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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Post yer awesome MP stories
Post yer awesome MP stories
2007-11-28, 9:44 AM #1
I was playing Team Fortress 2 last night with Genki when the following story occurred!

[11:36] <mb> okay
[11:36] <mb> so in hydro
[11:36] <mb> towards the end
[11:36] <mb> i spawned as demo man
[11:36] <mb> put 8 stickies in the last control point just because
[11:36] <mb> took out my other gun and ran up the hill a few times
[11:37] <mb> managed to jump down and get health before i died
[11:37] <mb> so then i realize its me and a sniper (who wasnt doing much) against 4 of their guys
[11:37] <mb> 2 medics, soldier, and a demo i think
[11:38] <mb> sniper dies
[11:38] <mb> solider whos being healed by medic starts shooting at me
[11:38] <mb> so i run around the control point tower base trying to sheild myself with that
[11:38] <mb> I guess he thought I ran away cause then i heard
[11:38] <mb> "The control point is being contested!"
[11:38] <mb> then i was like "wait i still have those stickies in there!"
[11:38] <mb> *rightclick*
[11:39] <mb> *EXPLODESSS*
[11:39] <mb> Got all 4 of them in one fell swoop
[11:39] <mb> won the round >_>
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2007-11-28, 10:30 AM #2
Hahahaha nice.

I think the best moment i have ever had in video game history is this:

Game: Halo PC
Map: Blood Gultch
Players 4
2v2 CTF

I don't know where my teammate was (this was at a lan party by the way), but I was sitting atop blue base (BLUE RULES!!!) and here come my two enemies, riding in on a warthog full blast. I switch to rocket launchers, launch both of them (estimating where they would be) and throwing nades. As everything explodes around them they are both launched from the vehicle into the air, and before they both hit the ground I headshot them both with the rifle. They both got mad and stopped playing, and i was in awe. I was good at that game back in the day, but even I thought that was rediculous.
Quote Originally Posted by FastGamerr
"hurr hairy guy said my backhair looks dumb hurr hairy guy smash"
2007-11-28, 11:17 AM #3
BF1942 on that map I can't remember the name of that they added in a patch. The one where you just have to sink the enemy carrier.

About half of my team, standing on the deck of the carrier waiting for planes and all that malarkey doing nothing but wasting their grenades on each other. Theres 2 planes shooting at each other, our guy crashes or something and the other blokes now heading towards the carrier, going to bomb the sitting ducks i guess, he's smoking and all that jazz and I shoot the damn thing down with a pistol. :D

Ofcourse the wreckage thing falls to the ground and takes out at least half of the blokes on the runway, but I thought it was funny as hell. :P
2007-11-28, 12:17 PM #4
Most Tuesdays I play Gears of War with my boss. I get to shoot him the back of the head with the sniper rifle lots. That's pretty cool.

Aside from that there was one night that Izzy was out at a staff party so I got myself a pizza and a bottle of wine and stayed up late playing GoW. By the end I'd played the same map quite a bit (Gridlock) on both sides but I was getting a little bit tipsy. I'd also come across the same Scotsman in a few games and we'd been having a bit of a laugh. In this one particular game I'd got thoroughly confused about what side I was on, turned on one of my teammates thinking he was the ENEMY and chased him for about 2 minutes trying to bat him over the head with my gun. The scottish bloke just laughed at me for ages before telling me why he didn't die...

Maybe you had to be there...
2007-11-28, 12:24 PM #5
I'll never forget the time in Mysteries of the Sith on the Zone where I was in a server running Cloud City (the extended Gantry Luke/Vader duel area) and it had 8 people in it. The server was one of those where it asked you to please alt-tab out and leave the room so more people could connect to the game, since the zone rooms only supported up to 4 people at a time.

Anyways, I had a rail det and there were 3 of us in the room where Vader starts throwing things at Luke and he breaks the glass that creates a vacuum. Well, we were all saber fighting, as I was going to save my rails in case I really needed them. Suddenly another person came up the elevator into the room, and another person spawned a few seconds later in the room. There were now 5 of us, including me, in this room. Since things were suddenly getting really heated and the guy who just came into the room had a repeater I decided to whip out my rail det. I noticed that the window had actually not been broken, which is odd because usually that's broken early on in the round.

