Okay, so perhaps they may not be reputable.
A: Is there some secret rubrick you have to grade them against that you give that without any real justification?
B: More importantly. If you have more reputable and/or refuting sources, i'd be more than happy to read them. No sarcasm.
1: "It might be worth mentioning that officers are usually Republican and enlisted men are more likely to be Democrats." I'd be interested in reading a reputable source on this assertion, y'know, just for consistency and fairness, not that i find it implausible, i really am curious. [though the faq asserts that there are also democrats and independants who feel such]
Also i am curious how you decided they [swift boat site] are decidedly less qualified to make assertions, they seem to include at least a couple people in the quotes page that he served either directly with or under [for instance the guy he reported his purple-heart-winning scratch to].
Also interesting is how many of them are very adamant that in all their time there, they never saw any hint of all the things Kerry allegated were happening all the time over there. Not conclusive, just interesting.
" Military personnel who witness crimes and atrocities have an absolute duty to report them to their superiors. Senator Kerry did not report a single instance of criminal behavior. If he had indeed witnessed the atrocities about which he testified to Congress, he should have reported them."
This seems like a good representation of people who would be qualified to make assertions:
"Overall, more than 250 Swift boat veterans are on the record questioning Kerry's fitness to serve as Commander-in-Chief. That list includes his entire chain of command -- every single officer Kerry served under in Vietnam. .. The Swift boats fought in groups, so the other boat commanders who fought alongside Kerry know him well and can accurately describe what he did and did not do. In many cases the commanders have a better perspective on Kerry than his own crew members, since the latter had no way to determine whether he was following orders and how well he worked with his peers."
Now obviously one can't take that site as being totally conclusive or reputable or whatever. However, it still does seem to be rather coherent and such. I did not see anything on there about them dropping their claims or rescinding on anything, i would be interested to see citations on that.
2: Just as soon as he releases his full attendence record to the public i can give you solid unviolable proof, but until then youre going to have to be un-satisfied, and i am not going obviously to hold the point as conclusive and damning. However, simply because someone is of the opposite party doesn't mean they are automatically lying or their statements are meaningless in any case.
As to reform vs un-american criticism, i agree with you there when you put it in those terms.
3: Jobless benefits vote:
Nuclear cleanup [seems to have much less coverage than the above]:
4: That wasn't really cynicism. It was more a response to the title as much as your use of it.
Blue Mink Bifocals !] [
fsck -Rf /world/usr/] [
<!-- kalimonster -->] [
Capite Terram]
"That's why we had to beat you with tennis rackets".
Also, I can kill you with my brain.