Originally posted by Rob:
Another I'm better than non-nerds because people don't grasp things as easily as I do and I'm therefore entitled to treat them poorly FURTHERING THE PROBLEM. Oh, and I get to throw a hissy fit, thread.
I think you posted this same kind of response in my other thread about incompetent people.
This is a job. He was hired exactly to do the work that he is unable to do. He went to school for eight years in order to train for this.
And, no, I'm not going to simply let it fester. I'm planning on, when I explain something of significance to him, have him explain it to me to make sure that he actually has the grasp that he says he does on the subject matter.
The fact of the matter is, these are things he should know before joining a software development company. I shouldn't be having to teach him these things. These are basic skills that anyone in a professional field should have.
But, of course, you're going to assume that, even when you're 28, you should be expected to have the same skillset as a five-year-old, because it's easier to shrug off responsibility for yourself and let others bear you as their burden.
Talk about making the problem worse...
He's a ****ing "nerd". This is his ****ing job. Shut your damn trap and stop spewing your ignorant idiocy simply because you can't get yourself a job above moving boxes at the local UPS center.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken