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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Even more changes to the Star Wars DVD?
Even more changes to the Star Wars DVD?
2004-08-02, 2:36 PM #41
I think the changes would be awesome. But I really really think that they should release the original unaltered trilogy in DVD quality...for historical reasons...
"When it's time for this planet to die, you'll understand that you know absolutely nothing." — Bugenhagen
2004-08-02, 2:38 PM #42
The gungans thing makes the baby jesus cry, then turn inside out and rot slowly.

(Disclaimer: slightly drunk and angry at gungans/stupid people)

[EDIT: Tonberry posting between me and the post I was pointing at!]
If at first you don't succeed, lower your standards.

[This message has been edited by Martyn (edited August 02, 2004).]
2004-08-02, 6:09 PM #43
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by finity5:
They replaced Boba Fetts voice with Jangos? Die whores!!! DIE LUCASARTS!!!!! BAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!1


My sentiments exactly

Video games are a conduit for the soul. They expand our lives, channel our imagination, test our skillz. Games exist as a channel for the boundless energy of people all over the world. -Largo
2004-08-02, 6:49 PM #44
Boba Fett had such an awesome voice in the OT. []
2004-08-02, 6:54 PM #45
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Cloud:
I'm surprised none of you are upset about the Gungan's celebration of the Death Star shouting, "wesa free!".</font>

They should add a part where pieces of debris from the exploded Death Star fall down upon them. Fire and death everywhere.

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2004-08-02, 6:58 PM #46
he didnt need to change fett's voice. the reason its like that is cause he has one of those voice scrambler things... i thought it was kinda obvious that it was the case based on how he sounded and i belive they talked about it in a book. so yeah.. sure... his normal voice would sound like jango.. but... blah **** it.

There are two asses in Massassi... and I'm one of them.
The Matrix Unplugged|My Portfolio|My Levels
2004-08-02, 7:00 PM #47
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by finity5:
DIE LUCASARTS!!!!! BAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!1</font>

They may make sub-par games, but they aren't responsible for these happenings.
"Well ain't that a merry jelly." - FastGamerr

"You can actually see the waves of me not caring in the air." - fishstickz
2004-08-02, 8:04 PM #48
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Echoman:
They should add a part where pieces of debris from the exploded Death Star fall down upon them. Fire and death everywhere.


that would have to be one hell of a huge explosion to propel debris to another system.

I have found that you can transform your character solely by the power of belief: as you believe yourself to be, so you shall become over time.
2004-08-02, 8:26 PM #49
Kinda sad that after Boba was really hyped because he was so mysterious he's just a clone. Same for the Stormtroopers.

I bet if that backstory had been released right after ESB came out he wouldn't of been as hyped and thus not in the prequels.

"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
2004-08-02, 8:37 PM #50
JediGreedo just made a very good point. Midichlorians anyone? The prequels were supposed to add to what made the originals so great, not hurt the originals. It bothers me that a GUNGAN is going to be in Return of the Jedi. A GUNGAN! It is if Lucas doesn't realize that Gungans aren't funny.
2004-08-02, 10:20 PM #51
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Cazor:
he didnt need to change fett's voice. the reason its like that is cause he has one of those voice scrambler things... i thought it was kinda obvious that it was the case based on how he sounded and i belive they talked about it in a book. so yeah.. sure... his normal voice would sound like jango.. but... blah **** it.</font>

Well, his voice would be like Jango's if you follow the prequel origin for Boba. It's different if you follow the EU stories. They even did his voice like it is in ESB for the audio adaptation of the 'Dark Empire' graphic novels. Both when he had his helmet on and when it was removed, his voice sounded pretty much the same, except without the buzzing, mechanical distortion.

I didn't know that David Prowse had originally done the voice of Vader. Heh... you learn something new every day, I guess. But, it's kind of different when the movies have already been out for about 21-27 years and then they change all these things, instead of doing it during production.

... *shrug*

[This message has been edited by spud (edited August 03, 2004).]
2004-08-03, 7:40 AM #52
The more I hear it the more I'm sure it's a hoax.

The author deliberately mentioned the one thing that would drive fans crazy: Gungans in the OT.

I don't believe the stormtroopers could possibly be the clones. It was obviously not what he intended in th OT, and I doubt he'd change that. The Clone Wars were mentioned once in the entire OT. There had to be some definitive end that would erase almost all trace of it from the galaxy.

I could buy Hayden in the end, the Emperor (even though I feel the change from ESB to RotJ displays the warping effects of the Dark Side), and extra planets to the end sequence, but completely changing the feel of the entire thing with new voice-overs ... not in a million years. Do you think people can be removed like that and you wouldn't hear a thing? Christopher Lee made a huge deal about being cut from Return of the King.

Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2004-08-03, 3:24 PM #53
I'm sure all of us are hoping that it is a hoax.
Speaking of the RotJ celebration, why exactly would every planet be celebrating? Wouldn't Mos Eisley appreciate the empire more since they're probably more lenient with crime bosses and etc? How about Coruscant, isn't the city consisted of primarily Imperials? Finally the Gungans, they're pretty much isolated from the rest of society so why would they care about galatic politics? A guy at another forum made a joke at what Lucas might include in the "specialer edition" of RotJ.

"That said, for the Even Specialer Editions, they should show every planet celebrating, like this.

Hoth-A one armed Wampa emerges from his cave, sniffing at the air. His eyes go wide and he throws his one arm up, screaming "FREEDOM!"

Dagobah-The creature that tried to eat Artoo emerges from the murky water, throws up his arms and starts dancing around. He grabs a random droid and pops it into his mouth, which he opens wide for the camera as he swallows it down.

Yavin IV-Everything is silent, until suddenly, the giant temples themselves grow arms and legs and spurt under the ground, dancing around with each other.

Cut to stock footage of Martin Luther King, Jr. saying "Free at last, Free at last, good god almighty, free at last!" with no explanation, then cut to the next scene.

Geonosis-Geonosis is empty, but slowly, a single baby Geonosian peeks his head out from the hive. His nose-thing twitches, eyes adjusting to the light as he looks up to the sky and see's fireworks. He smiles broadly, slowly walking out of his hive for what must be the first time in years. He looks back to the entrance, waving his friends on. Slowly, a hundred Geonosians begin to crawl out carefully, then they all start flooding out and begin to make weird clicky sounds that can only mean 'Freedom!'

Kamino-For some reason that they'll think up an explanation for later, the Clones, in full armor, are dancing around with each other, yelling 'EVERYBODY PARTY! WE'RE FREE!' Taun We rolls her eyes lovingly, then proceeds to make out with Lama Su ( dude, you know he's tapping that )

Asteroid-The Space Slug emerges from his home, coughing up a few Mynocks before he yells triumphantly "At last the chains of oppression are shed, at long last I will know the same peace and freedom my forefathers did! How could I survive by eating metal, especially when I never get to eat any out in the middle of nowhere?"

Endor-We see Emperor Palpatine's body, still falling from his plunge down the Core Shaft, falling through the air. The camera zooms in and we see he's got a happy smile on his face, raising the roof with his hands and saying "Everyone's Freeeeee!" As it turns out, when Sith die they automatically realize the error of their ways and get happy that they died. Also, they reverse age, so it's actually Monkey-Eyes Old Woman Emperor who we see. And there's gungans in the background."
2004-08-03, 3:37 PM #54
the hoth one had me laughing.

I have found that you can transform your character solely by the power of belief: as you believe yourself to be, so you shall become over time.

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