Originally posted by CaveDemon:
well, he did ask for aspirine, and thought it would be.
You do know that you shouldn't take aspirin with alcohol, right? there are other painkillers that are safe with alcohol.
You do know that you shouldn't take aspirin with alcohol, right? there are other painkillers that are safe with alcohol.
It's not horrible, you can take one or two. I just wouldn't suggest taking any more than one or two though, and if you've got no tolerance none at all. It fubar's your liver.
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
So he claims. Prove it.
"She said it was aspirin" is not going to hold up in court. Especially since he was drinking and shouldn't have been taking (basically) any sort of pain killer. He could possibly call in an anonomous tip and get her caught for posession of controlled substance... But that's only assuming the cops 1) believe the tip and think it's worth checking out (unlikely), and 2) happen to catch her with the drugs on her (also fairly unlikely).
"She said it was aspirin" is not going to hold up in court. Especially since he was drinking and shouldn't have been taking (basically) any sort of pain killer. He could possibly call in an anonomous tip and get her caught for posession of controlled substance... But that's only assuming the cops 1) believe the tip and think it's worth checking out (unlikely), and 2) happen to catch her with the drugs on her (also fairly unlikely).
It wouldn't be too terribly hard to do that actually--if he has more than 1 or 2 witnesses even with the "influence of alcohol" thing going he could prove it.
And the second thing you suggested is ****ed up. That's the most horrible, underhanded thing you could ever do to anyone, and I hope that, if you EVER do that to someone, karma comes back upon you thricefold.