I made a carefully placed shot on the window, using the secondary fire sticky setting, to buy myself a few seconds, and then when the glass broke I got out of the way of the vacuum and it literally sucked out the four other people in the room. All four of them fell to their doom, and if that isn't good enough, I hopped out the window on to the ledge, where another one of the players was trying to grab the super shield, and used force push to launch him off the ledge.

Needless to say none of that gave me any points because in MotS if you push someone off a ledge to their doom they only get subtracted a point, as the game wasn't smart enough to determine that you were the one that was directly related to their death, I guess. It was still really :awesome: though.
Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)

2007-11-28, 1:14 PM #6
Hahah ahhh the joys of force push
Quote Originally Posted by FastGamerr
"hurr hairy guy said my backhair looks dumb hurr hairy guy smash"
2007-11-28, 1:59 PM #7
This one time I went into a JK game with a repeater that shot force destruction.

And valiant jedi types were all "pull out ur saber and fight us!"

So I did. I had changed it to a stormtrooper model (I actually don't remember, it might have been some other really random object, and flailed them mercilously until they all quit the game.

Oh, but not before being called a "haxing fagg0t"

Later in the week I went into another server with build cogs and shielded in all the spawn points on Canyon Oasis, except for a hole big enough to throw thermal detonators through where space was allowed.

I also liked ruining JKMPRPGBGJ type games. Dude, it's death match. Go play Asheron's Call if you want to role play.
2007-11-28, 2:21 PM #8
Originally posted by Martyn:
Most Tuesdays I play Gears of War with my boss. I get to shoot him the back of the head with the sniper rifle lots. That's pretty cool.

You must have the coolest boss... :saddowns:
2007-11-28, 2:22 PM #9
I remember playing BF2 once, with my beloved M24..hiding on a roof, and nailing the same guy three or four times as his medic kept reviving him. Good times. :D
2007-11-28, 2:26 PM #10
Originally posted by JLee:
I remember playing BF2 once, with my beloved M24..hiding on a roof, and nailing the same guy three or four times as his medic kept reviving him. Good times. :D

stat-padder!!!! :P
Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)

2007-11-28, 2:43 PM #11
Originally posted by Dark__Knight:
stat-padder!!!! :P

It's not my fault that he couldn't outrun me! :D

I just about ran out of ammo after a while...left my hiding place and promptly died. D:
2007-11-28, 2:45 PM #12
I once stabbed 6 snipers in a row on the sniper deck of 2fort in TF2. Yes, 6. I really don't know the fascination of the sniper class to have 6 of them on one place on that map but whatever.
2007-11-28, 2:47 PM #13
I play CS 1.6 on public servers with the usual angry teenagers and people who take things way too seriously. So I generally play to either annoy them as innocently as possible or generally scare them.

My favourite tactic I worked out was for a map called cs_1337assault which is the assault map with two sniper towers added for each side and a couple of windows on the warehouse roof that evens out play for the CT team. I used to buy armour and a couple of flashbangs and then run up to the T tower. Wait a sec for the CTs to populate the rooftop and then chuck the flashes. On hearing the second bang, I leap clean through the window, lose a little bit of health and run amok with a knife as quick as possible before the CT snipers pick me off. Watching people empty clips because they can't aim straight at someone in their face is funny as fook.

Another technique is getting enough buddies together to do 3 or 4 man suicide bomb runs holding grenades and running at individual players. Or if you're good enough, pulling off 3-man stacked runs. Anything for a spectacle really :D

Also on the old multiplayer games front, check out the original Unreal Tournament out these days with the Dr Strangelove mod. It creates some weird wacky races style fights as people shoot at each other while riding redeemers!
2007-11-28, 4:07 PM #14
I was playing a starcraft in a 3v3 game and was playing terran. The other team were all Zerg and decided to use only Mutalisks. They had placed all their Mutalisks near the center of the map and decide to do one huge rush. I just got 4 science vessels and started gassing random Mutalisks. They all died . Short game though; one guy left and everyone decided to follow.
Back again
2007-11-28, 4:19 PM #15
I've got a record of 55 points as sniper without dying. That's 33 kills plus a ton of headshots. It was an amazing round.
2007-11-28, 4:26 PM #16
Originally posted by Dark__Knight:
stat-padder!!!! :P

