Worf was a boring character. The only reason he wasn't a static character is because the writers were bafflingly inconsistent with his portrayal. They had a pretty good chance to develop the character once Alexander joined the cast but they fumbled it pretty badly and literally all of the TNG episodes from that point on became goofy father/son comedies where Alexander does something unklingon and Worf deals with the situation awkwardly. LOL.
Geordi didn't really have any room to develop.
The writers never figured out what they were doing with Crusher.
Riker's beard status is more dynamic than his character.
Wesley ascended to godhood, already more dynamic than the rest of the cast put together.
Deanna Troi's only character changes were motivated by the fact that she was losing her figure and couldn't dress like a slut anymore.
I like Picard. His character in TNG actually was dynamic - I think this might have even been Patrick Stewart's influence, since I at the very least expect a thespian to understand the concept of character change better than a gaggle of pulp sci fi writers who spend most of their day inventing new meanings for the word "giga-" - but I think he's almost played out. The cloning thing was god awful and there's no way or no reason Picard, as he appeared in every other movie and TV episode, would react to the situation in the way he did. Plus the casting was terrible, they previously established that Picard still had his hair when he was in Starfleet Academy,... I swear to god, they hired the first kid who would be willing to shave his head and don LED-enhanced pleather for increasingly tiny audiences.
Data was a boring character toward the end, too, and the writers couldn't come up with any way to develop him other than the blatantly obvious (which is why Brent Spiner is sick of playing him, on top of the fact that he's too old... even though in TNG season 1 they made a point of the fact that Data was designed to age realistically). Data had built-in character development and they pretty much picked him because he was the easiest to do and neither Braga nor Berman have intelligence to come up with something more creative than that.
Know why the TOS movies are collectively better than the TNG movies? Because Gene Roddenberry was still alive. Because they predate Gene Roddenberry's complete and utter senility that for some inexcusable reason made the kook hand the reins over to a man whose only prior accomplishment was serving Jim Henson coffee. Jerkbag probably laced it with strichnine too.