Stephen Colbert announced his candidacy on the Colbert Report today. I'm voting for him.
But honestly, it's between Ron Paul and Barack Obama for me. I'm a little worried about Obama because he seems to be easily influenced by other candidates. Initially, he came out strongly for pulling all of our troops out of Iraq, but he has slowly given ground to keeping them in for longer than an immediate withdraw.
I like Ron Paul's strict adherence to Constitutional principles. I think it's admirable and I'd love to see the federal government shrink in size. Give more power back to the states and local governments. That said, I worry about the elimination of federal subsidies for education, elimination of the EPA etc.
However, we need to look at the situation realistically. In his first four years of presidency, Ron Paul would not be able to get rid of every bloated government program. We also need to remember that Congress is going to control most of the decisions regarding shrinking the federal government. If the American people don't like what he is doing, we can always vote for somebody else in four year's time. There is no way Ron Paul can mess things up so badly in four years that we can't recover from it. If nothing else, George Bush has proven that. Hell, he's proven that even for an eight year tenure we can still recover from his idiotic policies.
While I don't necessarily agree with Ron Paul's stance on governmental control over environmental concerns, I think we should at least try his approach. We've never had a true free market economy dictating environmental issues. With government subsidies to corn-based ethanol, competition just hasn't been allowed to develop. By eliminating corn-based ethanol subsidies, companies will be encouraged to experiment with more efficient methods of extracting ethanol, such as sugar beets, switchgrass, or (god forbid) hemp.
My point is not that Ron Paul has all the answers, but he has some pretty good ideas which have never been tried and should be given a chance.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
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