It's not stat-padding if the dumb-assed medic keeps reviving in an area he knows is being filled with lead. I do it too ;)
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2007-11-28, 4:46 PM #17
Game: Mobile Forces
Map: the sand map
Players: 4 guys, 2 bots
Game type: Detonation

Two of the guys on the other side were on a roll. They had just nuked our base and were inbound in a buggy with the key to do it again. I drove out to the middle in a buggy as quick as I could with a rocket launcher and waited on the far side of a dune for them to drive by. I lined up with them just in time for them to launch the buggy off the dune and over my head, at which point I unloaded the bazooka into the bottom of the buggy, splattering them over the landscape. They couldn't figure out what happened, and we were laughing so hard I almost fell out of my chair.

And then, a minute later, the whole scenario repeated itself.

Originally posted by Recusant:
...check out the original Unreal Tournament out these days with the Dr Strangelove mod. It creates some weird wacky races style fights as people shoot at each other while riding redeemers!

Thats an old mod. I remember playing UT with the first Strangelove mod back in '03, and at LAN parties in '05. The first version was much better than the second. I still play it occasionally.

Try this: Deathmatch in the floating pyramid level with the original Strangelove Arena mod. Your average lifespan with be measured in milliseconds, until you discover the tactic of firing a round into the floor as you jump off the side and riding a round back up to the top.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2007-11-28, 6:00 PM #18
Twas my third game ever of Halo 3 on XBox Live, and it was Team Slayer on Narrows.

Unbeknownst to me, a gentleman on the other team hops on to his man cannon. I hop onto mine shortly thereafter. We collide mid-air; I get bounced back on to a platform, and he starts falling. I get a few shots off of him with my assault rifle. He falls, dies, I get the kill, and we win the game.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2007-11-28, 6:29 PM #19
I've already told this one already but I'll tell it again for those that missed it:

Back when I used to play DoD (the HL version, before the game went retail) I was playing an axis rifleman on the caen2 map. The one of the allies had just captured our second flag and was dashing to the last one to win the round. I, with my trusty Kar 98 in hand, was in a perfect spot to deliver a nice clean head shot and take him down but guess what happens?

BOOOOOOOM!! of the level's random explosions blew me to smithereens! The ally caps the flag and wins the game. Apparently a lot of players with their mics witness my demise and were laughing their asses off. I too was laughing because it was soooooo freaking funny how something so random like that could had such wonderful timing as if it was some sort of divine intervention as if God was like "Sorry nazi boy, good always triumphs over evil!" and had smited me down at that precise moment. That's a game moment I think I'll never forget :)
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2007-11-28, 6:43 PM #20
For me:
6v6 CS:S match on gg_deagle5. I decided to go knives only. I looped around behind 3 Counter Terrorists and knifed all 3 in rapid succession, and with shuddering excitement proceded to run to the middle of the map, in which I found another CT just gazing down the hallway, away from me. Easy knife. By then my teammates had managed to kill one of the CT's, so it was 6v1. I barely managed to scrape past my teammates and knife the last person.

6v6... 5 knife kills in one round.
2007-11-28, 7:02 PM #21
Recently, playing CoD4 on Backlot: I got into the upper level of the Construction Site where there is an Machine Gun emplacement.

I got onto the MG and started firing across the level at the opposite sniper deck. I saw one player dash to the room on the left (where there are no windows) so I turned onto the wall and sprayed back and forth up and down.

5 kills to win the round.

The lobby was filled with laughter as everyone was talking about the room full of tracers and death.
2007-11-28, 8:13 PM #22
Originally posted by JLee:
I remember playing BF2 once, with my beloved M24..hiding on a roof, and nailing the same guy three or four times as his medic kept reviving him. Good times. :D

I liked that once you found a good place to snipe from in a map, you could kill the same guy over and over again because he'd always come back to try and find you.

