My favorite classes vary depending on map. On 2fort I stick to Scout, if there are too many sentry guns around and noone is taking them out (happens far more often than it should) I'll go Spy and do it myself. It usually takes me a few tries to get through and do some damage, but I usually come through. If our defense sucks (also happens more often than it should, even with four engineers on a team) I usually go Engineer and place a sentry right on top of the intel. I haven't played since the beta but spies automatically decloak when they touch the intel, which is quite annoying when you're the spy trying to place a sapper and quite satisfying when you're the engineer.
On the points maps I usually like Demoman, although sometimes I go Engineer if our points are getting eaten up by scouts or spies who sneak past the front lines. I can usually get a stage 2 gun up by the time setup ends, and be completely set up shortly there after.
Heavy is fun too, I love to spam the voice overs. I've also been known to play Medic occasionally.
Lots of people just shoot everyone. The trick is not to panic, ignore them, and hope they don't kill you (until you die, from their POV it looks like you're not losing any health). Once a heavy got me down to 4hp (he shot aboutone bullet less). I then knifed his medic and ran :neckbeard:.
I try not to call for medic since if the person you're disguised as spots it, he can immediately alert his team. I sometimes do it if I'm right next to a medic and I'm low on health. Try not to hang around too long though or else they might notice your health meter isn't going up.
Yeah, whenever I go to kill some snipers I always disguise as one. Then I go up and stab them... usually they're so engrossed I can get two kills in before anyone notices. However if someone spots me, it's usually with all the snipers up there, so I'd be easier to ID as a duplicate.
That's only true if they disguise as a class NOT used by your team. If there are two engineers and they disguise as an engineer, they'll pick up one of the two names. If they disguise as a class not in use, they're pick a random name (it's easiest to spot the ones with YOUR name, of course...).
Yeah when I'm feeling particularly bold as a scout I sometimes circle around bashing with my baseball bat and jumping. If he's low on health I can take him out, at the very least I can get 3-4 solid hits in before he kills me.