and test the interfaces. And when they do this, they compile what is called research.

And this research is reflected in the final development.

Even if you think they aren't. I can almost gurantee they are. They might not use the same components, from the same manufactures. Etc.
2007-09-06, 9:40 PM #54
no, they do. ipod touch is basically the same thing as the iphone only missing the microwave antenna
2007-09-06, 10:04 PM #55
Still 100% dumb.
2007-09-06, 10:10 PM #56

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