Or sniping people that got on the cranes. Dude, I can see you really well. KERPLOW.
2007-11-28, 8:30 PM #23
Yeah, I usually play an anti-sniper role. Clearing the cranes and certain building roofs is obvious, but it's more fun if you find a nice obscure post and go through all of your ammo there. You know you're doing something right when they call Arty against you alone :hist101:
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2007-11-28, 8:49 PM #24
Hahaha, I hate that ****.

What a waste of artlilery.

Seems like whenever they did that to me there would be a massive rush somewhere.
2007-11-28, 8:50 PM #25
Team fortress 2.
2007-11-28, 9:16 PM #26
Red Orchestra the map with the russians defending a train station (Basovka? i forget the name) the axis team had used up most of their reinforcements and had all but one objective... so i mark an artillery target and call it in... they hear the sound of the artillery firing and rush forward to get away from were they thought the arty would land (they were holding their position at the command bunker and most would cal in the arty on the bunker) they get right in front of the station and BOOM 80% of their team wiped out by the first 3 rounds less than half of them were able to respawn before the reinforcements hit 0
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2007-11-28, 9:44 PM #27
I didn't play online games that much (56k) but I remember a game of Starcraft pretty well.

I was playing on with someone I knew from school (it may have been Yoshi, correct me if I'm wrong Yoshi), it was me and him against all other players set to AI. We set them to zerg and he and I were protoss. After nearly 2 hours of building up our forces and holding off the AI rushes we sent out all our units. Cleaned the map in a matter of a minutes.

Even now that I have cable I don't play many online games. I need to start.
2007-11-28, 11:21 PM #28
I remember playing Unreal Tournement on Deck 16 with the Nuclear Flak Rabit mod. Me and 4 other guys I was lanning with loaded up the arena with the rabbits and then went to town on each other. Then somebody when and killed a rabbit. My screen went white for about 45 seconds and I died about a dozen times. And some computers got lagged out. We laughed for about an hour.
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2007-11-29, 12:03 AM #29
Total Annihilation: Spring on speedmetal, was playing 2 vs 2 against a really good player (finnish chick, something finally good from the land of fastgamerr) and a so-so player. At the start of the game she did a tank-drop on our base, then while we were killing the tanks, used one of the flying transports that had carried them in to pick up my commander and carry him over my team-mates section of the base. I set all my AA to hold-fire, but she self-destructed her transport, killing my commander and taking a massive hole out of our base.

We were half at the point of giving up, as our base was trashed, but kept playing. After a while her drops weren't getting through any more, neither the other guys attacks, we rebuilt, sent off all our fighters to soak up their AA, hid a level 3 'Bantha' mech being carried by a transport in the middle of the fighters and self-destructed it over their AA. Flew a tonne of bombers in through the hole, took out their anti-nuke launchers and nuked them back into the stone age. Really satisfying to come back from that far gone.
2007-11-29, 12:58 AM #30
Team Fortress Classic.

I don't remember the level, but it was laid out like this.

_________ ______

So basically, in the middle is a vent at point Y.

There's this medic that's getting kills OVER and OVer and OVER again.
Can't be stopped.

At point Z, I can see through the vent at point Y that a teammate is fighting this medic. I go through toward point X, see my teammate get killed, and shoot at the medic. The medic poisons me, shoots me with his nailgun... all hope is lost.
I'm down to less than 30 health with the medic in room X and I'm poisoned.

SO, I get obscure!

Remember that BIG bomb that blows up holes in certain maps so you can go through them? It's not in TFCII. Well I drop one of those, figuring the medic will kill be before the 5 seconds to prepare it (and I can't move) occurs. I don't know what he's thinking, but he's running around while I drop it, and I ACTUALLY get it armed.

So I fight him, hoping to lure him into staying so I can kill BOTH of us at once. He gets me down to something like 10 health. I figure "I'm dead now" and run for the vent at point Y. I duck and turn around, hoping to jam the medic in and prevent him from escaping through point Y into room Z. There are other routes in X he can take, but he's not for some reason.

So I'm sitting in the vent at point Y, he pulls out his crowbar, starts hitting me with it, I'm down to below 10 health, and the demo bomb BLOWS UP, taking him with it. For some reason, since he was in between the bomb and me, I didn't get blown up.

