tell me, why should people that infringe on certain rights of others be able to keep said right for themselves. part of having rights is the responsibility to not only allow others to have that right, but to ALSO not use your rights to try and remove the basic rights of others.
as i said before, the phelpses are trying to use their 1st amenment rights to stop the GBLT community from obtaining equal rights with the rest of the community.
the way they do this is by trying to convince people that acceptence of the GBLT community leads to god getting angry and causing disasters. and judging by
this link, there are enough god-fearing people for the phelpses to influence to be able to influence political descisions (and corporate descisions regarding GBLT rights within said company).
also, my previous statements were an attempt to get you to realise that the US isnt the land of "ULTIMATE FREEDOM" (as some people in the US seem to behave like it is, not accusing anyone here, but there are people who dont seem to realise that rights come with responsibilities) that some people make it out to be.