Why is Wolfy's sig so long?
Also, I agree with Emon. There's very rarely a clear cut winner, and you're obviously going to claim your own candidate won.
But in MSNBC's defense, Clinton was being asked certain questions because of her brash and instable stance on those topics. Obama has usually been clear on his stances, where Clinton tends to say a few different things (And this isn't criticism. I'm not saying she flip flops or is inconsistent, she's just not a very pointed speaker, nor does she have very clear policies) that the moderators were trying to get 'right.'
I think it's interesting that Barack brings his deep ideals, moral footing, philosophical understandings, and political microscope to the table, and Hilary's debate tactics consist of "day one" and her socialized medicare plan. I have never heard her develop a whole point without using rhetoric or one of those two talking points.
Last but not least, the entire plagiarism thing is a cheap political jab, and a highly baseless one at that. All three of them have their general speeches written for them. They all have staffers that suggest lines and ideas to use in debates. Hilary's just pointing out something they've all done, and is making it a big issue. I don't think Obama nor McCain are low enough to stoop to her level and argue about using other people's words. If they were, they might criticize her for "We can do it!" chants.
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