I was laughing for almost 5 straight minutes.
This signature agrees with the previously posted signatures. To violate previously posted signatures is a violation of the EULA for this signature and you will be subject to unruly behavior.
2007-11-29, 1:57 AM #31
I remember a mate who was ridiculously good at goldeneye (you know the one, if you dont you should be bannated). We were playing Facility with proximity mines. He had an exact memory of where you'd spawn after a death and he mined the lot. Then who ever died first lost. It was me. Queue 5 minutes of ker sploding on spawning. It was hilarious
2007-11-29, 3:37 AM #32
Game: The Hunted (I think it was a mod, but I don't remember the original game)
Map: A nice big city with lots of back-alleys.

For those of you unfamiliar with it, The Hunted basically sticks one person as the 'Hunted,' armed with a briefcase and an umbrella. It's like CTF with one flag, but it's alive. I was a sniper, something I'm notoriously bad at but for some reason I always try to stick with it. Anyhow, I was on the 'kill the meat flag' side and our team was having a ball against the good guys, who were honestly pathetic. I decided to run down into the alleys and see if I can kill the target, it's only a matter of time. I had taken a shot or two so I was down to about 30/100 health. I catch up to the guy (from behind) and turn on the scope, aiming for his head in the cocky sniper way. He turns around as I'm leveling my aim, crouches, and rams me with the umbrella. 5 health down. My aim is knocked off. I aim again and, long story short, I get umbrella'd to death.

I found out last week that it was my dad's roommate Terry's brother Ed who killed me. I would have felt bad about it, but i've seen this man John Woo his way through Time Crisis 2 without taking a hit.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2007-11-29, 4:32 AM #33
Originally posted by The_Reafis:
I remember a mate who was ridiculously good at goldeneye (you know the one, if you dont you should be bannated). We were playing Facility with proximity mines. He had an exact memory of where you'd spawn after a death and he mined the lot. Then who ever died first lost. It was me. Queue 5 minutes of ker sploding on spawning. It was hilarious

I do that with Facility and Temple. The Temple respawn cycle is worse, they're all easily accessibly and close enough that the doors aren't a problem.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2007-11-29, 5:14 AM #34
i beat metroid prime in 6.5 hours.

oh this isn't a metroid prime thread.

tofu sucks
2007-11-29, 7:11 AM #35
AVP Gold. The fun is being the alien and destroying all the light sources in the level. Leaves those pesky humans defenseless. I swear the other guys had a fit.
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2007-11-29, 7:12 AM #36
My blawgh.
2007-11-29, 3:00 PM #37
playing scorched earth 3d, I was using deaths head but i was hopelessly outnumbered in terms of more skilled players. I say that i am probably going to die. however, i managed to kill all the remaining opponents using billiards style bank shots.

Best round ever.
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2007-11-29, 3:04 PM #38
Originally posted by Recusant:
I play CS 1.6 on public servers with the usual angry teenagers and people who take things way too seriously. So I generally play to either annoy them as innocently as possible or generally scare them.

My favourite tactic I worked out was for a map called cs_1337assault which is the assault map with two sniper towers added for each side and a couple of windows on the warehouse roof that evens out play for the CT team. I used to buy armour and a couple of flashbangs and then run up to the T tower. Wait a sec for the CTs to populate the rooftop and then chuck the flashes. On hearing the second bang, I leap clean through the window, lose a little bit of health and run amok with a knife as quick as possible before the CT snipers pick me off. Watching people empty clips because they can't aim straight at someone in their face is funny as fook.

Another technique is getting enough buddies together to do 3 or 4 man suicide bomb runs holding grenades and running at individual players. Or if you're good enough, pulling off 3-man stacked runs. Anything for a spectacle really :D

Also on the old multiplayer games front, check out the original Unreal Tournament out these days with the Dr Strangelove mod. It creates some weird wacky races style fights as people shoot at each other while riding redeemers!

oh yes, the dr strangelove mod. THAT was cool.
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2007-11-29, 4:21 PM #39
Originally posted by landfish:
i beat metroid prime in 6.5 hours.

oh this isn't a metroid prime thread.


I beat LoZ: Ocarina of Time in 8 hours, on the N64.

Wasn't the record like 6 hours?
Back again
2007-11-29, 4:41 PM #40
How did this turn into a fastest SP run thread?

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