He's in "Antesignani Alliance" Corp: Clan 86. I believe this was all before my time so...
I'm sorta broke(r)...
Depends on what kind of fight you're talking about. A newb frigate with a web is technically "useful". For the record I've been in about 3ish months and can fly battleships. Skills are less of a problem than money however. Flying a Battleship is stupid if you can't even afford to insure it and thus become a very poor person when it gets ganked.* Also: You should pay more attention to your Reaper, it might have an "accident" while you're just sitting there for several minutes...
Veger: If you REALLY want your own 0.0 space, you've got to come to terms with the fact that EVE is a lot like the real world in that there isn't really any unclaimed territory (Now anyway). If you want to claim territory, you'd better be able and willing to kick someone in the teeth and take it from them and then hold on to it, kind of like Israel I guess, or be useful enough to your new overlords for them to mostly ignore you. If you try to play good guy you'll only end up in a painful position.
* I don't get Empire Hulk pilots. The Jew in me cringes every time I see one in a 1.0. The improvements a Hulk offers over a Covetor in Empire, being basically a couple thousand extra m3 of cargo space, are very much not worth the 100m3 price tag that comes with it when you could get the Covetor for 20m. Such a massive waste of ISK... Tsk, Tsk. Especially when someone goes and blows it up, suicide gank or not...
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.