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ForumsDiscussion Forum → The Village
The Village
2004-08-02, 5:04 PM #41
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2"><Wolfy> Oh, wow.
<Wolfy> Just back from seeing The Village.
<Wolfy> Do not see it.
<Deadman> that good huh?
<Wolfy> It is the most poorly-written, poorly-directed, and boring movie I have seen in theaters this year.
<Wolfy> Wow. When M. Night Shyamalan said he was making a movie different from his previous three, he was right.
<Wolfy> This one sucked so much *** it was almost pornographic.
<Deadman> yikes
<Jim7> i needed a good laugh...
<Jim7> thank you wolfy...
<Wolfy> No problem.</font>

<ubuu> does hitler have a last name?
<jipe> .. yes, Ubuu, we're racist commy nazi jews, and we hate male pattern baldness
<Professor`K> Sorry, but half-way through your logic, my head exploded
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2004-08-02, 5:16 PM #42
Did anybody else catch the face of the guard at the desk in the end? That was Shaymalan or whatever [].

When the first guard walked in and they wouldn't show the desk one's face, I figured there had to be a reason for that... then when he opened the medicine cabinet I started watching his reflection expecting him to notice the guy sneaking out the stuff or something, but instead caught a glimpse of his face and was like "Woah, that was the director!" ... and sure enough, after watching the credits, it was him. []

Do you have stairs in your house?

[This message has been edited by Correction (edited August 02, 2004).]
Do you have stairs in your house?
2004-08-02, 5:50 PM #43
Shaymalan likes to pull a Hitchcock in all his movies and play the role of one character. He was the doctor in The Sixth Sense.

The only difference is, with Hitchcock, he usually appeared incredibly early in his films. The reason being is because his fans wanted to see him, and if he waited, they'd spend so much time looking for him, they'd loose attention on the story line.

I can't think of anything to put here right now.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.

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