Marriage cannot automatically equal "wanted" and "expected." I'm sure plenty of destitute families accidentally became pregnant and endured unwanted hardships because of it. Unfortunately, I don't think any reliable research exists about family planning two hundred years ago.
You argued that the liberal media causes high pregnancy rates, which I debunked by showing how the rates have been dropping since 1950 (National Center for Health Statistics, "Births to Teenagers in the United States, 1940-2000," National Vital Statistics Report, 2001, Vol. 49, No. 10.
link is a PDF, sorry)
You argued STIs were "practically unheard of" in the US... then why were being condoms made used as long as 400 years ago?
Okay. Now I'm lost. First you say, sex education is
not the solution. Then you say we
should have sex education in schools. What exactly are you trying to argue? That sex education shouldn't wantonly promote promiscuity? Um... I agree. In fact, probably everyone agrees (except for the part about the made-up link about the liberal media and pregnancy rates).